Working Prophet

Chapter 546 New World

After the purification ceremony, Zhu Zhigang continued to get familiar with his new body in the yard.

He first stood in the stance for a while. As the saying goes, one stand is worth more than a hundred practices. In the past, when masters accepted disciples, the first thing they taught was standing.

The subsequent changes in the boxing path in Xingyi Quan are closely related to the Zhuang Kung Fu.

This is a foundation-building method of martial arts. Externally, it can exercise the muscles and muscles and strengthen the lower body. Internally, it can dredge the meridians, warm and nourish qi and blood, and build momentum in the body.

There are thousands of stance skills, and this time Zhu Zhigang stood on the Tai Chi stance of Wudang Taiyi Sect, which is also the most widely circulated stance among martial arts enthusiasts.

As soon as Zhu Zhigang stood still, he immediately felt how extraordinary this body was.

Power is constantly emerging from the meridians!

Zhu Zhigang started practicing martial arts at the age of fourteen in his previous life, and he has practiced for more than twenty years. Although his body is not as exaggerated as those bodybuilders, it is far superior to most ordinary people.

It's a pity that I couldn't bring my body with me when I came to Bratis this time.

But after getting hold of the new body, Zhu Zhigang was surprised to find that instead of becoming weaker, he seemed to be stronger.

This strength, this flexibility, especially the flexibility of the body have improved compared to before, especially the flexibility.

After that, Zhu Zhigang performed another set of Wing Chun, and found that his movements were more than twice as fast as before. Coupled with Wing Chun's fast punches, he almost had an afterimage. .

Doesn't this look much more advanced than the sword-wielding chops during the knights' joust? !

As for the actual combat effect, Miss Rabbit hasn't practiced martial arts for a day anyway, so she just can't understand it. In her eyes, Zhu Zhigang, the new Saturday servant, is more powerful.

Zhu Zhigang also felt that he had become stronger, and he was not fully familiar with his new body, and his hands and feet were a little uncoordinated, otherwise he should be stronger.

Moreover, the extra pair of wings on the back is also a bit uncomfortable, changing the center of gravity of his body, so many of the previous moves, it always feels weird to use the new body.

Wait... wings, Zhu Zhigang's pupils shrank suddenly as if he suddenly thought of something.

The wings shouldn't be a burden, they should be his help!

With this pair of wings, he can definitely use some moves that defy gravity that he couldn't use before, and even those magical martial arts that have only appeared on TV.

For example, a certain palm technique that falls from the sky...Zhu Zhigang now has the conditions to use it.

Well, not only that, the martial arts he has practiced before should also be enhanced at the epic level with wings, but he needs to experiment a little bit by himself.

Throughout the millennium history of martial arts, there is no precedent for him to refer to. It is more difficult to create a martial art, and even if he has achieved great martial arts, there is a high probability that he will not be able to find successors, and he will not be able to establish a sect.

But Zhu Zhigang's spirits were still lifted, because he felt that he had glimpsed a whole new world of martial arts, and he might be able to use martial arts to learn Taoism in the future and become a master of the generation.

The more Zhu Zhigang thought about it, the more excited he became, and he immediately threw himself into the deduction.


On the other side, Du Lun, the head of the royal guard, quietly came to Lard Street. It is said that this place was originally a place for raising and killing pigs outside Lionheart Castle. Later, when the capital was expanded, those pigherds and butchers moved to other places.

Lard Street gradually turned into a market, but unlike another market in the east of the city, Lard Street was basically only visited by poor people.

They also sell cheap and low-quality gadgets. In addition, there are also some contraband that are often traded here secretly, provided you can find a way.

Although Du Lun has always lived in the royal capital, he has never been here before. Fortunately, he doesn't understand this place, but he knows who will.

——The garrison, those guys are usually responsible for guarding the royal capital, maintaining public order, and dealing with all kinds of religions in the city.

So Durran found Essos, the commander of the garrison, and asked him for a guard nicknamed Little Thumb, who had been in charge of patrolling the generation of Lard Street before.

Little Thumb easily found several underground merchants for Du Lun who often sold contraband in this market.

Du Lun saw those sneaky guys behind a pickled fish shop. The captain of the royal guard couldn't help but frowned and asked the little finger on the side.

"You knew what these guys were doing early on, but you still let them continue to sell contraband in this market?"

Little Thumb heard the vague meaning of accountability in Du Lun's words, and hurriedly complained.

"Ah, my lord, in fact, I hate these people as much as you do. These guys are bold, they only have money in their eyes, and they don't care about the laws of the empire. As long as you say a word, I will arrest them all right now." Get up and throw him into the dungeon."

Du Lun was not stupid. He heard that Little Thumb was agreeing with him on the surface, but there was actually something in his words, so he asked again, "If that's the case, why did you guys go so early?"

"Because even if I catch them now, there will be other people who will continue to sell contraband in the future. As you know, this kind of thing cannot be banned at all.

"Alexandro, the great Angry Lion, wanted to prohibit the public from brewing ale in private and instead have a specialized winery produce and sell it in a unified manner, but he also failed. The same is true for other contraband. If there is demand, there will be sales. .

"The defense team can't stop it, so it's better to keep these few merchants and cooperate with them, so that if something happens, we can quickly find suspicious buyers through them like now."

Du Lun was somewhat silent after hearing this, but finally accepted Little Thumb's explanation and walked up to the three people.

Three businessmen immediately came over with smiling faces. They all knew Little Thumb. Although they had never met Du Lun, seeing that Little Thumb treated Du Lun with such respectful attitude, they knew that this person's identity was not simple.

As for more things, the three of them didn't intend to ask, because knowing more about this business is not a good thing.

But at this moment, the three of them were all guessing about Du Lun's purpose, but when Du Lun spoke, the three of them were still shocked.

"Did you sell the poison that poisoned His Majesty?"

"No, no, how dare we sell that kind of thing."

"What kind of poison, it must not be sold from us!"

"Didn't you say that some Wing Clan spies have sneaked into the royal capital recently? Maybe they did it."

The three people's expressions changed after hearing this, and they hurriedly proved their innocence. If the crime of participating in the assassination of the emperor was really found out, not only would they lose their heads, but their family and friends would probably not be able to be saved either. "

Du Lun naturally knew what these three people were thinking, and continued, "Don't worry, I just want to find the assassin and the main messenger behind it, and I won't make it difficult for you."

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