Working Prophet

Chapter 776 The Iron Legion makes its grand appearance

The composition of the new Iron Legion on the resistance side can be described as diverse.

Among them are agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters, tractors, and balers, as well as construction equipment such as bulldozers, forklifts, and concrete mixers.

Without exception, they were all contributed by [Environmental Frog]. This little frog has been on Bratis Continent for almost 800 days. According to the frequency of one piece of garbage per day, it has also picked up almost 800 pieces of garbage.

And after observation, Li Yu found that this little kid quite likes to pick up big things. I wonder if it’s because in its eyes, big is good.

In short, even the abandoned iron tower was brought back by the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult. It seems reasonable to bring some mechanical equipment with him later.

But the problem is that these things either burn diesel or gasoline, which cannot be self-produced in a short period of time with the civilization level of the Bratis continent, and can only be brought over by Li Yu from another plane.

This makes the cost of each operation extremely high, and the time they can operate is very short, so the gain outweighs the loss.

If you choose to dismantle it, you can recycle some of the steel parts, but Li Yu felt that it was a pity, so he found a place to pile them up there to eat ashes.

Until this war, the prophets of Shuangxiu Cult thought of them again.

If they were only used occasionally during a battle, Li Yu could still scrape together the fuel needed to drive them.

Later, he also approached Gu Qian and Ge Lipeng and asked them to carry out some weaponization modifications on these civilian machines.

These modern steel creations were originally dimensionality-reducing strikes in medieval warfare, and their power and defense capabilities far exceeded this era.

If a knight in plate armor is a mobile fortress, then a bulldozer is the equivalent of Macross.

And at Li Yu's request, Ge Lipeng also removed all the glass windows and replaced them with thick steel plates. At the same time, the body was also strengthened, leaving only a long and narrow viewing port on the front windshield.

In fact, according to his original expectation, he didn't even want to leave this observation hole, he just sealed it all and inserted a periscope on the roof of the car.

However, his idea was rejected by other traversers, because the periscope looked too awkward, and the height of the bulldozer itself was already very high, even leaving a hole in front for the driver would not be too dangerous.

If someone who doesn't have any eyesight dares to charge forward, he can just kill everyone, including both men and horses.

After such a transformation, the bulldozer directly turned into an armored vehicle, and it didn't need to attack much. As long as it stabbed into the crowd, it could immediately shovel a bloody path.

However, the excavator is obviously better in terms of operating experience. Compared with the shovel in front of the bulldozer, the robotic arm is undoubtedly more flexible.

You can even "wave" to provoke the noble knight on the opposite side, wait for the opponent to rush over, and then flick the opponent lightly with your claws, just like flicking a fly, the opponent will be directly thrown away.

But the most shocking visual effect has to be the combine harvester. The header in front rotates and the blades fly, turning it into a veritable meat grinder.

Wherever they passed, the enemy troops scattered and fled in all directions, only hating their parents for not giving them two more legs.

The addition of this mechanical squad and the accompanying black dog guards has greatly increased the pressure on the coalition forces.

Although the casualties are still not unbearable, just like those Italian cannons, these strange steel behemoths brought an extremely strong mental impact to the enemy.

More and more people are beginning to believe that there are really gods behind the rebels.

Tristan didn't care about face anymore, he still put victory first, and seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse for himself, he decisively sent someone to ask for help from the Yi people behind him.

However, those Wing Clan fighters completely ignored his plea for help, and didn't even look this way.

All of their attention was on the white dragon, each of them felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Perhaps remembering the defeat at the hands of the White Queen before, the Storm Lord raised his head and roared, intending to regain his position.

But for some reason, that dragon roar sounded a bit strong, and although the green dragon screamed vigorously, it was reluctant to move forward until those Yi tribesmen waved their spears in their hands, even drinking and frightening, it was reluctant. It flew forward for a while.

However, during this short distance, Qinglong turned his head back frequently, with resentful eyes, like a young daughter-in-law who has been pissed off.

On the other hand, Bai Long on the opposite side was calm and relaxed.

It wasn't until the green dragon was approaching it that it shook its wings and went up to meet it, the speed was like a bolt of lightning.

The Storm Lord was frightened, and instead of fighting the White Queen, he hurriedly fled back with his tail between his legs.

Qinglong's behavior is simply a disgrace to the giant dragon. At this moment, he doesn't have the aura of the overlord of the sky, but looks like a bereaved dog.

But the Storm Lord was also very wronged. Among the three dragons, it was the least able to fight, and the White Queen's strength skyrocketed for some reason.

Before it teamed up with the Red Death, it couldn't beat the White Queen at all, and the Red Death was still seriously injured, and now it was left alone. Qinglong was not stupid, so of course he didn't want to die.

Fortunately, the task assigned to it by those Yi people was not to let it defeat the White Death God, but to attract the latter.

And those Wing tribe warriors were already ready. They were divided into a team of ten people, and they were divided into more than twenty teams. Half of the teams were holding battle spears, and the other was holding iron chains.

This is a dragon-hunting technique passed down from the ancestors of the Wing tribes. The person holding the war spear is responsible for harassing the dragon, attracting its attention, and creating an opportunity for the person carrying the iron chain to put the iron chain on the dragon's wings. superior.

As long as the giant dragon can be tied down to lose its ability to fly and fall from a high altitude, even if it does not die, it will only have half its life left.

The only problem is that Solomon originally prepared a thousand people to carry out this dragon hunting plan.

However, the sudden curse caused heavy losses to the Yi Clan army, and a certain amount of manpower had to be left to guard Lake City to guard against possible changes in the city. In the end, only 300 people were squeezed out.

And in just a few days, more than 20 of the 300 people were entangled by the lingering curse and lost their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, only 270 people could actually participate in the final operation, far below Solomon's psychological bottom line.

Especially considering that the opponent they had to face this time was extremely powerful, the manpower was obviously a bit stretched.

But Solomon had no other choice. He could no longer gather more people, so he could only hope that these three hundred people could perform miracles and defeat the rebellious White Queen.

Only in this way can they possibly win this battle.

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