Working Prophet

Chapter 294 Argue

Facing the church's biggest enemy, Quintus at least did not fall too far behind in terms of momentum. Even though he was alone at this time and surrounded by Saturday believers, his expression remained unchanged.

Li Yu nodded, "Well, I just heard about some of your deeds, Priest Quintus, and I found out that you are very good at preaching, especially among the common people. It seems that the High Priest Kokoon personally ordered the order for you this time when you came to Luye. name."

"It has nothing to do with the High Priest Kokoon. It's me who came here to inquire about the enemy." Quintus showed no fear at all. "Since I've been discovered by you, I can arrest or kill you as long as you want."

"Priest Quintus, you misunderstood. I did not prohibit people from other sects from attending this missionary activity."

Quintus was startled when he heard this, "Then why did you come to me?"

"As I just said, I heard that you are very good at preaching, so I came to ask your opinion. What do you think of the people on the stage just now?"

"It's pure nonsense!"

Since Li Yu asked Quintus to comment, Quintus was not polite and spat out these four words.

As if that wasn't enough, Quintus added, "With all due respect, those people on the stage didn't look like they were preaching at all, they looked more like actors in a troupe, or the kind of people who were performing in a comedy show.

"They have no dignity as priests. It's hard to believe that we would have lost to such a group of clowns before. If you and your cult hadn't been giving money to the villagers, you wouldn't be our opponent at all."

"Are you unwilling to lose?" Li Yu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." Quintus said, "Prophet Merlin, you know it very well in your heart, right? If it weren't for those ugly off-the-chart moves of yours, the Shuangxiu Church would not be an opponent of the Silver Moon Church in a fair competition."

"So what do you think is a fair competition?"

"It's very simple. Find a village, send people from each side, without using any external objects, and whoever can convince the villagers to believe in the gods behind them will be the better preacher."

“Better preacher, then what?”

"What then?" Quintus frowned.

"You have proven yourself to be better preachers, but what did the people in that village get?" Li Yu asked, "They still can't fill their bellies, and they still don't have enough clothes to keep out the cold in winter. Come on. If you are sick, you can only wait to die..."

"This is a lie!" Quintus said without hesitation, "The deacon named Anton is lying. The church has always been helping the poor, sending clothes and food to them every year, and the priests also heal the sick and save people... It's not like He was so unmoved by what he said.”

"Really? Then why do so many people still starve to death and freeze to death every year?" Li Yu asked.

"We can't save everyone." Quintus said, "The church's manpower and financial resources are limited." After he finished speaking, he looked at the other people around him and said sincerely, "It's not that the church doesn't want to give everyone the same benefits as the two-day holiday. There were blankets and bread, but Pisiya had too many followers, millions of them.

"We have to give these things to other people who need them more..."

Quintus had forgotten the purpose of coming here in the first place. He was completely immersed in the argument with Li Yu. He also regained his confidence when he returned to the field he was best at.

Until he heard Li Yu say, "We will save the people you can't save."

"This is impossible." Quintus shook his head and said, "No religious order can save everyone. The Silver Moon Church cannot do it, and it is even more impossible to do it on a double break. I know you have some money on hand, Dragon Slaying There are also gold coins earned from selling the dragon's blood, but there won't be much.

"If you continue to spend like this, you won't be able to sustain it for a few months. Besides, even if it is ten times more, it will be spent one day. It is a real lie to stop everyone from going hungry."

"The reason why you think so is because you know nothing about Saturday's magical power." Li Yu said, "Well, how about we make a bet?"

"What are you betting on?" Quintus was very wary.

"Bet to see whose believers live happier and richer lives. If the Silver Moon Church really cares about the people in this land, rather than its own self-interest, then there is no reason to stop the believers from letting them go. life."

Quintus fell into silence upon hearing this, and then said after a while, "You know I can't be the master of this."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you admit that I am right."

"That's it?" Quintus was surprised when he heard this, "I thought you would take the opportunity to put forward conditions for me to join the Shuangxiu Teaching."

"I will never force anyone to join my church. As I said, if there are people like you in Silver Moon Church who really care about this land, then you will naturally make the most correct choice of."

"Are you so confident in yourself?!" Quintus didn't know where Li Yu's confidence came from.

“Isn’t it the purpose of gods to do things that others cannot do?”

Li Yudao, "In addition, those Hughes are not clowns. I admit that the first Greenfield Open Wheat missionary activity was not so perfect, but change is like this. It always requires constant trial and error. These are all necessary in the early stage. The price to pay.”

Quintus still shook his head when he heard this, "Even if you say so, I don't think highly of them."

"Really? Then let the results speak for themselves."


Since there were too many participants to complete the competition in one day, Li Yu postponed the second round two days later. When he returned to Bratis, he also gave those advanced players more time to prepare. .

Different from the first round, Li Yu will designate a theme for the second round of competition, and everyone will preach around this theme.

This round of competition is more about the players' understanding of the teachings, as well as their on-the-spot eloquence.

Li Yu didn't intentionally make it difficult for everyone, and asked the ten entrants to discuss why they should encourage believers to have a balanced diet.

What pleased Ms. Rabbit the most was that Li Yu affirmed the important edible value of carrots.

It even hinted that carrots would be vigorously promoted among the believers of the Shuangxiu Church in the future, which made the female lord give Le a crooked mouth.

But then she listened to Li Yu admonishing her to eat more vegetables.

Because according to Li Yu's understanding, the nobles on the continent of Bratis lived on bread and meat every day, and their vegetable intake was generally insufficient. From the perspective of future generations, their diet was not even as healthy as that of serfs.

Even if they also ate bread, the nobles ate white bread, while the serfs ate whole wheat.

However, Ilea didn't know that Li Yu was worried about her insufficient vitamin intake. She thought she had eaten too much meat during this period, and Li Yu noticed the excess fat on her lower abdomen, and she couldn't help but feel guilty.

Sorry, this chapter is late, and I have revised it again~ In addition, there is a problem with the title, I wrote two forty-eight, and I will find the editor to change it later. This chapter is written according to the normal 51, and there are no missing chapters in the middle.

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