Working Prophet

Chapter 504 How lonely it is to be invincible

Ilea falls asleep with her new babies at night.

This time she slept extraordinarily soundly, and had another dream, but this time she wasn't being pulled by the ears and mentioned, but she was holding the hand of judgment and killing everyone in the competition field, beating other contestants to the point of crying. Call me mother.

When she opened her eyes the next morning, Miss Rabbit only felt refreshed, and all the fatigue on her body was swept away.

Ruby knocked on the door outside, "Miss Ilea, it's almost time."

The girl hummed, sat up from the bed, stretched out one hand first, with her thumb and little finger pointing to the sky, and the other three fingers together pointing to the ground.

Prayer to the great Saturday in my heart, thank you for the great strength it bestows.

After that, he took the towel from the maid, wiped his face, brushed his teeth, and began to change clothes.

Although Miss Rabbit had no intention of reporting for the show before coming to the capital, considering that she might have to pretend or something, she still took care of everything.

Including the sword bestowed by His Majesty, the set of dwarf armor worn when slaying the dragon before, and the special dragon scale shield of the green field.

At this moment, all of them came in handy. With the help of Ruby, the female lord put these things on her body one by one.

At least it looked like that, when Ilea came down from the stairs and appeared in front of everyone.

Dressed in military uniform, the armor shines brightly in the sun, and it really has the demeanor of a dragon-slaying knight.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her eagerly at the moment, the girl felt that she had to say something because the atmosphere was so high.

But what to say? Miss Rabbit scratched her head. This was a historic moment. If she really won the championship in the tournament, everyone would definitely recall what she said this morning.

Maybe it can be passed down as a good story, so it has to be leveled.

Like "Look at me knocking them all off!", or "I'm going to win this championship!" It's domineering, but it still feels like it's a bit lacking in force.

Miss Rabbit racked her brains and finally remembered a short story Li Yu once told her called Warming Wine and Killing Hua Xiong.

So I decided to imitate the guy named Guan Yu and said to Ruby behind me, "Make me a bowl of radish water."

"Okay." Although Ruby was a little confused and didn't know why the female lord suddenly wanted to drink carrot water so early in the morning, she still agreed and went to the kitchen to prepare it.

Looking at the other people in the hotel, they also have different expressions.

The existence of the new sacred weapon has been kept secret before. Until now, no one except Ge Lipeng, Li Yu and Ilea knew about it.

When everyone saw that the female lord suddenly asked for a drink of carrot water, they thought that she was not optimistic about the prospects of this competition and was worried that she would never come back, so they wanted to drink another bowl of carrot water from their hometown before setting off.

Thinking of this, many people's faces showed worries.

As a result, the female lord did not wait for the radish water to be cooked. After speaking, she laughed twice, held her head high and walked out of the hotel door.

Ge Lipeng was entrusted by Li Yu to play a guest role as Ilea's knight, responsible for helping the girl inspect and maintain the weapons. At this time, he was already waiting outside the door. In addition, there was Ferdinand, the head of the Bathory family. .

He also signed up to participate in this martial arts tournament.

Ilea first said hello to Ge Lipeng, and then patted Ferdinand on the shoulder, "If you encounter me later, you should give in as soon as possible."

However, the head of the Bathory family shook his head when he heard this.

"I can let you do anything else, but I can't let you do this tournament. I also want to use this opportunity to revitalize the family."

"Who asked you to let me go? I was afraid that you would get hurt." The female lord pointed at the three pistols and an ax hanging on her waist and said happily.

"Did you see that the new holy weapon that Merlin gave me is very powerful, and it can emit flames. I am sure to be the champion of this tournament!"

"Then let's each rely on our abilities." Ferdinand said.

"Hey, you guy... forget it, I will let you see the power of the new holy weapon then, and you will know how powerful it is. I said you have been thinking about it for so long, haven't you decided to join the Shuangxiu Cult yet?"

"Changing your faith is a big deal. Do you think everyone is as reckless as you?" Ferdinand said seriously.

"I don't call it reckless, I call it wisdom, and I call it fearless of change. Hum, in a few years, everyone will be envious of my previous decision."

The female lord said as she stepped on the stool and mounted the horse. However, she tried several times, but she didn't know whether it was because she was a little short or because the armor on her body was too heavy.

In the end, Thomas added another stool, and the girl successfully climbed onto the horse, pointed in the direction of the competition arena, and said with high spirits, "Let's go!"

At this time, the bard appeared out of nowhere, still shouting.

"Wait for me, wait for me, I'm going too! I will record your heroic appearance during the battle, and after you win the championship, I will compose it into a poem for others to sing!"

Kieran's words made the female lord find him more pleasing to the eye, and she no longer pursued the bard's previous affairs of writing random poems and leaking secrets.

The most important thing was that she really needed a witness for her subsequent heroic battle, so she took Kieran with her out of the city.

The girl first came to the stand to salute the emperor and queen, but then the female lord received bad news, and her contest was scheduled for the afternoon.

By the time she finished the competition and went back, the carrot water must have been lukewarm, and Miss Rabbit couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

It's like you go to Happy Valley to ride a roller coaster. Although the process is very fast and it ends in a blink, it takes two hours to queue up in front.

The female lord even regretted putting on the armor before going out. After sitting in the sun for a while, she felt that the outer shell was slowly heating up, and sweat was oozing from her forehead, and it was inconvenient to move, and it was difficult to walk. .

Ilea watched a few other people's contests, but it was difficult for her to be as enthralled as the audience around her.

In all fairness, the quality of today's martial arts competition is obviously higher than yesterday's. Most of the participants are masters. The moves are also very exciting, and the pace and swordsmanship are impeccable.

However, in Miss Rabbit's eyes, she felt that there were flaws everywhere, and she could be knocked down with just a single shot.

This is a difference in realm.

Invincible, how lonely it is.

The girl couldn't help feeling emotional, but looking at Ferdinand on the other side, he had already ended the battle and won a small nobleman from the south.

The latter's freckled face was full of unwillingness, but Ferdinand's two-handed sword was already pointed at his heart.

"I, I lost!" the young man said in frustration.

"Thank you for your enlightenment." The Patriarch of the Bathory family put away his sword without changing his face, and looked towards the female lord, and saw that the girl was holding the turf under her body bored.

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