Working Prophet

Chapter 783 Pixiu

"You resigned?" Li Yu raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, but the work at hand still needs to be handed over. In addition, it will take about a month for the company to recruit new people." Wang Guowei said while eating.

"Why did you quit suddenly?"

“Because there was a new senior executive in the company, and he started to enforce discipline as soon as he took office. I was only five minutes late for work, and he was named and criticized in front of everyone, and he also gave me a low score for this month.

"But the problem is that I've been working overtime for four days in a row, and I don't leave until after midnight every day. So what if I'm five minutes late in the morning?"

Wang Guowei sneered, "And isn't there an old saying? When a company starts to enforce discipline, it is not far from being finished. There may be something wrong later, so I am too lazy to stay and continue to suffer."

"Then did you find a home in advance?" Li Yu asked.

"Yes, I found a senior to help me make an internal recommendation. He is in a quite large Internet company." Wang Guowei said, "If I can join the company, my salary can probably double what I am now."

"That's pretty good."

"But to be honest, I don't know if I should continue doing this." Wang Guowei said, "Although I will get more money by changing jobs, I will definitely have to work extra hours, and maybe the extra work will be even worse.

"I tried cooking today and found it to be quite interesting, but washing the dishes is a bit troublesome."

"You can use the dishwasher. I've already placed an order, and it should be delivered tomorrow." Li Yu said.

"I was thinking, how about I open a restaurant?"

Hearing this, Li Yu almost spat out the half-eaten rice in his mouth, "Calm down, the compliment I just gave was just a friendly one. Even if you learn to cook from a video, your cooking skills are still far from being able to open a restaurant." .

After a pause, Li Yu added, "Of course, if you want to say that opening a restaurant is your dream all along, then you can give it a try.

"But catering is also very hard. Unless it's a big restaurant, you have to do everything by yourself. You have to get up before dawn every day to purchase goods and prepare dishes..."

"Okay, okay, I'm just saying casually." Wang Guowei waved his hand and leaned back, "Ah, why aren't there any jobs that make a lot of money and are easy at the same time?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid it will have to wait until after you die." Li Yu said.

Wang Guowei rolled his eyes, "Then I will die now."

Having said that, he is a bit reluctant to part with those masterpieces that are about to be released.

After finishing the meal, Wang Guowei was lying on the sofa watching TV, enjoying a rare period of his salty life. He saw on the news that there had been a lot of extreme weather in various places recently, so he said to Li Yu who was washing dishes in the kitchen.

"Why do I feel like there have been more natural disasters recently?"

"Well, it is said that the climate has changed, but the problem should not be too serious." Li Yu said, "Similar situations have occurred in human history. For example, there were many natural disasters during the Little Ice Age in the Ming Dynasty."

"That's right. Today's technology is so advanced. Even if the climate fluctuates, there are ways to solve it."

Wang Guowei didn't take it too seriously and continued to indulge. After a while, he said again, "Brother Li, where is the Persian cat from last time? You can borrow it again and let me play with it for two days. I need to pet the cat now." Regain your strength.”

Li Yu paused while washing the dishes, "I can help you ask, but I advise you not to have too much hope."

"All right."

In the next two days, Wang Guowei arrived home quite early, and he was very enthusiastic about cooking. With him cooking, Li Yu could eat steaming meals every time he went back, although Wang Guowei's cooking skills were erratic.

When it comes to finding a job, Li Yu also remembered that he still had a recruitment quota that was useless.

His current rank is P6, with a fixed salary of 32,000. According to the regulations of the Third Discipline, the salary of other employees in the project department is one-third of his fixed salary.

In other words, Zhang Yanlin and others' current salary is over 10,000, which is higher than before, and he can only recruit new people up to this level.

Combined with the company's environment and work schedule, it should be quite attractive, but compared to the Internet companies in City B, it is definitely still not enough.

Li Yu probably asked about the company Wang Guowei was interviewing for, and the salary was almost three times what he could offer, so he didn't mention it to Wang Guowei.

After Wang Guowei experienced Tao Yuanming's leisurely life for a few days, he naturally started clamoring for money again.

Seeing that he had regained his energy, Li Yu ignored him and focused on his work.

Probably because the good reputation accumulated in the past began to ferment, during this period, several target customers came to the door, hoping that Li Yu could help them reincarnate.

At times like this, Li Yu became more careful. Zhang Hai and the others became busy. They paused the production of short videos and began to go out to investigate.

Li Yu selected those who had better compatibility with Shuangxiujiao, signed labor contracts with them, took away their souls after their death, and took them to another universe plane.

And one afternoon, Li Yu just signed up as a high school physics teacher and came out of the hospital.

A black Audi A8 stopped in front of him, and a middle-aged man stepped out of the car. He was about 1.8 meters tall, with short hair and a strong build. He most likely served as a soldier when he was young.

His attitude was very polite. When meeting, he first said hello, "Mr. Li."

Li Yu stopped and asked, "Who are you?"

"My surname is Zheng. You may not know me, but you should know my boss." The middle-aged man said, "The medical technology building on your right was donated by my boss."

Li Yu raised his head and glanced, "Then your boss has a good heart."

"Yes." The middle-aged man said, "Boss Yang always likes to do good deeds and do good deeds. He wants to have a chat with you. I wonder if you have time?"

Li Yu glanced at the watch on his hand, "But I still have to catch a flight."

"It doesn't matter, we have a car that can take you to the airport just in time. It won't delay your trip." The middle-aged man said while making a sign of invitation.

"Then let's go." Li Yu didn't refuse after hearing this and got into the car.

Apart from the driver, there was only an old man in the back seat of the car. His eyes were bright but his complexion was average. He looked like he had been ill for a long time.

Considering that the other party's financial resources have not been cured so far, Li Yu estimated that it was a terminal illness.

Sure enough, not long after Li Yu sat down, the old man couldn't wait to speak and said, "I heard from a friend that Mr. Li, you seem to be able to help people reincarnate."

Li Yu did not answer, but asked, "What friend?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, I don't mean any harm." The old man sighed, "My life has been full of ups and downs. Fortunately, I was lucky in the end. I earned wealth that most people cannot earn in several lifetimes. , but my wife and son both left me one after another due to accidents.

"Especially the death of my only son made me realize that money is not everything. Since then, I have started to do charity, donating to hospitals and schools. In the past 20 years, I have donated to more than 100 schools.

"And every time for earthquake relief, my company and I have always insisted on donating money, ranging from several million to hundreds of millions."

"Mr. Yang is very generous," Li Yu said.

"It's all right," the old man said. "I make money from society, so I should naturally give it back to society. If you just eat without vomiting, wouldn't you become a brave man?"

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