Working Prophet

Chapter 500 This is Simple

Li Yu raised his dueling pistol, aimed at a big tree about five steps away, and pulled the trigger.

The next moment, the flint collided with the fire sickle, causing sparks to ignite the gunpowder in the primer plate, which in turn ignited the gunpowder in the barrel, spewing out flames!

The duel pistol made a terrifying roar, and along with a burst of white smoke, the bullet flew out of the barrel and hit the bark of the tree.

Wood chips flew everywhere at the impact point, and the lead bullet was deeply embedded in the trunk of the tree.

"The power is okay." Li Yu said to Ge Lipeng, "It's just that the accuracy is a bit off. I originally aimed at a lower position."

"I didn't have time to carve the barrel of the gun." Gripen said, "Early gunsmiths used something called an Iowa rifle to pull the thread on the barrel, which was actually a wooden lathe.

"But the barrels of guns at that time were still made of iron. Steel barrels were a little more troublesome, so my suggestion is to wait until the enemy is close before shooting."

"Good idea." Li Yu reloaded the duel pistol with bullets and gunpowder, and then handed it to Miss Rabbit, who looked dull.

"Come and give it a try. Pulling the crescent-shaped mechanism below will complete the launch."

The female lord took over the flintlock gun, and subconsciously pointed the barrel at herself, wanting to see what secret was hidden inside that could make it make such a big noise.

As a result, Li Yu pushed the gun away and warned at the same time.

"At any time, you must not point the gun at yourself, or other people around you. In short, do not point the hand of judgment at anyone or anything except your opponent.

"This is a very, very dangerous weapon that can easily take someone's life. Don't wait until tragedy strikes to regret it."

Ilea looked at the exquisite little thing in her hand, which was as exquisite as a work of art. Until now, she still couldn't accept that it had such powerful lethality.

At this time, Ge Lipeng took out another pair of cotton armor and hung it on another tree.

Ilea followed Li Yu's example, raised the duel pistol in her hand, took aim for a while, and then pulled the trigger.

As a result, the sudden recoil almost made her unable to grasp the butt of the gun.

The muzzle of the gun was raised upward, and the bullet grazed the tree trunk and flew into the woods without knowing where to go.

The female lord was choked by the white smoke and coughed.

"It's okay, take your time, it's normal to miss the target the first time, you can stand a little closer, then hold the gun with both hands, try to straighten your arms..."

Li Yu guided from the side, and then completed the third filling.

Ilea learned her lesson, took a deep breath, raised the hand of judgment again, and aimed at the position slightly lower than the cotton armor.

This time, the bullet finally hit the target.

Seeing this, the girl couldn't help raising her arms and cheering, and when she walked to the front with Li Yu and Ge Lipeng to check the damage caused by the dueling pistol, she found that the pair of cotton armor on the tree had been covered by a small "" "Stone" was pierced through.

In other words, if someone came to compete with her wearing cotton armor, they would have been shot by now.

And this is not the end, Ge Lipeng then took out a pair of leather armor, the tough cowhide also could not withstand the impact of lead bullets, and then the scale armor.

What the female lord didn't expect was that the scale armor made of iron sheets was actually helpless against the bullet, and a hole as thick as a finger appeared at the impact point.

Finally, there is the highlight of this round of testing, chain armor and plate armor.

Among them, the chain armor that Ge Lipeng found finally protected the glory of the armor and was not penetrated by the lead bullet.

The projectile hit the rivet, and eventually deformed severely and got stuck in the armor. However, a shallow crater was still left on the tree trunk behind.

This meant that although the bullet failed to penetrate the wearer's body, the terrifying impact it produced could still easily tear apart the wearer's muscles, and even break the wearer's ribs.

As for the plate armor, Ge Lipeng first put on a low-quality plate armor bought from a small town on the road, and the plate armor was torn apart by bullets.

But after putting on the dwarf armor equipped by the black dog guards and the guards of the Arias family, it could only leave a small hole in it.

Ge Lipeng felt a little regretful when he saw this, "Smoothbore guns are not only inferior to rifled guns in terms of shooting accuracy, but the kinetic energy of the muzzle is also smaller than rifled guns.

"If the opponent is wearing very powerful armor, try attacking his limbs or sides. The armor there is thin and easy to break."

The female lord held the duel pistol in her hand, but now her worries turned into joy, and she became energetic again, calling her a good guy.

She never thought that there would be such a small, yet so powerful weapon in this world, its lethality surpassed that of a hand crossbow.

The most important thing is that hand crossbows are prohibited in the tournament, but it does not say that you cannot bring the hand of judgment.

With this thing, Miss Rabbit instantly felt like she was good again and could compete with other contestants.

But soon she thought of another question and asked Li Yu, "This sacred instrument...can't we omit the prerequisite ceremony? It feels like it takes a bit long."

"The filling of gunpowder and bullets cannot be omitted." Li Yu replied, "So you'd better finish this before the competition begins."

"But what if I miss?" the girl asked again.

"This is simple." Li Yu turned to the followers of Shuangxiu Cult, "Where are the other guns you made?"

It took Ge Lipeng about a week to make the first gun, mainly because the tools were not very handy, and he also encountered some problems when making the gun for the first time.

As the saying goes, once reborn, twice ripe, it won't take such a long time to build it again.

According to Ge Lipeng, in modern society, it would take about two days for a skilled gunsmith to make a flintlock gun. Of course, if you want to make the gun well, it may be as accurate as possible, and you may need to polish it. one year.

Li Yu didn't have high requirements for flintlock guns. Instead of pursuing lethality and accuracy, it would be more practical to get a few more.

He had already considered the worry of the female lord. In the martial arts arena, flintlock guns are basically a one-shot deal. The further you go, the more you will encounter masters. It is impossible to give you time to reload.

This requires redundancy to ensure victory in a battle and to cope with possible risks, which are not limited to misses, but also misfires or other accidents.

So Ge Lipeng took out two other dueling pistols and an axe.

"I don't need the axe." The female lord said, "I can't use this weapon."

"This is a flintlock." Seeing her waving her hand, Ge Lipeng explained, "It appeared on European battlefields from the 16th to the 18th centuries, and it can also fire lead bullets. "

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