Working Prophet

Chapter 368 Annihilate all invading enemies

Facing the oncoming rats, Thomas waved the long sword in his hand without hesitation.

Weapons carefully forged by dwarf craftsmen can easily cut through cotton armor, and even pierce some inferior iron armor that uses insufficient materials.

However, facing an opponent the size of a palm, Thomas didn't even cut a hair with his sword.

These rats also couldn't reach the knight on the horse, but they could still attack the horse under Thomas's crotch and bite the horse's legs.

The war horses soon fell into panic after being attacked. They stopped moving forward and stamped their hooves desperately. Some mice were unable to avoid it and their heads were smashed by force. Their stomachs were trampled and their intestines flowed all over the floor. , but the remaining mice are still rushing forward.

When Thomas saw this, he simply jumped off the horse and chased the black figure wearing a dark green cloak on foot.

But soon, he fell into a sea of ​​rats.

The rats that had attacked the castle before finally came over now.

Even though Thomas had experienced many battles, his nerves had long been as hard as iron. Being surrounded by so many squeaking rats gave him a creepy feeling in his heart.

Especially those rats that kept crawling on his body, looking for gaps in his armor. After Thomas took a few steps forward, he had to stop.

The other guards around him were in a similar situation to him, and in the end they could only watch the uninvited guest get into the woods.

After about another quarter of an hour, the rats gradually receded.

Thomas grabbed a fat rat that was trying to climb onto his shoulders, crushed its head and threw the body to the ground.

The air around him was filled with a disgusting stench.

When Miss Rabbit came down from the castle, she couldn't hold it back and vomited it out.

But afterwards, she endured the discomfort and counted the losses, and her mood improved a lot.

Due to the preparations made in advance, the female lord transferred most of the food and supplies stored in the castle in advance and placed them in the farm below, leaving only about a week's worth of food.

Now the food has been basically destroyed by the rats, and some wooden furniture has been damaged. The most serious thing is the stable, half of which collapsed.

But other than that there are almost no other losses.

The arrangement left by Li Yu worked and kept most of the rats out of the castle. The few who entered the castle only reached the corridor on the second floor, and they paid a heavy price.

The maids worked from sunrise to sunset, cleaning up the dead bodies of more than 4,000 rats.

These rats died in different ways. Some were smashed to death, some were burned, some were stuck to the ground unable to move, and some were smoked to death. But the worst ones were those who tried to attack the iron fence. Without exception, they had all four limbs. stiff.

It was as if an invisible hand had strangled its throat, and the body looked very strange.

The only regret was that the uninvited guest wearing a dark green cloak outside the castle could not be caught.

Li Yu returned to Bratis on the second night and listened to the female lord's vivid description of the unprecedented battle between her and the rats. After that, he watched the video captured by the drone and asked.

"So those rats are controlled by people?"

"Thomas said the same thing. He fought against the guy in the video and almost caught him. Later, the reason why the rats retreated was because their operator was in danger."

Miss Rabbit said, "Thomas said that he heard the cloaked man mumbling something while he was escaping, and then all the rats around him rushed towards Thomas and the others, trying to hold Thomas and the others back even if they lost their lives. Otherwise, that guy definitely wouldn’t have been able to escape last night.”

"Do you rely on your voice to control the rats..." Li Yu also fell into deep thought after hearing this.

In another dimension of the universe, even if technology has developed to today's level, humans still have no means to control mice.

Of course, if you are not disgusted and have a lot of time, you can try to tame rats like cats and dogs. In fact, some people do keep rats as pets.

If raised well, these rats can also execute some simple commands, but it is impossible to control the rats, especially controlling the rats to do things that go against their instincts, such as dying for their owners, is even more impossible. .

As for Bratis... After all, there are orcs and dragons in this place, so the emergence of a man who can control rats does not surprise Li Yutai.

He just didn't know whether this method of controlling the rat swarm was acquired through acquired learning, or whether it was some kind of talent of a specific individual creature.

But no matter which one it is, it shows that the Life Church far away in the royal capital is not simple.

Miss Rabbit was still immersed in the excitement of annihilating all the invading enemies. She wished that there would be another wave of rats tonight, so that she could give them another taste of Saturday's power.

This is the first time someone has successfully repelled the rats after the attacks on Flower Castle, Red Tower City and Scaled City!

It was an exciting victory for the noble families who refused to donate.

With the Arias family setting an example and proving that those little rodents are not invincible, more families will surely choose to continue fighting.

But Li Yu soon poured cold water on the girl, "Don't be happy so early. If that guy doesn't target Teacup Castle in the future, all my arrangements will be useless."

"Huh?" Miss Rabbit still didn't react, "Wouldn't it be nice if he didn't attack us?"

"It's not that he won't attack us, it's just that he won't attack Teacup Castle. The area of ​​​​the green field is not small. There are several farms under your command. If he attacks one or several of the farms next time, you can still Can it be blocked? Let alone those farmlands."

Hearing the words, the female lord finally realized the seriousness of the problem and couldn't help frowning.

This spring, she has been vigorously promoting new farm tools and four-field rotation in conjunction with the two-day holiday, and has guided farmers to expand their farming area through various methods. However, to truly convince the residents to accept this advanced production method, an unprecedented battle is needed. great harvest.

At this juncture, if the fields are destroyed, then her and Li Yuke's work will be in vain. If they want to promote agricultural reform in the future, they will inevitably spend more energy and cost.

"Why didn't you tell me those rats would attack other places?"

"Because judging from the few times that person has chosen targets before, the purpose of his attack is obviously to teach people who don't want to donate a lesson. I have enough reasons to believe that if he attacks us, he will definitely choose you the first time. Castle, but it’s hard to say after that.”

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