Working Prophet

Chapter 369 Powerful Curse

Rats, as one of the most annoying creatures on earth, have survived to this day and their numbers continue to increase. Their ability to reproduce and adapt to the environment is undoubtedly amazing.

Being targeted by such an opponent is not a good thing.

As Li Yu said, once the opponent no longer insists on attacking Teacup Castle and turns its attention to other places, it will be impossible to defend against it given the vastness of the green field.

After all, Li Yu couldn't install high-voltage power grids on all farms and farmland.

But this does not mean that the Arias family and Shuangxiujiao are completely helpless.

It is now certain that those rats are commanded by humans, and if orders are transmitted by voice, then the commander obviously cannot stay too far away from the rats.

In this way, as long as the commander can be discovered in time and captured, the rat problem can be fundamentally solved.

After realizing this, Li Yu also changed his strategy in time.

He also mobilized the surrounding believers to print out screenshots of the uninvited guests that night and post them in various villages.

A reporting reward of 100 Kingdom Points was issued. If you can catch the person directly, you can get 1,000 Kingdom Points, which is equivalent to getting half a red brick house in one go.

The only regret is that because the man kept his cloak tightly wrapped, the drone did not capture his face, but his body shape and height were still faithfully recorded.

As soon as he appears again, the villagers who are hungry for God's Kingdom Point will definitely recognize him at a glance.

However, the mysterious cloaked man and his pack of rats never showed up again in the following days.

Instead, another uninvited guest came to Ilea's castle.

"If you want to persuade me to pay for that goddess of life, you'd better save your energy." The female lord looked at the dusty royal family members in front of her and said.

"I can defeat your rat army once, and I can defeat it a second time. If you don't believe it, just come over. I will wait in this castle. As long as you can break through my castle, I will pay you the two thousand gold coins on the spot." Give it to you."

Miss Rabbit played a clever trick. She was also worried about the mice running around in the green fields, so she first used words to stimulate Leo and asked him to focus on Teacup Castle as much as possible. It would be best to die with her here. Fight to the end.

But what she didn't expect was that the latter shook his head and said, "I have nothing to do with those rats."

The female lord sneered, "Then who warned that there would be a rat plague in Scaled City before? And you didn't charge less after the attack in Scaled City, right? I heard that many families who were unwilling to donate before, where After that, they took the initiative to find you and paid back the money they owed."

"I am the special envoy appointed by His Majesty. I am responsible for collecting donations in the Western Territory. I must make reasonable use of all the conditions around me to complete the task. But whether you believe it or not, I am not from the Church of Life." Leo explained.

"Then why don't you continue to find those frightened families to collect money and come to my territory?" Miss Rabbit looked at the special envoy, "I have repelled those rats, don't you still imagine that you can Get money from me."

"Of course I'm not that naive." Leo said, "In fact, I have given up on asking for money from you very early on. It's too difficult."

The last three words of the royal family member were spoken with emotion, "As you said, there are still many people in the Western Region who are frightened by those rats and are willing to pay, so it would be easier for me to continue asking them for money.

"I even advised Greta to stay away from the green fields, but unfortunately she did not listen to my advice."


"The same man who directed the rats to attack your castle a few days ago."

"Ha, your fox tail finally showed up, and you said you have nothing to do with that guy."

"Greta and I are not very familiar with each other. I work for His Majesty the Emperor, and she is from the Church of Life. But considering that what we are doing now has quite a lot of overlap, we did have a few brief conversations. Usually, she’s the one who comes to me.”

"She found me again about three days ago and wanted to ask me to contact Merlin. This is why I am here now."

Leo finished speaking in one breath, and then licked his dry lips.

"I am a member of the royal family after all, and I have come all the way here, and you are not even willing to give me a glass of wine. Is this how the Arias family treats guests?"

The female lord snorted coldly and said to the maid aside, "Go and get him a glass of well water."

"Jing Shui, are you serious?" The royal family member's eyes widened.

However, what the girl said next left him speechless.

"My wine cellar was attacked by rats some time ago, and all the wine in it was destroyed. Now there is only well water. You can make do with it."

Leo knew that the female lord was talking nonsense with her eyes open. He did not believe that all the Arias family's wine collection was really lost to the rats, and not a single barrel was left.

But the reason for this excuse is that it is at least half true. The attack on Teacup Castle is a fact, and Leo cannot refute it, so he can only drink from the well honestly.

After drinking two sips of well water, he added, "This time I'm not here to collect donations, but to give you money."

"You, give us money?" Ilea's ears perked up, looking suspicious.

"Yes, to be more precise, Greta asked me to give you money." Leo held out three fingers, "She plans to pay you three thousand golden lions in exchange for the prophet Merlin to lift the curse."

"Curse, what curse?"

"Greta's army of rats suffered a lot when they attacked Teacup Castle, but the bigger losses actually came after they withdrew. Especially in the past few days, the rats had inexplicably died on a large scale," Leo said.

"Greta initially suspected that the rats were poisoned, but then she fed the dead rats to the wild dogs, but the dogs were unharmed. Only then did she confirm that her rats were cursed, and they were very powerful. curse."

If Li Yu were here, he would understand what happened.

Most of the rat poisons available on the market now are anticoagulants, and they are second-generation anticoagulants. Li Yu asked the maid to add these rat poisons to the stored food after discovering the rats, as another Means of killing mice.

The rats ate it all after entering the castle. However, the toxicity of this rat poison is very small and will not act on the spot. It usually takes 2-5 days before the rats will show symptoms such as lethargy, thirst and slow movement, and eventually Death from ruptured blood vessels.

And due to its weak toxicity, wild dogs will not have any obvious symptoms as long as they do not eat large amounts of dead rats.

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