Working Prophet

Chapter 316 You can level up by doing tasks

Of course, the fastest way to level up is to do quests.

Especially the novice tasks. The first novice task released by Li Yu is to use new farm tools correctly.

This task is not complicated. As long as there are people who are listening to the sermons of Hughes seriously during this period, they should learn a lot. Even if someone is really stupid, they can ask their fellow villagers for advice.

So this is an easy task for almost everyone.

Afterwards, Li Yu removed a group of Hughes and craftsmen from the Missionary Office and the Bureau of Truth to form a team of examiners who were responsible for assessing the completion of tasks in the four parishes.

Only those who are deemed by them to have completed the mission will receive Kingdom Points.

Since it is a simple task, the reward of Kingdom Points this time is not too much, only 1 point.

But 1 point of Kingdom of God points can be exchanged for 3 pounds of dog fish meat, which is enough for a family of four to eat meat once.

In fact, some people redeemed them on the spot after getting Kingdom of God points.

And the shopkeepers in charge of running the Shenguo store in the Fortune Association were also very straightforward. After checking the identity of the changer and asking the other party to confirm with their fingerprints, they immediately took out the pike meat.

Since Luye's pike breeding industry has just started, Li Yu purchased all the pike meat from outside this time. The first batch purchased a total of 5,000 kilograms.

At present, there are about 12,000 Shuangxiu believers in Green Field. If all these people accept and complete the novice mission, then Li Yu will send out 10,000 Divine Kingdom Points.

And if all these ten thousand points were exchanged for pike, it would be thirty thousand catties.

It would take nearly a thousand gold coins to pay. Although Li Yu could afford the money, it was really difficult to get so many pikes in a short time.

Fortunately, five days later, he got the sales data of the Shenguo store, and found that the five thousand catties of pike were not all sold out, and there were still nine hundred catties left. Excluding the loss in the middle, a total of 1,329 people have consumed them so far That 1 Kingdom of God point.

This is not to say that pike is unpopular, because Li Yu looked through the sales records carefully and found that the sales peak was mainly concentrated in the first two days, and the number dropped significantly on the third day, and the fourth and fifth days dropped to the same extent. More.

Li Yu later visited two or three villages and confirmed his speculation.

Those who did not buy pike did not dislike eating pike, but because they realized the value of Shenguo Points. Those who exchanged Shenguo Points for pike have proved to others that Shenguo Points have purchasing power. It proves that all the products on that page in the Kingdom of God store can be redeemed.

As a result, more and more people became gangsters and decided to save the 1 point of Kingdom of God until they could use it to buy more valuable things in the future.

In addition to the most attractive red brick house at position C of the promotional poster, the new farm tools introduced by Shuangxuejiao have finally begun to gain popularity.

Through the novice mission, the local farmers in Luye have carefully learned and used the plow and columbine.

Later, they were surprised to find that these two new tools were indeed much more efficient and better than their previous heavy plows and hand-spreading of seeds.

These farmers are not stupid. The reason why they rejected new tools before was just because they got used to the original farming methods and subconsciously resisted unknown things.

However, after realizing the practicality of the new tool, they immediately became really excited again.

After all, no one wants to cultivate more land and harvest more crops in the future.

On the other hand, Li Yu also successfully popularized new farm tools in this way, and both parties were happy.

With the success of the first novice mission, and feeling the strong desire of Saturday's believers to earn God's Kingdom Points, Li Yu struck while the iron was hot, and released several new missions in one breath a few days later.

However, the tasks this time are not as simple as before, most of them are related to recruitment.

Now the number of believers of Shuangxiu Sect has exceeded 10,000. In the traditional strategy game, Li Yu is equivalent to a population explosion, and the next step must be to make good use of these populations, distribute them to different places, and speed up various constructions.

For example, expanding brick kilns, building new public facilities, recruiting more carpenters and blacksmith apprentices... In addition, education must also be promoted.

As the scale of the organization expands, the demand for talents on the double break education side is also increasing day by day.

In particular, Li Yu came up with such an upgrade system. Regardless of the release of tasks, the assessment of results, the operation of the Shenguo store, and the most important thing is the statistics of the Shenguo points, a large number of commissioners are required to be responsible for the follow-up review.

These specialists must be literate and know the four simple arithmetic operations.

Most of these positions are now temporarily taken care of by the survivors of the Weiting family, but in this way, their own work and missionary work will inevitably be affected.

Therefore, Li Yu must start cultivating talents in this area.

He does not offer nine-year compulsory education or universal literacy classes.

This is not realistic in the Bratis continent. The training time for the former is too long, and most jobs do not require junior high school level education.

As for the latter, the current cost is also too high.

The two-day teaching itself forces everyone to take a two-week break. In addition, there is still half a day to study the teachings every week. If you take time out to study, even if it is only one day, the remaining three and a half days of work is not enough. use.

Unless Li Yu also learns from other time travelers to run night schools, or simply puts the study time on Saturdays and Sundays, but this will violate the precepts of the double-day teaching, and even shake the foundation of the double-day teaching if it is serious.

Pure pursuit of efficiency is certainly a shortcut to victory, but that creates a world in which only a few people can achieve happiness.

Li Yu finally decided to compress the learning time and quickly cultivate a group of people who can recognize and write common words and use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through one to two years of special training to meet the needs of the upgraded system.

Make adjustments later as needed.

For this reason, Li Yu deliberately built another school on the territory of Shuangxiujiao, and issued a mission to recruit a group of believers who were willing to learn in the territory.

Everyone who registers and is selected can receive twenty Kingdom Points at one time, and during the one-year study, meals and accommodation will be provided during the weekends. After passing the graduation exam, assignments and jobs will be provided.

Not to mention the twenty Kingdom of God points, the provision of food and accommodation alone is very attractive to many families. As we all know, raising children is a very money-consuming activity in any era.

And Li Yu is very liberal in his age requirements. You can enroll in the school if you are at least ten years old, which means that the number of people who sign up is generally very small.

They were almost all primary school students, almost none over fourteen years old.

The villagers made good calculations. Older people can basically work in the fields as laborers. It may not be cost-effective to send them here, so they brought only children who were young and had more to eat than to work.

Obviously they want to come and help them raise their children by getting a wave of free meals during weekends.

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