Working Prophet

Chapter 473 I’m just a bard

Kieran found an opportunity to get close to Jude again and said impatiently, "Is the matter resolved?"

The ugly-faced man glanced at him and nodded.

"Are all twenty-five dead?"

"There are a total of twenty-seven corpses in that place now," Jude said.

The bard was stunned, "You also killed the brothers who tipped off the news?"

"Why, do they have a good relationship with you?"

"That's not true. It's just that according to our original agreement, they should have quietly left there before you arrived. Logically speaking, you can't meet them."

"They died before we got there."


"Actually, we only saw three living people when we arrived at the place you mentioned, and they were still fighting over the goods and the dragon's blood in the bottle.

“They didn’t notice until we were very close and there was no chance to escape.

"Before the final move, I chatted with the guy nicknamed Jushi for a while. He said that not long after they arrived here, they started to quarrel over the distribution of the spoils, and then the quarrel became more and more fierce...

"In addition, they all drank a lot at the time, and the situation gradually got out of control, and people lost their lives. As a result, not only did no one stop, but the greed in everyone's heart was aroused, and everyone wanted to take it all for themselves. An astonishing wealth.

"A big melee eventually broke out. He was still trying to break up the fight at first, but as he saw more and more people dying, he couldn't resist the temptation and joined the fight, killing two of his companions.

"I saw that he seemed quite guilty about this, so I gave him a sword and sent him to his death."

"Okay." Kieran scratched his head.

This thing sounds bizarre, but it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully.

That group of robbers got together in order to steal money, and by various chances and coincidences, they got the largest fortune in their lives. Then they killed each other because of this wealth, and were finally killed by the Black Dog Guards who came over.

Kieran strummed his lyre twice and suddenly had an inspiration.

Sure enough, with the double break, there will no longer be a lack of creative themes.

But now was not the time to write poetry. The bard tried hard to suppress the urge in his heart and asked Jude again, "Those trophies..."

"I found it too, but it was too conspicuous so I didn't move for the time being." said the deputy commander of the Black Dog Guards.

As he spoke, he took out the bottle of dragon's blood from under his cloak, "I also got this one back, and I plan to return it to Prophet Merlin."

"No, no, no, please don't do this. Do you still remember what I said? There is something disgraceful about this matter. It's better to try not to involve the Prophet.

"Everyone who knows about this is dead except you and me." Jude frowned.

“But if one day you and I unfortunately fall into the hands of the enemy, everyone will know that the prophet Merlin once concealed the truth from those four thousand believers and condoned my evil deeds.

"If we had not told the Lord Prophet about this matter, then even if this matter got out, the only people who would be scolded would be us. At most, Prophet Merlin would be deceived by us. The nature of the two is completely different.

"You are the deputy leader of the Black Dog Guards. You should not only protect the personnel and property of Shuangxiu Cult, these tangible things, but also protect the reputation of the Prophet and the church."

"Even if I fall into the hands of the enemy, I won't tell anyone." Jude said disapprovingly.

"But I will."

When the bard saw the deputy leader of the Black Dog Guards staring at him, he said innocently, "Why, I am very afraid of pain. I will definitely not be able to withstand the torture. I will answer whatever people ask me."

Jude was too lazy to talk to him, "What about the dragon's blood in this bottle, and what about the looted property by the robbers? Are we just going to share it privately?"

"I don't need it. If you want, just take it all." Kieran shook his head. After saying that, he looked at the ugly-faced man again, "Actually... I have a better suggestion."

"What advice?"

"Distribute all this money to the people behind me, because it belongs to them originally, and the bottle of dragon's blood can be sold secretly when we get to the royal capital, and both of these funds can be given to them.

"Of course, not now. Otherwise, after they get the money, they might just find a place to settle down and stop coming with us. These farmers are very short-sighted." Kieran said leisurely.

Jude once again carefully looked at the handsome bard in front of him, and suddenly found that he could not see through him at all.

"Are you a good person or a bad person?"

The deputy leader of the Black Dog Guards wondered, "You deceived these people before, causing them to become homeless, but now a large amount of money is placed in front of you, but you don't take any of it. Instead, you want to use the money to make up for their losses. .”

"I'm neither a good guy nor a bad guy. I'm just a bard."

Kieran chuckled and said, "Everyone in the Golden Valley calls me Golden Throat. Oh, by the way, I am still my Lord's royal poet on Saturday."


There were no other accidents in the next two days. Everyone left the Elk Valley smoothly and officially set foot on the royal territory.

This place was originally the territory of the Lancaiyat, Vespasian and Coburg families, known as the Three Heroes of the Red Plains.

Although the territories of the three families are not large, the land is very fertile, and it is located in the area of ​​the Four War. War of all sizes is constant, and the male members of the family have accumulated rich military experience.

Later, the angry lion Alessandro raised an army, and Coburg chose to send troops to help. As one of the conditions, Alessandro married the second daughter of Baloric, the head of the Coburg family at the time.

As for the Lancaiyat family, another of the three heroes, they stood on the opposite side of the Vespasian family and the Coburg family, and were finally defeated by Alessandro's troops.

The two sides started a decisive battle about twenty miles away from Lionheart Castle.

It was not an easy battle, although in addition to Coburg, Alessandro had already won many allies with his outstanding personal charm.

The big guys made an oath together at the shore of Fengling Lake.

However, many of these large and small families are quite far away, and it is not possible to mobilize all the troops for a while. On the contrary, the Lankayat family is not fighting alone.

They persuaded the Penlos family of Elk Valley to send troops to assist, and promised to give half of their territory to the Penros family after defeating Alessandro's coalition.

The Lancaiyat family took the opportunity to swallow up the territory of Vespasian and Coburg.

In terms of military strength alone, Alessandro's side is still at a disadvantage, and this battle is very important to the Raging Lion. If they lose, not only will they lose the family's territory, but the newly formed coalition is also likely to collapse as a result. .

Fortunately, Alessandro, who was still young at the time, withstood the pressure and won the victory without any danger.

Not only did they destroy their old rivals, the Lancaiyat family, and occupy their territory, but they also frightened the Penros family in the Elk Valley, who also joined Alessandro's coalition half a year later.

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