Working Prophet

Chapter 758: Help me keep an eye on spring plowing

Lanita was frightened when she heard that Li Yu said he wanted to plant a curse on her.

However, she was now being pinned to the ground and unable to struggle. She could only watch helplessly as the needle of the syringe penetrated into her skin.

Fortunately, the weird curse ceremony did not last long. Soon Li Yu put away the empty syringe, put on the needle, and carefully stored it in a sealed bag.

Then he signaled the two Black Dog Guards to let go of the Wing Clan girl.

The first thing Lanita did after getting up was to check her arm.

She saw a few drops of blood seeping out from the needle hole, but other than that, there seemed to be nothing unusual, and the pain only lasted a short moment.

She later moved her wrists and ankles to confirm that her body was also normal.

But the Wing Clan girl didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, the person who did it was Merlin, and Lanita had seen more than one thing in him that went beyond common sense.

She still can't figure out how the other party snatched the White Queen away from her.

"Seven days, right? If Solomon doesn't send troops to attack the West for seven days, you will break the curse for me." Lanita confirmed with Li Yu again.

"As long as Solomon keeps his promise, the curse on you will dissipate on its own when the time comes." Li Yu nodded.

He was not lying, because there was a high probability that the girl from the Wing Clan would not live until that time.

Lanita stared into the eyes of the man in black clothes in front of her, but it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

After that, Li Yu ordered Lanita to be taken out of the dungeon.

The long-lost sunshine made the Wing Clan girl feel a touch of warmth, but before she had time to appreciate the scenery outside the dungeon, her eyes were attracted by a strange figure again.

At first glance, Lanita wasn't even sure if it was a person, because the guy's whole body was wrapped in a strange white dress, with no trace of skin exposed.

Even the eyes were covered behind a transparent film, and the mouth and nose were even more obscured. It looked so weird and weird.

However, the pair of wings behind him still betrayed his identity as a member of the Wing Tribe.

Lanita raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Yasu was not the only one to surrender to Shuangxiujiao.

The girl from the Wing Tribe could not see clearly the appearance of the man, and could only guess that the man in front of her was a fellow traveler from Sharjah.

She wanted to try to chat with the strangely dressed fellow member and find out his identity, but before she could speak, she was pushed by the guard behind her.

So Lanita could only continue walking forward, and was eventually tied to the white dragon's back.

At this time, the female lord also walked out of the castle. Because the distance this time was relatively long and the wind in the sky was stronger when riding a dragon, Ilea specially put on the down jacket that Li Yu gave her.

Then he put on another layer of chain mail and put on a new helmet.

This explosion-proof helmet was picked up by [Environmental Frog] at some point. Seeing that Miss Rabbit likes riding dragons so much, her original bucket helmet blocked her field of vision too much.

Li Yu took it out and asked Ge Lipeng to make some modifications. He sprayed it with pink paint and printed it with the rabbit emblem of the Arias family. Now it looks quite cool.

"Are you ready to go?" Li Yu asked.

The female lord nodded.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little." Miss Rabbit confessed, "But I feel better when I think you will be by my side."

"Then you will command the White Queen this time."

After this period of getting along, Miss Rabbit and Bai Long have become quite familiar with each other, and Li Yu is helping them bridge the gap.

Now even when he is not around, the white dragon no longer resists the female lord climbing on its back, and is willing to follow Ilea's simple instructions when he is in a good mood.

Li Yu planned to let Miss Rabbit and Bai Long develop their relationship again, so that if there was any danger, the girl could escape on the dragon.

Miss Rabbit climbed onto the back of the dragon with the help of Li Yu and fastened her seat belt.

Then Li Yu looked at Zhu Zhigang, who was fully armed, wearing protective clothing, masks and goggles. The latter stretched out his hand and gestured to him.

Li Yu returned the same gesture, and the two of them sat on the dragon's back one after the other.

Miss Rabbit finally glanced at the people in front of the castle.

There are her aunt Alisa, the old knight Alfred, her guard captain Thomas, consultant Fausto, Albus who was picked up by her in Lake City, and her friends Adele and Angie. La...and some nearby nobles, they all came to see her off.

Knowing that Solomon led the army to attack the western region, many nobles either hastily sent people to surrender, or packed up their belongings and took their families and prepared to run away.

Not many people still have the courage to stop that army at this time, and there are only three people in the female lord's party.

Miss Rabbit thought about what she should say at this historic moment, but the words came to her lips.

"Help me keep an eye on the spring plowing... Since those bastards haven't come yet, we still have to farm the land when we need to. It's all money."

Alyssa nodded, "Don't worry, I will be responsible for the farm."

Although the female lord's words were a bit off topic, but at this time she was still thinking about farming to make money, at least it could be seen that the girl was quite sure about her return, and it also made the originally awe-inspiring atmosphere a little easier.

Then Ilea reached out and patted the white dragon's neck, and commanded it to take off using the Wing Clan language she learned from Lanita.

Soon the full white dragon spread its wings and rushed into the sky. It took less than two days to reach the junction of the Western Territory and the Golden Valley.

Miss Rabbit still remembered Li Yu's instructions and asked Bai Long to stop in advance until Li Yu appeared again in the middle of the night.

The prophet of Shuangxiu Cult first went to check on Lanita, who was vomiting under a tree.

After seeing Li Yu, she wiped her mouth and complained, "I have never been tied behind a dragon for such a long time, and it's still with my head down. Can't you change my position?"

"Be patient, we're almost there."

"Great, I can't wait to have a glass of wine." Lanita said while yawning again.

Li Yu took out a Harbin red sausage that he carried with him, "Do you want to eat something more?"

"No, I just want to rest early now. By the way, can you help me take off that thing on my back? It's making me uncomfortable all the way."

The Wing Clan girl pointed to the shackles on her back.


"Okay." Lanita found another tree, leaned against it, and closed her eyes. She looked really tired.

Li Yu observed her for a while, then walked up to the girl from the Wing Clan, took a photo of the corner of her eye with his mobile phone, and saw signs of edema nearby.

This shows that the virus has indeed begun to take effect in her body.

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