Working Prophet

Chapter 393 The Darkest Future

Niu Xiangui, as the first follower of Shuangxiu Sect, put forward many valuable suggestions for the reception work in the early stage of time travel based on his own experience.

Of course, Li Yu wouldn't let him work in vain. After asking, he gave him a piece of soap, a toothbrush, two pieces of toothpaste and a towel as rewards.

The items are all relatively common brands and styles on the market, and they cost less than twenty-five yuan.

But Niu Xiangui's eyes lit up when he saw it!

Before he was reincarnated in Bratis Continent, he never thought that these most inconspicuous little things that can be seen everywhere have such a great impact on life.

Niu Xiangui has been brushing his teeth with branches for a week.

This is what he learned from the local natives, and at the beginning, he only learned something specious.

Niu Xiangui picked up a random branch from the ground and stabbed it into his mouth. It was a miracle of his strength.

It wasn't until he saw an old lizard man at the entrance of the village one morning that he bit down the bottom of the branch with his teeth, exposing the soft fibers inside, so that it looked like a toothbrush.

Niu Xiangui felt enlightened after reading it, which was no less joyful than when Young Hero Linghu met Senior Feng at Siguo Cliff and was taught the Nine Swords of Dugu.

And after that, he did his own research and summary, and slowly found out what diameter and which tree branches were more useful.

In addition to wild toothbrushes, Niu Xiangui also looked for alternatives to toothpaste.

Such as salt and charcoal. In addition, he also paid attention and found that some locals chewed cloves to keep their breath fresh.

However, lilacs are not very common in the green field. Niu Xiangui also asked Clara about this, and the answer he got was that most of those cloves were shipped from the south, and the price was not low.

Right now, Niu Xiangui is still in the induction training stage, and his monthly subsidy is only one silver coin. If he really buys it, he can buy more than a dozen grains, but it is not very cost-effective to spend money on it.

In short, Niu Xiangui has really worked hard to solve the personal hygiene problem, but unfortunately these alternatives are not as effective as the original ones.

As soon as Niu Xiangui received the prizes, he put them all into his arms, as if he had just withdrawn the year-end bonus from an ATM machine.

Afterwards, he looked at Li Yu anxiously, and said expectantly, "Prophet Merlin, when I earn money from work in the future, can I buy other things from you?"

"Well, although I can travel between different planes, there is an upper limit to the weight of what I can carry every time I come." Li Yu's words poured cold water on Niu Xiangui, making Niu Xiangui's heart feel cold instantly.

However, just when Niu Xiangui thought Li Yu would reject him, Li Yu changed the subject again.

"Of course, I can also understand your needs in this regard. In the future, I will open a special store for traversers and put some earth-specific products on the shelves."

In fact, this is something that Li Yu has been thinking about for a long time. Abducting people here is only the first step. After that, how to ensure the loyalty of the traversers, organize these talents from all walks of life, and make contributions to the development of Shuangxiu Education. Contributing is the real challenge.

As we all know, humans are the most complex and changeable creatures, full of uncontrollability.

Although Li Yu will remain cautious when selecting people in the future, conduct background checks in advance, and at the same time try to select people who share the same goals as Shuangxiu and sign labor contracts with them in advance.

But it is normal for people to really change their minds when they come here, or to want to start their own business halfway.

In addition to the tough methods of the tribunal, Li Yu also needs a more acceptable way to make these time travelers willing to work for him.

——The player store is a good choice. Li Yu doesn't mind playing the role of a mysterious merchant, selling some special products, and helping [Environmental Frog] clear its inventory.

As a time traveler, you may be able to use your talents and master modern technology to achieve a career after leaving the double hiatus, such as becoming an artist who shocked the past and present, a noble with a territory, or even establishing your own country... …

But this also means that you will never be able to play Switch or drink Coca-Cola in the Bratis continent again.

As a result, Li Yu believed that most time travelers would think twice before terminating their labor contracts with their two-year break.

Moreover, Li Yu does not intend to restrict the development path of the time travellers. Even if they believe in Saturday, they can still serve as lords and engage in artistic creation...

When it comes to hiring, of course it depends on the needs of the organization, but the wishes of the workers themselves must also be taken into account.

If a person is always in a position that he doesn't like, it will be difficult for him to play his full role.

As for the few very rebellious time-travelers who want to establish a new sect and compete with Li Yu in the Shuangxiu sect, Li Yu is not worried... because the time-travelers do not understand how to use faith, and doing so is harmful to others and not self-interested.

If there was such a lunatic, Li Yu directly sent out the tribunal to eliminate him.

Hearing that he could buy more familiar products in the future, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Niu Xiangui's face, and he kept saying that this is good and this is good.

Especially when he heard that Li Yu would also put computers on the store shelves, Niu Xiangui took a deep breath.

Hey, is there anything in this world that is cooler than having a computer in the Middle Ages? !

Niu Xiangui never expected that he would be able to continue his previous job in a place where soap could not even be produced.

And this time his body was stronger and more energetic. Niu Xiangui didn't sleep well for several nights before, but when he woke up the next morning, he felt much less discomfort than before working overnight.

This is the strength of the half-orc blood. Niu Xiangui is now grateful that he was reincarnated in the continent of Bratis and believes in Saturday. If this is still in the original company, the boss of Dogecoin will not be forced to work 48 hours a day with high-intensity overtime!

This also made him more aware of the necessity and importance of Li Yu's popularization of a double holiday here.

Just imagine, if the continent of Bratis now enters an industrial society, the exploitation suffered by the orcs will definitely be more cruel and bloody!

By then, I am afraid that even 996 will become a luxury wish. Such a future is too scary and dark. Just thinking about it makes Niu Xiangui shudder.

A great flood, an asteroid hitting the earth, Thanos snapping his fingers are nothing, this is the real global disaster!

Niu Xiangui's gaze became deep and long, as if he had passed through the long river of time and had a glimpse of the future.

No, you have to learn the language here and spread this doomsday prophecy to more people.

I would like to warn everyone that we must win the final victory during the double break.

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