Working Prophet

Chapter 775 There is still new life

Tristan became angry and sent out all the supervisory teams in his hand, and after experiencing the initial shock, he has now noticed that there is a period of time between the Italian cannons firing every time.

It still takes a long time to reload the local guns produced by the Shuangxiu Academy, especially in the case of lack of training for the gunners, it takes only four or five minutes to reload them quickly.

If it wasn't because they were stunned by the first round of artillery fire, the dwarves who ran at the front had actually rushed into the enemy's line, but because of caution and hesitation, they suffered another round of bombardment.

Aware of this, Tristan immediately urged the army to continue charging, as long as they crossed the dozens of iron pipes, they would be safe, and they might be able to snatch away these terrifying things that made loud noises and emitted white smoke.

Tristan doesn't know how to use these things, but as long as the other side can't use them, it will be fine. Anyway, they have an absolute upper hand in terms of numbers.

The new order was quickly brought to the front by the herald, but the dwarves remained indifferent.

Although Tristan is the nominal commander of this army, not everyone is commanded to act. Those imperial nobles may still listen to him for the sake of the Pangrose family.

The dwarves have always only listened to Balin's words.

When the dwarf general was still alive, Tristan had always disliked him, but Balin was greedy and was still willing to be reasonable.

After his death, those dwarves became even more out of control. Some people wanted to avenge Bahrain and rushed to fight the enemy on the opposite side. There was a big quarrel.

Tristan was really anxious. Seeing this, he ignored the dwarves and took the lead, leading a group of Imperial soldiers to continue charging.

Seeing that the coach had moved, the people below also felt encouraged. They temporarily overcame the fear caused by the artillery and followed Tristan forward.

But at this time, the twenty-seven Italian guns were about to complete their third round of loading.

This time the female lord changed to shotgun.

Compared with solid bullets, the range of shotgun shells is much shorter, and the shells can no longer be ejected, but their lethality is stronger. Once the iron nails and iron pieces filled in it are scattered, they can be counted down in an instant. Ten enemy troops.

This time it was the turn of the imperial lords and their warriors to suffer.

They were about to rush in front of those Italian cannons, but they were hit in the face by such a blow. Immediately, a large number of people fell on their backs, wailing all over the field.

And this time more people died, so some people couldn't help but retreat. The twenty-seven big black iron pipes were about to become their nightmare.

But how could Tristan just watch the army retreat again?

Well, it's an infinite loop. No matter how many people there are on our side, I'm afraid they all have to answer here today.

Tristan asked his attendants and personal guards to follow him and shouted, "Kill the past, the only way to survive is to kill the past! Their holy artifacts can't be activated all the time!!!"

The female lord followed the sound and looked in the direction of the allied commander, slightly surprised. She didn't expect that the other party would discover the weakness of the Italian cannon so quickly.

However, killing thousands of people on the opposite side after three rounds was enough, and then the real battle should begin.

Seeing that the enemy troops were getting closer and closer, the female lord ordered the artillerymen to retreat in advance in order to prevent the precious Italian cannons on hand from being destroyed.

Afterwards, he personally blew the horn for counterattack and began to lead the charge towards the enemy in front of him.

The two torrents of steel kept getting closer and finally converged, and the winner was quickly determined.

Many people from the coalition army were stunned by the previous three rounds of shelling, and their formation was also disrupted. When they charged against the cavalry on the opposite side, they were quickly dispersed again.

But the disadvantage of the rebel army is that there are too few people. Although they gained the upper hand in the first wave of knight confrontation, they were soon surrounded by enemies in almost all directions.

Miss Rabbit was guarded by three hundred elite members of the Arias family led by Thomas and Duron, especially Thomas, who had followed Ilea for a long time, and naturally knew the female lord's martial arts thoroughly.

Before the expedition, he secretly made up his mind to protect the safety of the female lord and not let any enemies get close.

The girl drew her gun in her hand and looked around, but couldn't find a suitable target. She was afraid of accidentally injuring the surrounding friendly forces, so she couldn't just shoot randomly.

However, as time went by, more and more guards on the outside fell, and the female lord finally found an opportunity to participate in the battle.

Her marksmanship is very accurate, and she only finds experts to aim at. Whoever is good at martial arts will be targeted by the girl and rewarded with a bullet. After a while, the female lord killed four people in a row.

They also included two nobles, causing chaos among the warriors under their command, and allowing everyone in the Arias family to take a breather.

Tristan on the other side was also taking the lead, killing an enemy with his own hands, beheading the latter, and then looked up at the situation on the battlefield.

Although the casualties of the coalition forces were far greater than those of the rebels, what Tristan was most afraid of was a war of attrition, and as the two sides fought together, those wicked big iron pipes of the female lord would be useless.

At the same time, the coalition forces gradually began to stabilize their position after the initial panic. If this continues, the final victory will still be theirs.

Even though the process was a bit tortuous, it was not as easy as expected.

Just as Tristan was thinking about it, he saw a group of strange things appearing not far away.

There are red ones, green ones and yellow ones, in different sizes and shapes, but they are all made of iron without exception, and they can even run, and many of them are still emitting black smoke.

The most conspicuous one had huge steel arms on its head. They were quickly inserted into the battlefield under the escort of a group of black knights, and soon began to show their power.

With a casual wave of that iron arm, the coalition soldiers in front were swept away.

There is also a large khaki iron lump with a row of long blades in front, and those blades are constantly rotating.

Upon seeing this, a brave knight slapped his horse and rushed forward. As a result, the next moment he and his horse were caught in the blades, and their flesh and blood were cut to pieces.

As long as Tristan sees the new gadgets created by the Shuangxiu Sect, he feels chills in his heart, and he is also somewhat dissatisfied with the Figueirola family.

As the Lord of the West, the Shuangxiu Sect had done so many terrible things under their noses, and the Figuerola family didn't even know anything about it.

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