Working Prophet

Chapter 315 Version 1.0 is online

Li Yu walked out of the community and first went to a nearby convenience store to buy a bottle of Master Kong iced tea.

He unscrewed the bottle cap, raised his neck and took two gulps, and then... his whole body began to ache.

He just won't die, not that he won't feel pain.

Although he had always had the upper hand in that fight just now, he also suffered quite a few blows, and the effect of force was mutual. Although the fist he swung hit Wang Kai and Song Xiaofei, his knuckles were also broken right now. It started to hurt.

But Li Yu was in a good mood.

And then he saw An Yixin outside the convenience store again, An Yixin was also in a good mood, looking at him with admiration and excitement, Li Yu took another bottle of Coke Zero and threw it to Peace of mind.

The latter took it, opened it, and took a sip happily.

Li Yu knew that An Yixin had also seen what happened on the roof just now.

After being driven away by Li Yu, this guy didn't go home, but ran to the roof of the next building and hid behind the fence.

Li Yu didn't bother to criticize her anymore, he just said to her, "Let's go."

On the way back, An Yixin hummed a light melody.

"What song?" Li Yu asked after listening to it for a while.

"Thai queen Palmy's "Massage" and Palmy's elder sister's songs are very nice, uncle, you can also listen to it when you have time."

Li Yu took out his mobile phone and searched Baidu, "You call a 41-year-old person sister, and you call me uncle?"

"That's because uncle, you rarely smile and always look very serious."

"I'm not 26 years old yet, don't call me uncle anymore."

"Then what is my name? The big brother who won't die?"


"Big brother who won't die, you are really good at fighting."

An Yi said heartily, "One hits two, and the opponent can't get up. If only I had your skills, the two of us can work together, patrolling the city every night, eliminating evil and promoting good.

"But it seems that you are really not a vampire, otherwise I would have turned Wang Kai and Song Xiaofei into your blood packs."

"They should not do bad things again in the future. If you see or hear similar things again, you can tell me."

"Okay." An Yixin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.


When Li Yu went to work the next day, Miss Rabbit saw the bruises on his face and was startled, "What happened?! How did you become like this?"

Li Yu didn't want to explain more and simply said, "It's okay, it was just a fight."

As a result, the female lord became even more nervous after hearing this, "Was it a battle between gods? Did other gods lead an army to fight? Who won in the end? Was my lord injured on Saturday?"

"Well, it's not that serious. It's just an ordinary fight."

Li Yu originally didn't want to wear sunglasses at night, he was a little crazy, but seeing Ilea looking like an enemy, he still took out [game sunglasses] and put them on his face, covering his slightly swollen eye sockets.

In addition to the fight last night, Li Yu also received the final version of the upgrade system sent to him by Sea Dog. After reading it and found it to be all right, Li Yu sent the final payment to Sea Dog.

And this time he planned to put the system online.

This is considered a trial run version of 1.0. Let’s see how it works first and if there are any problems in the future, we can continue to update and iterate.

Li Yu asked Adun to find the monks at the mission house and announce the news to them first, and then find someone to record the relevant content.

The main things that need to be promoted to the public are the products in the redemption store and the corresponding Kingdom of God points, as well as the ways to obtain Kingdom of God points (upgrades).

This system comes at the right time, and can cooperate with the upgrading of agricultural tools and the reform of farming methods currently being carried out by Shuangxiujiao.

This is destined to be a day that will be remembered by future generations. In the future, millions of believers will be addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves, willing to become Internet addicts.

With the weekend church in full operation, in just a few days, all the Saturday believers in Green Field learned that the prophet Merlin had launched a new gadget.

Haigou is worthy of the name of a senior game planner. Although he worked on one project and one project, he learned how to make a good game through repeated failures.

Adhering to the design principle of not throwing too many things at the player at the beginning, and trying to treat the player as an idiot.

There were not many products in the Kingdom of God store in version 1.0, only one page. Li Yu simply asked Zhang Yanlin to contact the print shop to print them all and make them into posters. Simple and intuitive, it is posted in the center of every village.

Although there are few items in the store at this stage, each item is carefully selected, including the new farm tools featured this time, and the rest are also good items that can improve living standards.

For example, the windmill mill usage coupon can be used to grind twenty kilograms of flour, which saves the usage fee required to use the lord's mill, and you don't have to do it yourself.

There are also condiments such as salt and pepper. The price of condiments in the Bratis continent has always been very high. Even if the believers are reluctant to eat them after buying them, they can still make a small profit by selling them.

Fresh pike, this is also the product that Li Yu is focusing on promoting now.

Although the pike in the fish pond has not yet reached the breeding season, Li Yu has decided to start cultivating the habit of eating fish among the believers of the Shuangxiu Sect.

Otherwise, when the follow-up freshwater fish farming industry is rolled out, the poor sales of fish may dampen the enthusiasm of farmers.

It's better to do it now. At worst, during the weekend, he will spend money to buy fish from outside for everyone to eat. For this reason, Li Yu also specially adjusted the price of pike, changing it to 1 Shenguo point and 3 pounds, which is the same as the price in the store. Compared with other products, it is quite cost-effective.

These commodities are already present on the continent of Bratis, and the people can easily calculate their actual value, and this can also make believers more intuitively understand the preciousness of the Kingdom of God.

Let everyone spontaneously accept this new general equivalent.

In addition to these regular products, there are also some things unique to Shuangxiujiao in the Kingdom of God store, such as the red brick house that is placed first and most conspicuously on the poster.

Li Yu even dedicated a small area to it, introducing it with photos of the exterior and interior.

In the words of Sea Dog, the existence of this signature product is to stimulate everyone to work hard to upgrade! Of course, its price is also very high, a full 1,999 Divine Kingdom Points.

But I believe that anyone who has seen the picture will be attracted by it, and their ears will automatically recall the voices of those monks who came to preach.

"Do you want the things inside? If you want, I can give them all to you. Go and upgrade! Earn Kingdom Points and buy all the good things!"

The believers were excited again. After delivering the eggs, the Shuangxiu Cult finally came up with another big job! This time I gave away more things and the value was higher, even the house was given away! (At this time, most people have not realized that Divine Kingdom Points are actually a currency. In people’s eyes, the Divine Kingdom Points that can be obtained by upgrading are just like giving away for free.)

The next question remains, how to upgrade?

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