Working Prophet

Chapter 759 Dragon Battle

Early the next morning, as soon as the sky was bright, Li Yu ordered Bailong to take off again.

According to the information provided by Hugh who was lurking in the Golden Valley, Solomon and his 10,000 troops had already arrived at the Cape of Plenty, and had rested for two days, and they might launch an attack on the western border at any time.

So the destination of Li Yu and others' trip was also Corner of Fenggrao.

The last time they came here, they had been warmly received by the city lord, especially when Li Yu performed a miracle and cured the residents of the city troubled by syphilis and Wilder's granddaughter.

After returning from the royal capital, the head of the Singleton family simply gave his granddaughter to the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult as a guard and student.

However, with the defeat of the lords of the Golden Valley, Wilder had led his confidants and the remaining hundreds of guards to flee the city.

Then Cape of Plenty was occupied by the dwarves. They emptied the singleton family's treasury, and then waved their battle axes, rushed into the taverns, houses and shops in the city and began to rob and massacre.

The war has lasted for so long, and too much hatred has been accumulated between the two sides, which needs blood to release.

If Solomon hadn't planned to use troops in the west and chose Cape Plenty as a bridgehead, this city would have been reduced to a scorched earth.

But now this city that has changed its gates only has a strong hostility towards the former visitors.

When he was approaching the Corner of Plenty, Li Yu took out another necklace from his backpack and put it on Ilea's neck with his own hands.

"What is this?" Miss Rabbit asked curiously, stroking the rough gold coin under the rope.

"The amulet." Li Yu said, "It can provide you with protection."

——[The Asylum of Destiny] This 3-star equipment was taken out by Li Yu as a promotion gift. Its function is to protect the user from a fatal attack.

The effect was quite practical, but Li Yu couldn't use it himself, so he gave it to Ilea.

The girl happily accepted the new necklace, "I will always wear it."

But then she became troubled again, "You have given me a lot of things since we fell in love, but I haven't decided what to give you yet."

"It doesn't matter, I don't need anything."

"It's because of this that I have been undecided, or... I will give you the Fortress? Anyway, I think those savages are more willing to obey your orders than me."

Li Yu shook his head, "I'm not a lord, so it's useless to ask for so much land."

Miss Rabbit scratched her head, "Then, then..."

Her words were interrupted by a dragon roar not far away, and then the girl saw a cyan figure rising in the sky above the Cornucopia.

The figure was flying towards them at an incredible speed.

It was a blue dragon, slightly smaller than the White Queen, but its flying speed seemed to be faster.

It was like a strong wind, flying in front of the four people in the blink of an eye.

Then it growled twice at Bailong, and a look of hesitation flashed in Bailong's huge pupils.

But at this moment, the green dragon actually started to move, and grabbed the white dragon's chest with one claw.

The white dragon was frightened and angry. Although it tried its best to dodge, its movements were not as fast as the green dragon's, and the other party attacked first.

It was not able to completely avoid the claws. The sharp claws collided with the scales, making a harsh scratching sound, which made Miss Rabbit just want to plug her ears.

Then blood sprinkled from the air, and a long wound appeared on Bailong's chest.

As if stimulated by the smell of blood surrounding him, Qinglong became more and more excited, flapped his wings and charged forward again.

The two dragons soon fought together, one claw at a time and the other with one claw at the other.

White Dragon has the upper hand in terms of strength, while Qinglong is obviously good at speed. White Dragon has the advantage in this kind of close-to-hand combat.

However, because it had to take care of the four people on its back, it was somewhat unable to let go of its hands and feet, and the two sides were inextricably linked to each other for a while.

Miss Rabbit wanted to pull out the flintlock gun from her waist to help Bailong, but Bailong's body was shaking too much now.

She had to hold the scales tightly with both hands to prevent herself from being thrown off the dragon's back, and she couldn't free her hands to shoot.

And that's not the worst part, the female lord also caught a glimpse of another red dragon flying out of the woods below her.

The red dragon is bigger than the white queen, and the scales on its body exude a strange light in the sun. It looks like an ancient king, and it is very difficult to mess with at first sight.

The white dragon is already fighting very hard. If the red dragon also joins the battle, Miss Rabbit doesn't know how the white dragon can resist.

The situation suddenly became extremely critical, and Zhu Zhigang behind him was ready to take action, but Li Yu said, "Don't panic."

After saying that, he put one hand on the dragon's neck and gave the white dragon a [Dragon Slaying Seal] blessing.

This is the new divine ability that Li Yu has just opened recently.

[Seal of the Dragon Slayer] can increase the strength, agility and endurance of the blessed person by 50% each within 45 minutes.

A fifty percent improvement doesn't sound too strong, but its actual effect is quite terrifying.

Especially for masters, their strength, agility, and endurance have basically reached the limits of their bodies, and any slight improvement will require great hardship and effort.

A direct improvement of half would already make them half supermen.

Li Yu did an experiment and gave Jude the [Seal of Dragon Slayer]. He could even easily fight against three opponents of the same level.

The three-dimensional dragon is already the top existence on this continent. With the support of the powerful base, the [Dragon-Slaying Seal] also explodes with extremely terrifying effects.

The stalemate of the battle was broken in an instant.

Bailong, who was squirming left and right one moment, dodged Qinglong's thunder blow as if he had knocked down a Snickers bar, and then grabbed Qinglong's chest with his claws.

This time Qinglong couldn't dodge and was caught.

Moreover, its chest was not just a simple opening, but a piece of flesh and blood was directly torn off.

Qinglong cried out in pain, but at this time its companion finally arrived.

The red dragon, who did not believe in evil, bit the white dragon's neck, but the latter turned around and stuck its tail on his face. The crisp sound made Miss Rabbit feel pain when she heard it.

The red dragon was also a little confused by this tail slap, spinning in circles with the magic of love in the air.

However, Qinglong regained his fighting spirit and wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge. He regrouped and pounced on him again. However, he did not expect that the red dragon, the strongest among the three dragons, would become so incompetent this time. He was beaten unconscious as soon as they met.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qinglong turned around and wanted to run away, but Bailong obviously still remembered the sneak attack before, and with a wave of his claws, he pulled another piece of flesh from one of Qinglong's legs.

The red dragon, who recovered at the critical moment, arrived again and rescued the green dragon, but it was obviously much more cautious and no longer attacked rashly.

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