Working Prophet

Chapter 503 The hero is sad about the beauty

Li Yu did not immediately respond to Cornelia's suggestion, but instead said, "I heard that His Majesty the Emperor plans to build a giant bronze statue for the Goddess of Life?"

Cornelia seemed a little surprised when he heard the words, but still nodded, "The bronze statue is already under construction, and there is a new temple, not far from the King's Landing Tower, we can move from here after it is completed.

"All the lords in the Western Region also contributed a lot and donated a lot of money. In addition to the Arias family, you also detained Greta."

"We did not detain her, she stayed voluntarily."

Cornelia snorted, "You have forged an arrears that didn't exist at all, and used Greta's simplicity and trustworthiness, which is no different from directly detaining her."

"And you asked her to use her rat army to frighten the lords in the western region and force them to donate to Vallia," Li Yu said, "It's no different from direct robbery."

"Those gold coins will only get moldy if kept in their warehouse. It's better to take them out and offer them to the goddess." Ludovich smiled.

"Anyway, Greta did let her army of rats attack the Greenfields," Cornelia continued.

"And I was caught by you by mistake. Since you didn't hurt her and she agreed to do things for you, I won't interfere in this matter, but you need to let Selena go.

"Although the Earth Bear is loyal to the church, he has a very violent temper. Even if I come forward, it will not be easy to persuade him to give up revenge for his nephew. This is a fair deal."

"There is one thing I don't quite understand." Li Yu said, "Which side are you on?"


"You swim between the emperor and the nobles, like a fish in water, but you teach the children of those poor families to read. In addition, I noticed that most of your followers are common people and marginal people like Greta. You gave them blood The potion changed their lives..."

"Life is equal to everyone." Cornelia said seriously.

"Is that so?"

Li Yu was noncommittal, and after a pause, he finally turned the topic back to the duel between the Earth Bear and Ilea, "Is that big man from the Boleslaw family important to you?"

"The Bear of the Earth is the thorn shield of the Church of Life, and this title will only be awarded to the strongest warriors, so to answer your question, yes, he is very important to me, he is the guardian of the Church and me."

"When I first came to the capital, some people were jealous, afraid of me, and regarded me as a threat. They hoped to get rid of me through some small means that could not be put on the stage. That man is the reason why I can still stand here."

"Then you should persuade him to give up the next martial arts competition," Li Yu said, "especially don't fight with Ilea."

"If you just want to frighten us, you'd better find a better target. I have investigated the female lord, she has never practiced any martial arts, and she cannot be the opponent of the Earth Bear. I even doubt that she even I couldn’t survive the first few rounds of competition.”

Cornelia said, "If you want to save her life, you should accept my deal."

"But isn't the so-called god to make the impossible possible?" Li Yu said calmly.

The priestess frowned, "Are you really going to let her face the Earth Bear? Judging from her reaction this morning, she will probably be so frightened that she can't even lift her sword."

"Ilea is a fighter, stronger than many people give her credit for."

"It's a pity that being strong doesn't have much effect on winning the competition. Besides, she has used her methods before. Although it is impressive, once she is prepared, she can easily break it."

Cornelia is still making the final attempt, "You are in the western region, I am in the capital, we don't need to be enemies, and what you said before about the imminent invasion of Bratis Continent, I have also Heard something.

She looked around and lowered her voice slightly, "About ten days ago, I got a piece of news. Long before you saw that winged guy in the western region, they had already appeared in the Elven Kingdom. There is reason to believe that they sent more than one spy."

"But I haven't heard that there are dragons raging over the elves." Li Yu said.

"That's what makes it even more worrying."

"What did His Majesty say?"

"His Majesty will hold an imperial meeting after the tournament to discuss this matter, and will invite Sir Ilea to attend, provided she is still alive."

"Understood, I suggest that you find a new guardian for yourself as soon as possible these days, and think about what to exchange for that female assassin. Out of etiquette as a guest in the capital, I will not hurt her for the time being."

Li Yu's words changed Ludovic's expression slightly.

When Li Yu left the temple, he said to Cornelia again, "Let me arrange a rescue, rescue people from that hotel, or let the defense team come forward."

The priestess shook her head, "That's too much noise. Your Majesty has been dissatisfied with me recently because of the queen's affairs. If you touch Ilea at this time, he will be angry."

"I thought he hated his art-mouthed wife."

"Why, he almost went to war with those elves in order to get Heloise, almost forcing the elf king to marry his daughter to him. Plan to change wives.”

"The hero is sad about the beauty," Ludovic said. "I just hope he doesn't regret it in the future."

Cornelia did not continue this topic, but asked again, "What do you think of that Merlin?"

"I feel a little conceited. He rejected your proposal, but in the western region, he was able to allow the Double Break Church to thrive under the blockade of the Silver Moon Church, and he has attracted many followers along the way. He should still have some skills.

"But if Ilea, whom he carefully cultivated, dies at the hands of the Earth Bear, the relationship between us will be a little... delicate."

"Now I'm thinking that maybe this is not a bad thing. Although he is not the ideal person I thought before, he is unexpectedly calm, but such a person should not be easy to get angry."

Cornelia had a pensive look on his face, "Without the biggest supporter, it will be a serious blow to him and his church, and it may even cause him to lose his only foothold in the western region place.

"At that time, if we are willing to lend a helping hand, we may be able to recruit him."

"You just make a decision, and I will obey your orders unconditionally." Ludovic bowed, his eyes full of admiration towards the priestess.

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