Working Prophet

Chapter 361 The Lucky One

The housekeeper's words shocked everyone present.

"Father, does he think there is a traitor in the family?" Halman asked, "Why?"

"Isn't this an obvious thing? The black dragon attacks all the heads of major families. To ensure the success of the attack, it must accurately grasp everyone's travel trajectory."

"But according to what Sir Ilea said later, wasn't the black dragon and David the same group?" Rafael also said, "It was David who leaked the whereabouts of his father and the others to the birdman and the black dragon. .”

"Then where did David know about it?" the housekeeper asked.

Rafael was speechless.

Ilkand snorted, "What's the matter? Prim gave birth to a little son for his father. His father was very happy and announced that he would hold a celebration in the city three days in advance. This matter is not a secret at all.

"Everyone in Blackstone City knows that David can ask just anyone. It would be too arbitrary to say there is a traitor in the family based on this incident alone."

"Indeed," the housekeeper did not refute this time, "but something else happened. A herbalist who treated Lord Theodosius was found to have hidden a small bottle of poison.

"That bottle of poison is not very toxic, but it can prevent the wound from healing. Obviously someone does not want Lord Theodosius to continue to live."

"Is there such a thing?" Ilkander was also stunned, "Where is the herbalist now?"

"Dead." The housekeeper said expressionlessly, "Do you have anything to say about this matter?"

"What do you mean we have anything to say? Are you implying that we are related to this matter?" Harman raised his voice, "This is ridiculous. We are his sons and his blood is flowing through us. , how could it be possible to do something detrimental to him."

"Really?" The housekeeper was noncommittal and turned to Li Yu, "Prophet Merlin, I wonder if you can perform a miracle and record our next conversation?"


Theodosius was so generous, sending honey locust tree seeds and duty-free trade orders. Li Yu would definitely help him with this small favor. He took out his mobile phone, clicked on the recording function, and then said to Galin, "Okay Alright, you can start."

The housekeeper thanked Li Yu again, and then looked at Harman.

The latter felt inexplicably panicked, especially when he saw Li Yu perform a miracle and record his voice, his eyelids jumped even faster.

"You, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I just want to ask you a few questions." The housekeeper said, "Two and a half months ago, when you were fooling around with a girl named Meiji in the brothel, did you say that you were about to become Emmanuel? The head of the family?"

Before the housekeeper finished speaking, everyone's eyes were focused on Harman's face.

Harman's face was very ugly, and he subconsciously wanted to deny it, but when he thought of Li Yu on the other side, he swallowed back the words that had reached his lips.

Halman just opened his mouth and couldn't say a word for a long time.

And he didn't need to say anything else, because seeing his reaction, everyone else already knew that the housekeeper was telling the truth.

"Master Theodosius' condition improved at that time. What kind of judgment did you use to reach this conclusion?" Galin continued.

"I...I just coaxed that silly woman to make her work harder." Harman said, "How can what I said in bed count?"

"Then why did you say the same thing to your friend Joffrey two days later while hunting? Your original words that day were..."

"That's enough!" Halman blushed and stood up from his position. "You are just a housekeeper and you have no right to interrogate the three of us brothers."

"I don't think so." It was Ilkand who spoke, "This time I stand with Miss Garin. When it comes to my father's safety, you should let her finish her words, brother."

Harman's face was very ugly, "Listen, I did say some stupid things during that time, but it had nothing to do with the herbalist. I didn't bribe him, and I never wanted to harm my father."

After speaking, Halman looked at the housekeeper again, "Are you spying on me?"

"No offense, but your father wants me to find the person who is trying to kill him."

"This is so disgusting," Halman said, "I want to leave here, and tell your informants to keep them away from me." After saying that, he walked out of the banquet hall door without looking back.

Looking at Harman's retreating back, Rafael hesitated and said, "We... just watch him leave?"

"Otherwise, are you going to stop him?" Ilkand said, "He is the eldest son. His father is not here, so no one can give him orders."

"But he's not..." Halfway through Rafael's words, he found that the housekeeper had moved her eyes to him.

"Lord Rafael, I heard that you have a very good relationship with Lord David." Garin went straight to the point.

Rafael did not deny it, "At that time, he was still the heir of the Figuerola family. My father taught us that we should have good relations with those really powerful people, so I did spend a lot of effort to make friends with him, but I don't know He has something to do with that black dragon."

"But according to my investigation, the value of the goods you gave him has exceeded 30,000 gold lions. This is a bit beyond the scope of... friendship. Can I ask, you spent so much money from him? What did you get in exchange?"

Rafael was silent after hearing this.

"You are also a member of the Emanuel family, so you shouldn't be doing business at a loss."

Rafal still didn't say a word, he just tore off the napkin on his shoulders, threw it aside, then got up and walked outside the house.

Ilkander, the only one left among the three, raised his eyebrows when he saw this, looked at the housekeeper, and sneered, "So it's time for me, right?"

However, Galin's words stunned him.

"No, you are different from them. You can be trusted. In fact, Lord Theodosius wants to see you alone." The housekeeper stretched out her hand and called another maid.

"Take Lord Ilkander upstairs."

Ilkander was surprised and delighted when he heard the words, he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

Moreover, the meaning behind his father driving away Harman and Rafael, but only keeping him, made Ilkand's heart beat faster.

He looked at the housekeeper again, and suddenly felt that the latter had become more pleasing to the eye than ever before.

Ilkand even took the initiative to apologize to the other party, "I'm sorry, I was too rude earlier, and I shouldn't have questioned your loyalty to my father."

The housekeeper's expression did not change at all, she just said, "It doesn't matter, go quickly."

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