Working Prophet

Chapter 472 The dead will not retaliate

With the addition of Kieran and the nearly four thousand people he brought with him, the team grew larger.

Especially when traveling in the valley, it looks like a long snake, looking from head to back as if there is no end in sight.

Due to the large number of people, Li Yu did not break up the two groups for the time being, and still let Kieran lead the refugees who joined later, but sent a team of guards to help him, and the leader was Qiu Germany.

Li Yu also gave Kieran a horse because the latter gave the old horse he rented to an old man with handicapped legs.

As a result, Kieran quickly let the new horse out after returning. He still walked with his legs holding the lyre, and kept shuttling through the crowd to solve the problems encountered by the big guys.

Even the hard-hearted Jude couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw this scene, thinking that there were indeed people of noble character in this world.

The ugly-faced man was sighing in his heart when he saw the Saturday poet walking straight towards him, changing his previous upright attitude.

He became a little sneaky, with a sinister look on his face, and kept looking around all the way.

After confirming that no one was paying attention here, he quickened his pace, taking three steps and two steps at a time, and arrived in front of Jude.

"I heard that you are the deputy commander of the Black Dog Guards and one of the most trusted people by Lord Prophet." Kieran said.

"Yes, what do you want from me?" Jude frowned.

The bard lowered his voice a little more and said mysteriously, "It's like this. There is something that may threaten the reputation of our church."

"What's the matter? Didn't you tell me when you went to see the Prophet before?"

"There are some things that we subordinates just need to know. There is no need to tell the prophet anymore," Jilan said. "This is also a kind of protection for the prophet."

"What's the meaning?"

Kieran looked around again and continued, "Actually, the reason why that group of robbers followed my advice was why they looted like crazy."


Even though Jude was well-informed, his brain was a little unable to react for a while.

But he quickly figured out why Kieran did this, and the way he looked at the bard changed, "These people are...displaced because of you?"

"People are like this. They always tend to maintain the original tradition and are afraid of change. Unless there are some major events pushing them, they will move forward to meet a better future." Kieran said eloquently.

Jude snorted coldly when he heard this, "You made those people lose everything."

"I don't deny it, but this is also the reason why they follow Saturday and the Prophet Merlin. When they look back on the past in a few years, they will be grateful for what happened that day."

"I was almost deceived by your previous performance. You are an out-and-out bastard." Jude said, "It reminds me of myself before I converted to Saturday."

"Ha, is this a criticism or a compliment?"

"No, I'm just stating a fact. I guess you chose to share this dirty little secret with me for a purpose."

Kieran took a deep breath, "Yes, as I said before, if this matter spreads, it may have some adverse effects on the weekend holiday."

"They are robbers and no one will believe them."

"Yes, but what will those people think when they hear such rumors?" The bard pouted behind his back, "Even if most people don't believe it, even if only a few hundred people are affected, it will be a trouble after all."

"If you have any suggestions, just tell me." The deputy leader of the Black Dog Guards said bluntly.

"We can solve this possible hidden danger in advance."

"How to do it?"

"I know where the gang of robbers will spend the night tonight."

Jude raised his eyebrows, "How do you know where they are staying tonight?"

"Because they were worried about encountering a fight, before they came to see you, they made an appointment in advance where they would meet up after being separated. Moreover, they looted many villages along the way and collected a lot of goods. It is not convenient to carry them all with them. To take action, you must choose a place to hide..."

"That's not what I'm asking, but why do you know this?" Jude's eyes gradually turned cold when he looked at Kieran. "Maybe you are not a bard at all, but one of them."

"No, I am a genuine bard." Kieran quickly defended, "You can ask about Golden Voice over there in the Golden Valley. Many people have heard my songs. As for why I know where they will go, it is very simple. .”

The bard didn't lie any more, "The bandits were afraid that I would run away halfway, or that Prophet Merlin wouldn't believe what they said, so they arranged for a pair of brothers to mix in with the refugees and watch me.

"According to the normal development, once things change, they will kill me and run away quickly. But I persuaded them and swallowed all the property.

"It's not accurate to say that. It should be said that I discovered that they were particularly greedy for money, so I tried to contact them and found that they had this idea in mind, so I gave them some ideas.

"That's a lot of money, especially if there are only two people, each person can get more than ten times more, it's worth anyone's risk."

"For them, the difficulty of the whole thing is how to swallow the goods without causing other robbers to retaliate wildly."

"The dead will not take revenge." Jude's eyes flashed.

"That's right." Kieran patted his palms lightly, "This is the key, and the most wonderful thing is that they have been hiding among the refugees, and they don't know what I said to Hawkeye and the others.

"Our cooperation can get what we need and get rid of our troubles together. Now there is only one problem left. You seem to have a little less people on hand."

"That's quite a few," Jude said. "Twelve people are enough."

"Are you sure? Their manpower is twice that of yours."

"It's just a group of bandits. My subordinates are all the elite of the Black Dog Guard, and I have several holy artifacts bestowed by the Prophet. If I can't deal with those guys, I, the deputy head of the Black Dog Guard, might as well stop doing it.

Jude sighed, "Besides, if there are too many people, being noticed by them in advance will cause unnecessary trouble. Just tell me the location."

"Okay." The bard was also unambiguous and immediately told the whole place where the group of robbers met tonight.

Jude was not worried that this would be a trap, because he also had a three-eyed bird on hand. With this strange bird, there was no way to escape any ambush.

Moreover, the captain of the Black Dog Guard also adopted Kieran's suggestion and quietly left the main force with a group of people without alerting Li Yu.

They returned to the team again early the next morning. Except for some residual blood stains on their bodies, they looked no different from when they left.

Moreover, Jude also brought back a small bottle containing a hundred pieces of dragon's blood that Li Yu had paid previously.

Well, I’ll give you an update today~

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