Working Prophet

Chapter 501 Miss Rabbit feels like she’s good again

For the next half day, Ilea practiced shooting in the woods, repeatedly aiming, shooting, changing guns, aiming again, and shooting.

First there was a stationary target, then a moving target, then a target that would charge towards her, and finally a target wearing armor that would charge towards her.

The female lord was in a hurry from the beginning, with seven out of ten shots missing. She slowly learned to wait for the target to get close before shooting, keep her arms steady, and look for weaknesses.

The number of misses was getting fewer and fewer, and the impact point of the projectiles was getting closer and closer to where she was aiming.

The girl was excited. The new holy weapon was indeed as easy to learn as Merlin said, and it required very little strength, agility and wisdom to exert its full power.

Seeing the armor-clad wild boar on the opposite side charging toward him with all his strength, Ilea raised the duel pistol in her hand.

She waited until the wild boar was almost in front of her before pulling the trigger.

The next moment, the loud noise from the musket and the flames coming out of the gunpowder pool startled the wild boar!

Then there was pain in its right front leg, and it could no longer maintain its running posture and fell to the ground.

The wild boar struggled desperately to stand up from the ground, but the loss of one leg made its movement very inconvenient, and it failed after several attempts.

On the other hand, the female lord calmly put away the duel pistol that had just been fired, inserted it back into her waist, and replaced it with a second one that had not been fired.

She was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but took two more steps forward, came to the wild boar, and found the part of its neck that was not covered by armor.

Then he raised the gun again, aimed, and shot, all in one go.

The wild boar let out a cry, soon stopped struggling, and died.

Li Yu witnessed the whole process from the side and said to the girl, "Okay, you have passed the assessment and have initially mastered the use of the Hand of Judgment."

"This sacred weapon is too powerful!" Miss Rabbit sighed again.

Ever since she walked into the woods, everything that happened after that was like a dream. Even now, she still couldn't believe that she had just easily killed a wild boar that was twice as big as her body and was wearing armor.

She thought back to the last time she encountered a wild boar, but was chased for several miles, losing both her cloak and one of her boots. In the end, she was forced to climb a tree.

Compared to the embarrassment back then, now I feel really relaxed and happy.

While talking and laughing, the boats and oars disappeared into ashes.

The girl even learned to blow the white smoke from the muzzle of the gun after a battle.

"It seems that you do have a lot of talent in the use of long-range weapons."

Although the emergence of thermal weapons has lowered the threshold for killing people, not everyone can use a gun well.

Fortunately, no one on the continent of Bratis has seen a gun except for the three people in the forest. Of course, they don't know how to deal with the gun.

Therefore, according to Li Yu's plan, even if the female lord's spear practice does not go well today, there should be no problem in winning tomorrow's competition.

Then she had time to practice again.

However, the effect of Miss Rabbit's first training far exceeded Li Yu's expectations.

Especially the accuracy of shooting is still higher than that of teacher Li Yu.

This also reminded Li Yu of the time when Ilea taught him archery and showed off her archery skills. According to the girl herself, she had not fired a bow for many years.

Sure enough, everyone has something he is good at. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of ordinary people, there is neither the cost nor the opportunity for trial and error.

So you may never know what you are suitable for in your whole life.

Li Yu was slightly distracted. When he turned around, he saw that the female lord was still fiddling with the duel pistol in her hand with great interest.

"I really hope to face the Earth Bear in the first round tomorrow and shoot him in the head. I don't believe he can continue to cause trouble for me."

"There will be a chance," Li Yu said. "If he is really that strong and can keep winning, you will definitely meet him."

The girl nodded, the joy on her face could hardly be concealed, but she was still a little bit lost and frightened as before.

At this moment, Miss Rabbit held her head high and walked vigorously, just looking forward to tomorrow coming soon.

Just then a guard from the Arias family came to the woods with a message.

"What, Priest Cornelia wants to invite us to meet?"

Ilea and Li Yu looked at each other, and they both didn't expect that the Life Church would lose its patience so quickly. It was probably related to the female assassin who was caught last night.

The female lord was still very vigilant, "But I will compete in the competition tomorrow. That Cornelia priest is looking for me now. Could it be that he wants to secretly place a curse on me?"

"Speaking of which, the Earth Bear is also one of hers. I still don't know whether the Earth Bear came to me because he really wanted to avenge the mercenary named Honey Bear, or whether all this was the instruction of the priestess. "

Li Yu thought for a while, "Then let me go to see her alone."

"You want to go there alone, isn't it too dangerous?" Ilea worried, "Then why don't we go together, and we can bring more people with us."

"There is no point in bringing people," Li Yu shook his head, "This is the royal capital, the territory of the Church of Life. No matter how many people we bring, there will definitely not be as many as the people across from us."

After a pause, he added, "And it would be the safest if I go alone, because no one in this world can really hurt me."

"That's right." Miss Rabbit always believed in someone's words.

After all, Li Yu had helped her through crises countless times, and he had just given her four hands of judgment in one breath.

The female lord planned to find a belt when she returned and hang all four hands of judgment around her waist.

From today on, Ilea of ​​the Green Field, the daughter of Blood-Eyed Russ, the head of the Arias family, and the dragon-slaying knight personally appointed by His Majesty is also a top expert!

If you don't agree, you can ask her about the lead bullet.

Li Yu said to Ge Lipeng on the side, "I won't be able to come over for the next two days, so I have to ask you to help me keep an eye on Ilea. You'd better teach her how to reload bullets so that she is prepared. In addition, before the competition, Also remember to check her weapons."

"Okay." Ge Lipeng agreed simply, "Don't worry, Lord Prophet, I still have some things at the bottom of the box that I haven't taken out yet."

"That's good."

Li Yu raised his head and glanced at the sky, and the sun had already set before he knew it, so he didn't delay any longer, mounted his horse and left the woods, returning to the Lion Heart Castle.

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