Working Prophet

Chapter 562: Taught

"I didn't know you were so pessimistic. Even if you are as powerful as Saturday, is there anything you can't do?" Cornelia raised her eyebrows.

"This is not pessimism, but pragmatism." Li Yu replied, "In addition, this has nothing to do with the strength of the divine power, it is just...the objective law of things.

"We are mortals with inherent flaws, we will be dominated by desires, and we are destined not to live in Utopia. If we cannot recognize this, we will be swallowed up by disappointment and anger."

"That's why you, Prophet Merlin, have a similar view to those of the Beast God Sect. They both believe that the world is a cruel ice field, where only the strongest beasts can survive, and only enslavement and death await the weak."

"You misunderstood me, I am not a Darwinist. Well, or to put it another way, I believe in the strong as the best in the Beast Cult.

“In fact, on the contrary, I have always had great respect for those who have lofty ideals, sympathize with the weak, and want to change the world.

"It's just that you don't believe we will succeed." The priestess sighed.

"Is this important?"

Li Yu saw Cornelia frowning and explained, "Most people in this world can only passively adapt to the environment. They are either completely tamed by the environment because they have tasted the benefits, or they have ideals but no ability to act.

“Only a very, very small number of people have strong beliefs and are able to put them into action.

"Regardless of whether they succeed in the end, their existence has affected the world and made it a little closer to their ideal world. I think this is enough."

It was the first time for the female lord to see the priestess move.

Cornelia was silent for an extra long time, seeming to be thinking about what Li Yu had just said. After a long time, she bowed slightly and said, "I have learned a lesson."

"You're welcome." Li Yu also returned the courtesy.

"But I still don't think my ideal will fail." The priestess then added.

Li Yu stopped arguing and just said, "Then let time answer."

The priestess nodded, "I take back what I said before, it seems we still have a lot in common.

"It's a pity that the paths we have chosen are different. I still can't understand why you and your gods have such a strong obsession with rest."

"I'm also surprised that you are so popular among the nobles, but you actually choose to side with the common people."

"Because life is equal to everyone." Cornelia repeated the words she said when she first met Li Yu.

"I need power to help me achieve this, just as you also choose your monarch."

As she spoke, she glanced at Ilea beside her, "This is a really interesting choice, but I think I'm starting to understand why you chose her."

After finishing speaking, Cornelia continued without waiting for Li Yu to answer, "I have finished asking my questions, and it's time for me to leave.

"Game of Thrones has begun, and I hope we won't be enemies the next time we meet."

The priestess dropped her last words, put on her cloak, and left the inn.

Miss Rabbit was still confused. Although she had been listening when Li Yu and Cornelia were chatting, she honestly didn't understand much because the content was a bit obscure.

I just vaguely felt that the two seemed to be fighting, and it seemed that Li Yu was winning.

I thought that Saturday and its spokesperson in the world were indeed as unrivaled as ever.

Ilea took out the packaged dolphin patties and asked Li Yu, "Do you want to have some?"

"No, thank you." Li Yu declined.

Miss Rabbit stood in front of the window, eating meat pie while looking at Cornelia's retreating back and said to herself, "Strange, why do I think she doesn't seem so hateful anymore."

"Obviously she sent people to harass me when I first came to the royal capital, and her followers wanted to kill me."

"Because in the end it was you who won the contest and killed the Earth Bear with your own hands."

"Ha, you're right." Thinking of the Earth Bear whose head she had chopped off, the female lord felt refreshed. Sure enough, if you want to laugh away your grudges, the easiest way is to kill your opponent directly. , After that, all the anger disappeared.

The female lord went to Finance Minister Silen early the next morning and asked when she could receive her championship prize.

However, with the successful coronation of the new emperor, the royal council became extremely busy. Ilea waited outside the King's Landing Tower for almost two hours before Sillon came out, and the latter quickly got into his carriage. inside.

Upon seeing this, the female lord stepped forward quickly, but was stopped by Sillon's guards.

Fortunately, Xierlen heard the noise outside and looked out the car window. Seeing that he was the new champion, he asked the guards to let him come over.

However, after hearing the purpose of the female lord's visit, she shook her head.

“Since the prize was decided by the late Emperor, it will definitely be delivered to you in the end, but it’s hard to say when.

"Do you know how many urgent matters have to be dealt with at the imperial meeting now? Those who hand out prizes can only go to the back of the queue first. Don't worry."

Miss Rabbit thought that the Finance Minister said this because he wanted money just like Geoff.

So he was cruel, took out a small cowhide bag from his arms, and secretly handed it over.

Xierlen took the cowhide bag, opened it, and found that it contained gold coins. He didn't count them, but he estimated there were about a hundred coins.

The finance minister was speechless and pushed the bag back.

The female lord said cautiously, "Do you think it's too little? Then...then I'll add two slices of dragon's blood to you?"

"I am in charge of the empire's finances and taxes, do you think I will be short of money?" Xierlun rolled her eyes at the girl.

"The empire's money is not your own." Miss Rabbit muttered, "Besides, no one would think too much of money."


Xierlun shook his head, "I can't take this money, you'd better wait for the prize, I will notify you as soon as there is news."

"Okay." Miss Rabbit put the cowhide bag back and was about to leave when the Minister of Finance coughed again.

"What about the two pieces of dragon's blood?"

The female lord's eyes widened, isn't it, you are already old, are you still so keen on that kind of thing? !

But after thinking about it, perhaps it is precisely because of getting older that the desire for the blood of the dragon becomes more and more.

Although the Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce resold a batch of dragon blood to the royal capital before, the quantity was limited after all, and there were more wolves than meat. As a result, the dignified minister of finance did not have much inventory, so he had to ask Miss Rabbit for it.

But the problem is that this old fox only wants to take advantage of it and doesn't want to do anything.

Miss Rabbit felt that even if she gave him the dragon's blood, she wouldn't be able to get the bonus quickly, so she lied that she didn't have the magic medicine anymore and had to wait until Merlin came to ask Merlin for it, then send it to Sillon's mansion later.

Then she went to visit the second prince Claudio, because Ilea remembered that Claudio once said that as long as he could help him kill the Earth Bear, she could go to him for help with anything in the future.

There is only one update today, everyone should rest early

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