Working Prophet

Chapter 346: A Mess of Chaos

The sneak attacker obviously felt the amazing aura of the tall man, so no one came forward for a long time.

Until a voice said, "Leave him to me."

Then the owner of the voice stepped out of the crowd.

The tall man squinted his eyes. When he first heard the voice, he felt it was familiar. The surprise on the person's face became even stronger when he saw it clearly.

"Jin Tong, it's you, have you betrayed me?"

"I prefer to call this getting rid of control and regaining freedom." Jin Tong said harshly.

"You know what happens to betrayers."

The tall man said, "I can't wait to see you kneeling on the ground three days later, crying and begging for forgiveness. No, this kind of thing will never happen anymore, because I will kill you tonight , consider this as my mercy.”

"You're talking as if you won the competition a year ago." Jin Tong sneered.

"You also said that was a year ago, and besides, I only lost half a move to you at that time." The tall man said lightly, "But now I am completely different from a year ago. Come on, let me Let’s see what progress you’ve made this year.”

"As you wish." Jin Tong also drew out his sword and said sternly, "Butcher, we are one on one today, don't ask anyone to help."

"Just what I wanted," said the butcher.

Although the battle between the two top masters was very exciting, Herodotus was not in the mood to appreciate it. When the road was cleared, he immediately ordered the driver to continue driving out of the city.

Seeing this, Tom also quickly led people to chase him, but before leaving, he still pulled in another lizard man warrior and pointed at the tall man.

"You stay here and use your crossbow to harass the big man later. Don't listen to Jin Tong. He has no thumbs and he will definitely not be able to hit the other side."

Then he took out two bags of gold coins from under the saddle and threw them to a man with a birthmark on his chin, who was also the man who stabbed the black-armored warrior in the calf with a spear before.

"I'll double the commission to help me deal with these guys."

As Tom spoke, he nodded to the group of black-armored warriors behind the butcher.

The man with the birthmark on his chin grabbed the money bag that flew over, weighed it, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

This bag of gold coins is very large, at least fifty gold coins, and two bags are equivalent to one hundred gold coins.

In addition to the hundred coins taken before, tonight's trip will bring a total of two hundred gold coins. Evenly spread out on everyone's head, there are nearly seven gold lions.

It is an absolutely big commission, and of course the opponent is indeed very powerful. This also shows from the side that the identity of the person in the carriage is definitely not simple.

In normal times, most mercenaries are unwilling to take on this kind of work. The reason is simple: they are afraid of getting into trouble.

But tonight is different. Firstly, Tom's offer is high enough, making it difficult to refuse. Secondly, the scaled city is now in chaos, and nothing is unusual about what happens.

It would not be easy to pursue the case afterwards, so when Tom returned to the Cyclops Tavern and issued the commission, many mercenaries were immediately interested.

Tom almost used the shortest time to pull out another armed force.

On the other hand, he did not know that Herodotus planned to abandon the city and flee before Martina's army arrived. He only monitored the movements in the city through the three-eyed bird suspended above the town.

The unusual movements of the Guards Corps were soon discovered amidst the robbery and arson.

Tom had fought with these people and recognized their costumes at a glance. He also knew that they were following Herodotus' orders, so he immediately made a series of arrangements.

Including letting that team of mercenaries blend into the new army, and then dropping spikes on Herodotus's path.

Delay Herodotus little by little and eliminate the effective forces on the opposite side.

Until now, there were only seven people left on Herodotus's side, and Tom had six Black Dog Guard warriors who could fight, plus he himself happened to be seven.

Although the number of people was the same, Herodotus's side was obviously stronger in terms of combat effectiveness. However, the people from Shuangxiu Cult were still chasing after them in order to rescue the little maid.

Seeing that both sides were coming to the city gate.

A black-armored cavalry took the lead and went to Drizzt, the deputy commander of the new army, with a letter written by Herodotus.

As long as he could find Drizzt, not only could he open the city gate, but he could also order Drizzt to lead people to stop the pursuers behind.

But as soon as the black-armored cavalry ran out not far away, a cloud of white smoke suddenly rose in front of his eyes. The smoke came from a very strange place. It did not rise from the flames, but from two strange-looking little iron cavalrymen. jar.

Moreover, the white smoke came very quickly, but within a few breaths, the black-armored cavalry could no longer see anything, and then started coughing violently.

The horse under him was also feeling uncomfortable. It was dizzy and frightened by the smoke, and refused to move forward any further.

The last trick arranged by Tom finally took effect. He asked a soldier from the Black Dog Guard to arrive at the city gate in advance with a homemade smoke bomb made by Shuangxiu.

The original plan was to take the opportunity to cause chaos if they couldn't leave the city by then.

Unexpectedly, it was put to use first. Seeing that Herodotus planned to send someone to deliver the message, Tom decisively contacted the Black Dog Guards waiting there through the walkie-talkie and lit the smoke bomb.

Afterwards, Tom and the others covered their mouths and noses with their clothes and rushed into the white smoke without hesitation.

At this moment, a random word stood out.

Whether it was the Black Dog Guards or the black-armored cavalry of the Guards Corps, because their sight was blocked, they could only swing their weapons and slash around, unable to distinguish where the enemy was from their companions.

Following his last memory, Tom moved towards the direction of the carriage, and was struck several times with swords. Fortunately, he kept holding the dragon scale shield firmly in front of him, while he huddled behind the shield as much as possible. no injuries

And he kept swinging his sword, but most of them failed. A few struck the armor, making a clanking sound. Only one or two swords felt like they had hit something.

Before Tom had time to figure out which little cutie had been stabbed by him, a strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart. He didn't have time to think too much and rushed forward desperately.

Then he felt his head hit a hard object.

The collision hit him so hard that stars appeared in his eyes, and he was so dizzy that he could no longer tell the difference between east, west, and north.

When the smoke dissipated a little, Tom realized that he was lying in front of the carriage.

This is probably what the prophet Merlin said about finding nowhere after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there.

Tom couldn't help but be overjoyed, and turned around to get into the car, but two black-armored cavalry on the other side also spotted him.

One hit two? He was still a master of the defensive team, and Tom's heart sank again.

Just when he was thinking that he was going to die here today, the two cavalrymen heard some orders again, and instead of joining forces to kill him, they turned their horses around and retreated on their own initiative.

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