Working Prophet

Chapter 784: Infinite Merits

Yang Zhengde was born in 1945. He is 78 years old this year. He was an ordinary boiler worker in a glass factory. Later, he followed his cousin to Shenzhen to pan for gold and made his first gold by reselling corn.

This money also gave Yang Zhengde a taste of the sweetness. Later, he found a way to apply for a personal industrial and commercial business license, but the things he did had nothing to do with the main business above. Basically, he just resold whatever he made to make money.

At that time, there was a saying in the society called "One billion people and 900 million are down, and 100 million are still looking for it."

It is talking about the fact that after the implementation of the dual-track system, due to the huge gap between planned prices and unplanned prices, many people diverted resources within the system to make money outside the system.

Yang Zhengde is also one of them. He became a millionaire early on, and even drove a Santana.

However, the good times did not last long. Soon he was arrested for speculation and all the money he earned was confiscated. Yang Zhengde's wife could not bear such a blow and fell ill.

As a result, Yang Zhengde suffered a setback for the first time in his life because he had no money for medical treatment. After he was released from prison, he returned to his hometown, contracted the glass factory where he worked before, and became the director.

The glass factory before Yang Zhengde took over almost suffered losses year after year, and there was a lot of backlog of glass produced. It only took Yang Zhengde one year to help the glass factory turn losses into profits. Three years later, Yang Zhengde made tens of millions of profits, which made Yang Zhengde return to work again. The pinnacle of life.

However, bad luck soon struck Yang Zhengde again. The prosperity of the glass factory aroused the jealousy of some people. Not only did Yang Zhengde lose his position as factory director, he was also imprisoned again for unwarranted corruption and bribery.

His wife couldn't bear such a blow, her old illness relapsed, and she died of illness not long after. After Yang Zhengde was released from prison, he also left his hometown, returned to Shenzhen, and re-established a new glass factory.

Not only did the sales quickly surpass that of the old factory, but it also started international business and eventually became the glass king it is today.

In fact, Li Yu had also heard of the name Yang Zhengde, because as the latter said himself, he had been making donations to charity for many years, and there was a lot of related news.

Even if only half of it is true, he has donated billions in real money, obviously not just for show or tax deduction.

After Yang Zhengde and Li Yu finished talking about their plans to invest 6 billion to build a modern school in the northwest, the car was approaching the airport.

Yang Zhengde said, "I have just been talking about my own affairs. Mr. Li is tired of listening."

Li Yu shook his head. "No, Boss Yang's story is very exciting."

Yang Zhengde did not beat around the bush and said straightforwardly, "Do you know if you have met the criteria for Mr. Li to help me reincarnate? I can pay Mr. Li two million first, and then three million after the matter is completed."

Just as Li Yu was about to speak, his pocket started to vibrate, so he said, "Boss Yang, wait a moment."

After speaking, Li Yu took out his mobile phone. Before getting in the car, he sent a message to Zhang Hai and others, asking them to stop what they were doing and collect and sort out the information about the donors of the Medical Technology Building of G City People's Hospital.

About twenty minutes later, Hao Xiaoxiao was the first to complete the homework and sent the document.

After that came Ma Yuhan, and the one just now belonged to Zhang Hai.

Li Yu clicked on the report submitted by the three people and scanned it roughly, then closed the phone and said calmly.

"Boss Yang, you are a smart man and should not make such a mistake."

"how do I say this?"

"How can something like helping people reincarnate be true? I just relied on these tricks to make a living, but I didn't expect that I disturbed the Buddha."

Yang Zhengde looked a little disappointed when he heard this, "The rumors about you are indeed very bizarre, but they were told to me by a very trusted friend of mine. Alas, but he must be kind-hearted. He knew that I didn't have much time left, so he let me come." Take your chances."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Seeing that the airport terminal was in front of him, Li Yu picked up his briefcase again.

The car finally stopped in front of the departure hall. Li Yu pushed half of the door open and thought of something again.

"Oh, by the way, thank you for taking me to the airport." After saying that, he extended a hand, but Yang Zhengde did not shake his hand.

He just said lightly, "You have gone astray at a young age. You may be famous for a while, but it is destined to be short-lived. I hope you can do well and don't pay an irreparable price like I did."

Li Yu didn't care. He took back his hand and said, "I've learned a lesson." After saying that, he played A8.

Yang Zhengde frowned slightly as he watched Li Yu's figure disappear through Gate 11.

The middle-aged man in the passenger seat said, "Mr. Yang, it's a pity, he's just a liar."

Yang Zhengde said, "It's hard to say now."

"Well, but didn't he admit it himself?"

"If he is really a liar and I paid him five million for nothing, why wouldn't he want it?"

"Perhaps he is less courageous? He can be sentenced to a long time for defrauding five million. He said it himself. He just wants to make a living and doesn't want to mess with the real big shots." The middle-aged man said.

Yang Zhengde shook his head, "I will not misjudge the person. He got into my car, knew my identity, and talked to me calmly. Such a person has obviously seen the world, and the world is big. How could it be possible that he was just relying on some tricks to make ends meet as he said?

"And didn't you check that none of the people who signed contracts with him paid him a penny?"

"Maybe you want to take a long-term view?"

"It doesn't look like it." Yang Zhengde said, "The Third Age behind him is also very strange. This company seems to be quite big, and it cooperates with many big companies, but after asking around, I found that no one seems to know about it. .”

The middle-aged man thought for a while, "How about I ask Bureau Wang to send someone to invite him to the police station for tea before that kid comes to G City next time?"

"What's the charge? He didn't break the law."

"pick a quarrel."

"It's inappropriate," Yang Zhengde shook his head, "If he is real, we try not to offend him. If he is fake, there is not much point in arresting him."

"At least it's not just venting your anger. It will make our trip in vain, and he won't know about it. It's just a normal investigation." The middle-aged man disagreed.

“In life, just like in business, we must pay attention to making more friends and fewer enemies, and peace is the most important thing.”

Yang Zhengde closed his eyes in the back seat, "Don't touch him and think of other ways. I can afford to wait."

Li Yu had already passed the security check and entered the waiting room. He first went to a convenience store and bought an eight-yuan bottle of high-priced mineral water. He opened the bottle and took a few sips, and then opened the document Hao Xiaoxiao sent him. .

There is a news item there from last year, about an interview with Yang Zhengde, in which he explained why he would rather donate all his money than raise wages and improve the working environment for factory employees.

Li Yu glanced at it twice before closing the document and going to use Douyin.

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