Working Prophet

Chapter 345 Where did the person come from?

Seeing that the way forward was blocked, the tall man ordered six black armored cavalry to dismount and go to clean up the spikes on the ground.

Afterwards, he assigned ten more people to deal with the group of new troops who were chasing after them.

Facing an enemy that was several times their own, the soldiers of the Guard Corps showed no fear and faced them with firm steps.

On the contrary, among the new troops on the opposite side, after seeing the pair of armors and sharp blades that shone coldly under the night, some people had the intention of retreating again.

But those black-armored warriors didn't give them a chance to regret, and the next moment they were already waving their swords in their hands to kill them.

The person rushing forward should be a nearby farmer, holding a hoe in his hand. It can be seen that he has been living a very healthy life in recent times. Although his figure is still very thin, his lower abdomen has gradually become visible. mellow.

He was also wearing a rather exquisite woolen cloak, and he didn't know where it was stolen from.

He obviously also likes this cloak. Even though winter is over and the temperature is starting to rise, he still insists on wearing this woolen cloak.

But soon, the woolen cloak was cut in half, and the flesh and blood body underneath was also cut off, and its intestines and stomach were scattered on the floor.

The new army had never seen such a horrific scene before.

Everyone is horrified!

But the black-armored warriors of the Guards Corps, who had experienced hundreds of battles, were not in a daze like them. There was no expression on their faces.

The person who drew the sword seemed to have done an ordinary thing and then moved on to the next target.

His companions were just like him, just waving their weapons silently, taking away a life almost every time they took action.

The scene was like ten tigers jumping into a herd of sheep. No matter how many sheep there were, they were still no match for the tigers, and they didn't even have the power to resist.

The man who was soon killed cried for his father and his mother. He no longer thought about gold and just wanted to escape back.

The six people on the other side were almost clearing a path out of the spikes on the ground.

Herodotus was slightly relieved when he heard that traffic would soon be restored, but he still felt a faint sense of anxiety in his heart.

The main reason was that Herodotus didn't know where these sneak attackers came from.

No one other than the tall man knew about his plan to leave the Scaled City quietly tonight.

But the sneak attackers not only knew that he was leaving, but they also knew the time he chose and the route he would take out of the city, and set up an ambush on the road in advance.

This is something Herodotus couldn't understand.

In the past, he had expected no matter how chaotic the scaled city was, but now for the first time, he felt that his plan was in danger of getting out of control.

Coupled with the inexplicable disappearance of Jin Tong not long ago, Herodotus felt like he was being targeted by someone.

Could it be that Martina's people have sneaked into the city? But Martina's behavior has always been upright, and those people shouldn't know that he was in the carriage.

Herodotus was still thinking when he suddenly heard the roar of a tall man outside the carriage, "Despicable bastard!"

But it was a black-armored warrior who was chasing the defeated new army. Unexpectedly, a guy next to him who had been running around suddenly came around behind him.

Then he thrust the spear forward and pierced his calf directly.

Then the man who was running away in front turned around and rushed forward. The knife in his hand accurately hit the throat of the black-armored warrior who fell to the ground, killing the latter.

His methods are clean and neat, and he cooperates with his companions very well. It seems that he has practiced it many times. It is definitely not what the farmers and beggars in the new army can do.

This was the first time the Guards had lost members tonight, and a look of anger appeared on the calm face of the tall man who led it.

But it wasn't long before his anger turned to horror.

The fall of the black-armored warrior seemed to have sounded some kind of horn for the other side. Many of the people who were still fleeing stopped their steps, turned around and started to meet the enemy. Moreover, they often did not fight alone, but one or two. a helper.

Those helpers were among the fleeing new army at first, but they unknowingly got close to their enemies.

Dirty sneak attacks are everywhere.

Some black-armored warriors were caught off guard and were struck. One second they were killing people in the crowd, and the next second they had their necks wiped.

In just two or three breaths, more than half of the ten men sent out by the tall man to meet the enemy had fallen.

Although the remaining four escaped the first wave of assassinations, they could not hold on for long. They were already surrounded. Each of them had to face four or five opponents, and the skills of these opponents were not weak. .

Where did so many masters come from?

At this time, the tall man still didn't realize that these people were not new troops. Although their weapons were various and their fighting styles were different, most of them were very skilled and had quite a lot of combat experience.

Before the tall man could send anyone to rescue the remaining four Guardsmen soldiers, the reinforcements from the other side arrived first.

The group of crossbowmen who had ambushed them on the street appeared again, with only eight people left, and almost all of them were injured. However, none of the pair of black-armored warriors who were entangled with them came back.

The result of the previous battle was obviously self-evident.

Although the tall man already had some ominous premonitions when the first black-armored warrior was sneak attacked, when it all happened, the shock in his heart was still indescribable.

This is probably the biggest setback that the guards have encountered in the past century, and the last setback dates back to the kidnapping of the Prophet Merlin of the Shuangxiu Sect in the green field.

The attrition this time has already doubled the last time, and this is obviously not the final figure.

A cold light flashed in the tall man's eyes, and he said to a subordinate next to him, "Protect your lord."

After speaking, he pulled out the saber from his waist, dismounted and walked towards the group of enemies opposite.

There are now more than 30 people gathered on the opposite side, and the number has surpassed that of the guard team.

However, the tall man still only led a group of people.

In addition to protecting the carriage because of the rest of the people, it was also because he had enough confidence in himself.

Even in the guard team, which is full of strong players, he is still the top player.

In normal training and sparring, very few people can survive thirty strokes in his hands.

It's just that after becoming the captain and leading the team alone, he doesn't shoot much anymore, but this doesn't mean that his martial arts have declined.

On the contrary, he is stronger now than ever.

But tonight, he had been in trouble for a long time, not only did he not feel afraid, but the flame in his eyes burned even more vigorously.

At this time, he was standing in the middle of the street, his iron body was like a demon god!

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