Working Prophet

Chapter 563 Healthy Competition

Claudio didn't hesitate after hearing the female lord's explanation of her intention, and readily agreed, regardless of the hard work the girl asked for.

As a result, the next morning, someone came to inform the female lord that she could collect the bonus, which totaled 30,000 gold lions.

In addition, the time for the canonization ceremony has also been set. Tomorrow afternoon, Gars will take the time to allocate land to the top three in this competition.

The female lord is now a vassal of the Marquis of Cullen, because the Green Fields were vassalized by the ancestors of the Figuerra family to the ancestors of the Arias family.

In return, all successive heads of the Arias family must swear allegiance to the Figuerola family and send troops to fight with the Figuerra family when needed.

And if Ilea gets the crab horns from Gars again, then she will also become a vassal of the Vespasian family and be loyal to the two monarchs at the same time.

This situation is relatively rare, but not impossible.

Especially before the establishment of the empire, it is said that a small lord swore allegiance to more than twenty families because he did not want to offend the powerful forces around him.

And his life afterwards was... pretty good. In order to win over him, every monarch gave him a lot of privileges.

However, most people on the continent of Bratis will only be loyal to one monarch in their lives, unless their territories like the female lord come from different monarchs.

Miss Rabbit has not yet decided what to do with the crab horns, but since Gals intends to abide by his father Edward II's promise to give her the harbor, she will keep it first.

The female lord asked Thomas to call twenty guards of the Arias family to get his bonus back.

After that, she dealt with several nobles who came to visit her. With the assassination of Edward II, the coronation of Gars, and the reappearance of the Winged Assassin, Miss Rabbit was robbed of a lot of her limelight.

For a time, people in this city seemed to have forgotten about the new champion who had just been released.

But when Garth sat on the Bone Throne, everything settled, and the female lord had more visitors again.

And all of this has something to do with Kieran and the new recruit Silverhand.

During this time, the two of them have been singing the girl's championship song in the city's taverns, and have been invited by many nobles to perform at their homes. They have successfully helped Miss Rabbit gain another wave of popularity, and attracted a group of people who want to join the duo. Potential disciples of the Sue religion.

Bards, especially those with strong creative abilities and excellent singing voices, are the best mobile advertising spots in this era.

Kieran is basically satisfied with these two points. It's just that he has always been unlucky in the past and couldn't find suitable creative materials, so he was miserable.

Silver Hand's situation is a little different from him. Silver Hand's singing voice is average, and as for his creative ability... it's a bit hard to evaluate.

Writing poetry is not his strong point, but live performances, especially silver hands that incorporate dramatic performances, can be said to be in a class of their own.

This is why his previous "Head!" head! head! "The reason why it can surpass Kieran's "The Return of the Dead".

After joining Shuangxiujiao, Li Yu didn't care about him for the time being and only let him hang out with Jilan first.

The two performed together, with Silver Hand basically acting as Kieran's hand and singing poems written by Kieran.

However, Yin Shou is not satisfied with this. You must know that when they were in Jingudi, the two of them were very good at each other, and they fought fiercely, and it was Yin Shou who often had the upper hand.

As a result, because Kieran hugged his thigh first, and he hugged him a little later, he was pinned down by Kieran, which made Silver Hand feel a little unhappy.

It's not that he hates Kieran that much. After all, there is no deep hatred between the two. They are both Saturday believers and belong to the same camp. They should live in harmony and make progress with each other.

But after fighting for so long, thinking about how to get on top of Kieran has almost become Silverhand's instinct.

If you don't think about it for a day, you will feel unmotivated.

But how can we catch up from behind?

Silverhand also knew that he was indeed inferior to Kieran in poetry writing and singing, so he still had to find another way like before.

And just when he was racking his brains on how to find another way, Silverhand met the Thrush.

Thrush reached the second round of the first Greenfield Open Mic Missionary Event by relying on various modern modified songs. Unfortunately, his stuff was still a bit too new for the people in the audience at the time.

He failed to make persistent efforts to become the top three, and his path later went astray and he became addicted to rock music.

He stopped playing his lyre and developed a drum set by himself. He carried it wherever he went and played it back and forth.

The believers were upset by his beating. When they heard the drums in the distance, they knew he was coming, and they all ran away.

As a result, Thrush's missionary efficiency dropped sharply. It was not until Li Yu later talked to Thrush that he restrained himself, at least no longer engaging in rock-and-roll preaching.

But when it was time to take a break, he would still take out his snare drum and shout a few words while beating it.

"... He understands! He understands! I can't afford it!!! So I turned around and walked towards the sea!!!!"

Silverhand was also shocked when he saw the thrush for the first time. He thought there must be something wrong with this man's brain and that he might not be able to be saved.

But later, Thrush helped Jilan and Silver Hand tutor the teachings and precepts of Shuangxiu, and after a few times, Silver Hand and Thrush became familiar with each other.

The two chatted together, and Silver Hand listened to Thrush talking about the open wheat missionary activities, and then he realized how crazy the monks in the Shuangxiu Church were for missionary work.

After studying all kinds of strange ways of preaching, although most of them failed in the end, Silver Hand still got inspiration.

Especially when the thrush played an allegro at Yinshou's begging, Yinshou was immediately attracted by this novel form of performance.

And directly ignored the exhortation behind the thrush that rock and roll is the future.

That thing is too noisy and messy, no one wants to listen to it, but the Allegro is different, the rhythm is brisk, and there is a magical feeling.

The reason why Hugh, who sang the allegro in the first Greenfield Open Mai missionary activity, failed to achieve good results was mainly because the supporting poems were not well written.

But this part of the content is not a problem for a bard, and compared to Green Field, the artistic atmosphere of Lionheart Castle is not so conservative.

People here are generally more accepting of new things.

Silverhand is going to compete with Kieran by creating a few poems of his own using the new instrument.

Li Yu didn't stop him after he knew about it, and he was happy to see this kind of healthy competition. Music has always been one of the ways of preaching that Li Yu attaches great importance to. He was optimistic about the thrush before.

It's a pity that Thrush was obsessed with rock music and couldn't extricate himself, and then Kieran came. As a bard, his poems are very contagious, and the dissemination effect is also very good.

However, it still focuses on the traditional hymns and heroic poems on the continent of Bratis, and helped Li Yu collect a lot of beliefs. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of singing.

It would be great if Silver Hand is willing to use his brain in this regard.

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