Working Prophet

Chapter 362 Seed obtained

When Ilkander went upstairs, the housekeeper called another maid, "Go and tell the cook to let him serve."

"Now?" Miss Rabbit interrupted, "Don't you need to wait for Lord Theodosius and Ilkander?"

"No need," the housekeeper shook her head, "Master Theodosius is not in good health and will not come down. As for Ilkand, Master Theodosius has other errands for him, so he probably won't stay. It's time to eat."

"Is that so..."

At this time, Li Yu suddenly said, "Sir Theodosius has something wrong with his body, do you need my help?"

"No need," the housekeeper's tone was polite, but her attitude was firm, "I know you have superb medical skills and magical medicine, but the family has its own herbalist, and the Silver Moon Church has also sent priests to take care of you. Lord Theodosius, the condition of Lord Theodosius is improving.

"Okay." Li Yu didn't insist anymore.

After that, one dish after another was served on the table. Although it was not as luxurious as the lunch meal, it was still very rich, including some things that are not easy to eat in the West.

The two of them had just had a few bites when they saw Ilkander, who had just gone upstairs not long ago, and now hurriedly walked down. The look on his face was a bit complicated, with both confusion and excitement.

The footsteps were fast, without stopping, and without even saying hello to Li Yu and Yi Liya, they just went out directly.

Miss Rabbit leaned close to Li Yu's ear and said, "It's a bit strange. When did that guy Diodosius become so pious? He would rather stay in bed than ask for your help. He has been doing this all winter."

Li Yu nodded, "It's a bit strange."

The female lord took two big mouthfuls of pudding, and then suddenly thought, "Hey, you think Theodosius is dead?"

The girl originally said it casually, because the answer was too bizarre, especially since Ilkander had just met Theodosius. If the latter had died, he should not have the expression he just had.

But Li Yu said, "It is possible."

"Really, you think so too?" Miss Rabbit's spirit of gossip was ignited. The Emmanuel family is a big noble, and as the head of the family, Theodossi is also a veritable big shot. If he really passes away, in the Western Territory It's like an earthquake.

"Yeah. Among the three, Galin took away Harman and Rafael, leaving only Ilkander. It doesn't seem to be an accident now." Li Yu said, "Ilkander has the most irritable personality and is very stubborn in doing things. And the roughest, he is indeed the most suitable candidate."

"Choice, who?"

"The person who witnessed that Theodosius is still alive, Harman, as the eldest son, must have spent the longest time with Theodosius, so it is easy to see the flaws.

"Rafal is the youngest, talks the least, and is a bit indecisive, but such people generally have excellent observation skills and can see many details that others ignore. In addition, there is another advantage to choosing Ilkander."

Li Yu cut a piece of mutton, tore open a pack of barbecue ingredients he brought, sprinkled it on, and then continued.

"Ilkander seems to be the least likely to be chosen as the successor among the three. If Theodosius told him that he planned to choose him as the successor, I think what would he do even if he had doubts in his heart? ?”

Miss Rabbit suddenly said, "You said that Irkander is really the most suitable candidate. What about us? If someone really planned all this, why did they invite us here?"

"First, of course, I will use my ability to record voices to force Harman and Rafael away." Li Yu said, "Second, probably because your and my identities are very suitable as witnesses. If anyone asks afterward, , we can also prove that Theodosius is still alive from another angle."

"The dragon-slaying heroine and the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult. Indeed, what we say should be quite credible."

When the female lord said this, she glanced around and saw that the maids were not staring at them all the time. She poked Li Yu with her elbow and lowered her voice.

"Hey, do you think we should try to find a way to go upstairs and meet the fake Theodosius later?"

"don't want."


"I haven't got the honey locust tree seeds yet." Li Yu said, "And no matter whether it is real or fake, you'd better take it seriously."


"He gave us a duty-free trade order." Li Yu reminded.

"That's right." As soon as Qian was mentioned, the female lord immediately calmed down and tried her best to suppress the curiosity in her heart.

After the two of them finished dinner, the housekeeper appeared again, "Mr. Theodosius asked me to thank you both for coming. Although no consensus was reached during this meeting, the conditions set by Mr. Theodosius are still valid.

"As long as you are willing to accept these two points, Black Rock City welcomes Shuangxiu Cult to preach."

After saying that, she handed a cloth bag in her hand to Li Yu, "The iron thorn has not bloomed yet, but I went to the cellar to search and found some seeds that were dried last year.

"You can take it back and try to see if it can be sown first. If not, I will send someone to give it to you after the iron thorns produce seeds this year."

"Thank you." Li Yu took the bag and opened it and took a look. There were about thirty or forty seeds in it, which was quite a lot.

This is the biggest gain from his trip to Black Rock City. With these seeds, he can plant honey locust trees in the green fields.

Miss Rabbit on the other side was still making insinuations, "I don't know when Sir Theodosius will get better. I also want to invite him to my Teacup Castle."

But the housekeeper still had that neither humble nor haughty look, "I will pass on your invitation to my lord."

It's a shame that she looks like she's only in her early thirties, but she doesn't have the vitality of a young person at all.

Seeing this, the female lord had no choice but to scratch her head and got into the carriage with Li Yu.

Miss Rabbit originally wanted to talk to Li Yu about what happened before, especially about the role played by the housekeeper Galin.

No matter who had been unwilling to announce the death of Theodosius, he obviously needed the help of the housekeeper. However, she did not expect that Li Yu told her to get off the carriage early before it left the city.

"What are you doing? Are you going to turn back and sneak into Theodosius' residence secretly?"

"No, let's just leave the Emmanuel family's affairs alone." Li Yu said, "I'll go find Frodo from the Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce to purchase some more things."

"Then I wait for you."

"No, you can go back directly."

"What about you?"

"It's almost time for me to leave. As long as you return to the green field, it means that I have returned to the green field. Have you forgotten?"


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