Working Prophet

Chapter 394 What Does He Do?

Li Yu didn't know that Niu Xiangui had already thought so far in just a short while.

Seeing that the latter suddenly became energetic, he thought it was the encouragement from the player store that had an effect. He encouraged Niu Xiangui a few words and also told Niu Xiangui to do his work and study well, but not to delay his rest, and remember not to violate the precept of double break to teach.

Niu Xiangui, the eldest half-orc, actually had tears in his eyes. No matter what he said, he wanted to catch the two fish and let Li Yu take them back for dinner.

Li Yu did not refuse, although the fish was originally a fine he paid for Niu Xiangui.

After Niu Xiangui delivered the fish, he thought of another thing.

"By the way, Prophet Merlin, are you still looking for new reincarnations recently?"

"Well, do you have any recommendations?" Li Yu asked.

He remembered that Niu Xiangui had volunteered before, saying that he would help promote the hospital, but he never mentioned this matter again until he died.

Li Yu thought that his progress was not going well, so he didn't ask any more questions. Unexpectedly, Niu Xiangui would bring up the old matter again.

"There really is one." Niu Xiangui scratched his head and said, "But at that time, I was blind and couldn't tell whether you really planned to take me to another world, or whether you were just pretending to be a ghost and had other agendas, so I I made a deal with that guy."

"What agreement?" Li Yu asked.

"I made an appointment with him with a secret code, a secret code that only the two of us know. If I really reincarnate here smoothly, I will tell you the secret code so that you can convince him to believe it in the shortest possible time. you."

"You are quite cautious."

"Actually, when we agreed on this matter, it was mostly a joke. I didn't expect that I would actually travel through time." Niu Xiangui said sheepishly.

"Do you have that guy's general information and contact information?"

"Oh oh oh, yes, yes."

"I remember his mobile phone number. As for his profile... His name is Lu Weijia. He is about three years younger than me. He is male and has uremia. When I died, he should have less than a month to live, so your best Let’s go find him quickly.”

"Don't worry," Li Yu said, "The flow of time here is different from that over there. Judging from the earth's timeline, you passed away three days ago, so I should still have enough time to make contact. he."

"That's good. I first met him online. Because we were both terminally ill, we started chatting. Later, we were hospitalized in the same hospital. We became more and more familiar with him as we went back and forth."

"What does he do?"

"Lu Weijia is the owner of UP, and he has a lot of fans. He has already exceeded 100,000 yuan. Just a week before my death, I don't know if he has received his small TV now."


Seeing the hesitation on Li Yu's face, Niu Xiangui's heart sank, and then he asked tentatively, "Do you think he has few fans?"

"No, it has nothing to do with the number of fans. Which district is he the leader of?"

Li Yu is really worried about Niu Xiangui saying he is an eSports top player.

After all, Li Yu, the programmer, can still be used in Green Field, but as the anchor of League of Legends and Honor of Kings, Li Yu really doesn't know what to do with them.

You can't set up an e-sports team for them in the continent of Bratis.

Fortunately, Niu Xiangui's answer afterwards made Li Yu feel a little relieved, "Lu Weijia is the up owner of the food area."

"Do you do it yourself, or do you visit a store?"

"Neither, he's the kind of ghost..." Niu Xiangui's voice became softer and weaker.

Li Yu was silent again because he couldn't imagine how food and ghosts and animals could be combined. It felt like Lu Weijia had created a new genre out of thin air.

Doing this kind of thing can still have 100,000 fans. I feel that everyone here is somewhat responsible.

Li Yu was about to politely refuse, but then he heard Niu Xiangui add, "By the way, I forgot which time he mentioned it during the chat that his graduate degree majored in mineral survey and exploration."

"Okay, I will go to see him, and if there is no problem with his character, I will reincarnate him too." Li Yu immediately promised.

Although Niu Xiangui was happy for his friend, he couldn't help but feel a little sour in his heart. He thought that he was very proactive at the beginning and chased him directly downstairs where he was hospitalized and recommended himself. As a result, he felt that Li Yu was still a little hesitant.

But this time it was Lu Weijia's turn, but Li Yu readily agreed.

Niu Xiangui knew that it wasn't because of Lu Weijia's status as an up master, but because of the niche major he studied—mineral survey and exploration.

You must know that this major is far less popular than his undergraduate degree in computer science and technology. As a result, the popularity of both parties in Bratis Continent has dropped.

Li Yu then asked Niu Xiangui for more detailed information about Lu Weijia, including the latter's account number on station b.

Li Yu went to see a few of them after get off work.

The result... is hard to describe.

Lu Weijia's most watched video is a noodle eating video, in which he cooks noodles, eats noodles by himself, and then comments.

It was a fairly normal process, but it was cut into pieces by Lu Weijia, and it was reassembled with dynamic music and rhythm.

The most climactic part is that Lu Weijia reversed the process of eating noodles, and the more he spit out the more noodles in the bowl.

Li Yu then browsed the barrage above the video and the comments below, and there was also everything in it.

One of the comments with the most likes is that after watching so many years of ghosts and beasts, I am still the first up owner who insists on using himself as material. Good job, keep at it, you will find that this road will not work.

Li Yu closed that video and clicked on the next one.

After a quarter of an hour, he decided to go to the house dance area to take a stroll to restore his sanity.

When he went to work the next day, Li Yu also shared Lu Weijia's video with Zhang Yanlin.

After reading it, the latter replied, "I think he is a very interesting person."

"We have to take him down," Li Yu said. "There are not many people who specialize in mineral survey and exploration, let alone those who are dying."

"Then let me contact him and ask."


Lu Weijia had obviously heard Niu Xiangui mention Li Yu and Zhang Yanlin, so he was not too surprised after receiving the call. Not only did he agree to meet the two, but he also made an appointment at a small restaurant next to the hospital.

Li Yu first took a taxi to pick up Zhang Yanlin, and then rushed to the meeting place.

The 1.2 million renovation money was spent less than 800,000 under Zhang Yanlin's plan. The office has been almost decorated, and there is still 400,000 left. Li Yu is considering whether to equip the department with another car.

This will make it easier for Zhang Yanlin to conduct background checks no matter who he meets with in the future.

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