Working Prophet

Chapter 547 Blood Banquet

Even though the chief of the Royal Guards gave his word of assurance, the three of them still insisted that they had no idea about the poison.

Then Du Lun's face darkened, he took out a vial from his arms and pulled out the cork.

"This is the poisoned wine left in His Majesty's wine glass. The three of you don't want to run away, drink it one by one. If you don't know what the poison is, you can only wait to die."

Upon hearing this, the three of them panicked completely and even started biting the others.

Du Lun ignored them and just watched their quarrel with cold eyes, and then made a move to pour out the poisonous wine from the vial.

Finally, the businessman named Talil could not bear it anymore and confessed to Duren that a customer had asked him about the poison three days ago, saying that the lighter the taste and the stronger the poison, the better.

In addition, it must be guaranteed that as long as a person drinks it, he will definitely die.

Tahrir was the most timid among the three. He had a premonition that the man might use the poison to do something shocking, and he was worried that the matter would be exposed and involve him, so he lied and said that he didn't have any on hand.

Seeing that Talil had spoken, another businessman finally confessed, saying that he had also met the customer, but he really didn't have that kind of poison.

After hearing this, Du Lun turned his attention to the third person, the businessman nicknamed Fat Cat.

The latter's complexion became very ugly at this time.

Duren didn't say anything, he just pushed the bottle containing the poisonous wine in front of him.

Fat Cat was frightened out of his wits and said with a sad face, "Can you really guarantee that you won't let the guards arrest me?"

Duren nodded, "I can swear to you on the honor of the Hightower family."

"The Hightower family?" Fat Cat couldn't help but tremble again when he heard the name, "You, are you the captain of the royal guard... Lord Duren."

"This is none of your business." Little Finger scolded, "Tell me everything you know, including where this poison came from and who bought it from you."

The fat cat's expression changed, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and said, "The reputation of the Hightower family has always been very good. I heard that Lord Duren is also a very upright person. Since you are asking me, then I Let me be honest with you too.

"The poison was purchased from a small sect called the Blood Moon Society. It is said that they split from the original Silver Moon Church. Herodotus, the current leader of the Blood Moon Society, was once the high priest of the Silver Moon Church.

"But now it seems that he is wanted by the nobles in the Western Region. In short, that Blood Moon is very good at making poisons. He made a poison that poisoned hundreds of nobles at once in the Scaled City, and Silver There are several priests in the Moon Church.

"They call that thing a blood feast. They may be short of money recently, so they have people bring some blood feasts to Lionheart Castle to sell. But to be honest, the sales are not very good, because the symptoms after poisoning are too obvious. Meet the requirements of most buyers.

"But two days ago, someone came to me and told me his request, and offered a high price of two thousand gold lions. I know I shouldn't do such a thing, but that is really a lot of money. A lot of money.

"I didn't resist the temptation and sold the Blood Feast to him, but I swear if I knew that bastard wanted to use this poison against our great and respectable emperor, I would never sell it no matter how much money he paid. Yes!" Fat Cat emphasized.

Du Lun didn't say anything, but the veins in the hand holding the sword bulged out. Fat Cat was terrified when he saw it, for fear that the person in front of him would suddenly draw his sword and chop him.

Fortunately, the head of the imperial guard was a very trustworthy person, even though he hated the fat cat to the extreme, he didn't draw his sword after all, but just asked.

"Who is the buyer? Do you know what he looks like?"

"How could a person who would do such a thing expose his appearance so easily? He was wearing a gray cloak that covered his body and head. He also covered his face. He was like the other people who came to me to trade. Just like people.”

"Please be sure to recall some more things about that person, it's very important." Du Lun paused word by word.

Fat Cat's calves were trembling, and he thought hard for a while, "By the way, that's a noble. The person who came to me must be a noble. I'm not just saying this because he was generous.

"And also because although I can't see his face, I can see his hands. His skin is whiter than that of ordinary people. Only nobles have that kind of skin color because they don't have to work under the scorching sun in the city. Running around."

"Any more?"

"And..." Fat Cat hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the other two businessmen.

Du Lun understood what he meant and said to the two people, "Okay, there is nothing to do with you here. You can leave. Remember not to talk nonsense about what happened today."

"We know we know." The two thanked Du Lun as if they were pardoned, and left the pickled fish shop in a hurry.

Fat Cat looked at Little Thumb again, but this time Duren shook his head, "He is from the garrison and is my assistant, and I also need a witness to make your testimony more credible."

"Okay." Fat Cat finally gave in, "That person may be from the Wendell family..."

When Du Lun heard the name, his eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the fat cat by the collar and said sharply, "You're lying!"

"I didn't, I really didn't, I can swear that everything I told you is true!" Fat Cat looked like he was about to cry from fright.

"You just said that people who do this kind of thing are usually very careful not to be recognized by others. Why do you insist that the person is from the Wendell family?"

"I didn't... I just said it was possible." Fat Cat said tremblingly, "In fact, he did disguise well, and he didn't wear anything that would reveal his identity. But...

"But when I paid, I saw calluses on the thumb and index finger of his left hand. You also know that there are not many swordsmen who are used to using swords with their left hands in the capital, not to mention that there are calluses on his right hand.

"You can use swords with both hands. The first thing I thought of was the people of the Wendell family, because it seems that only they can practice this way. In addition, I heard that Earl Clyde's disciple plus..."

"Okay." The head of the imperial guard interrupted Fat Cat unceremoniously, then said after a pause, "You're right, the Wendell family is indeed quite suspicious.

"Did that person say anything when he bought the blood feast from you?"

"No, he just asked how to use it, and the general question of how to cover the smell and taste. I told him, and he paid me and walked away with the poison."

Fat Cat wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and said, "I have told you everything I know."

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