Working Prophet

Chapter 293 I didn’t expect you to be such a person!

Teemo's sermon was unremarkable, and it could be seen that he had carefully prepared, and his understanding of the doctrine was also very accurate, but apart from that, there were almost no other advantages to be picked out.

Although Timo's father died early, he also left a considerable inheritance. Afterwards, his mother used the money to form a caravan and do business everywhere, earning more money.

Therefore, Timo has hardly experienced any hardship in material life since he was a child. In other words, like the Hughes of the Wetin family, he also has the problem of not understanding the people at the bottom.

Using examples from my own experience, the people below are often confused.

So after he finished talking about Miss Rabbit's struggles, she still only gave him a 6. Adele and Hera's ratings were also low, with one being a 7 and the other a 5.

Instead, Li Yu held up a 10-point sign after a moment of silence.

Everyone, including Teemo himself, was shocked.

The female lord's ears straightened up and her eyes widened, "I didn't expect you to be such a person..."

Li Yu didn't deny it, "He is indeed good-looking."

"Wake up, you are recruiting preachers, not beauty pageants." Ilea said sadly, "Shouldn't we focus on his preaching level? If you give him high marks just because of his face , it’s too unfair to other contestants.”

"But I also said that there is no restriction on the form of this missionary, you can use it freely."

"What did he do?"

"Are you listening to his sermon?"


"I see that you listened very seriously just now and didn't miss a word. That means the effect of his sermon was quite good."

"Honestly, it was his face that kept me going through that boring sermon!"

"It doesn't matter why." Li Yu said.

"People just need to listen to him, whether it's singing, performing miracles, or spreading the seeds of hatred... These are just means, the purpose is to attract more people to listen, Timo can do it with a single face Wouldn’t it be better to arrive?”


Miss Rabbit fell into deep thought, and the following public rating session seemed to prove Li Yu's statement.

The applause and cheers were extremely enthusiastic, especially for many female believers, who were almost hoarse from shouting.

Because Teemo usually lives in Blackstone City, it is not easy to see him again in the Green Fields.

But if he becomes a monk with the help of this missionary activity, then everyone will be able to listen to his sermons in the future, and if he is lucky, he can see him every day.

In the end, Timo successfully counterattacked with his super high public ratings and squeezed into the top ten, currently ranking ninth.

Li Yu put away the decibel detector, then turned to look at Adele.

The face of the former priest blushed suddenly, and the pair of triangular ears looming in the short hair also trembled, and she explained softly.

"I gave him 7 points not because of his appearance, but because he was clear in his sermons, with a clear sense of priority and secondary importance, and he actually has potential."

"Oh, is that so? I thought of something else. Miss Adele seemed to be very popular when she was preaching in the green field." Li Yu said.

Before the former priest could speak, Ilea interjected, "Hey, what you said is true, Adele was very popular when she was studying in the temple, and she was always surrounded by many suitors. Two people even fought for her, but they were both driven away by High Priest Martina.

"It's something that can't be helped. Who made her rub so easily and with such a gentle temper? We lived together at that time, and I couldn't get enough of rubbing her seven or eight times a day. Tsk tsk, I really miss those days. "

"Ilea, you are already a dragon slaying hero, why don't you get rid of your bad habit of talking nonsense." The former priest blushed.

"I'm telling the truth, and unlike the kid on the stage, you are also very good at preaching. High Priest Martina has praised you many times, saying that you are the best performer and the most talented among us." Otherwise, you would not have become the youngest priest in the church in the past thousand years."

"Compared to the Prophet Merlin, I'm still far behind." Adele said, "Facing the Prophet Merlin, even with the church behind me to help me, I still lost completely."

"That's not your fault, the main reason is that that guy is not human at all." The female lord comforted her friend.

"I always feel like you are scolding me." Li Yu paused, then asked Adele, "Are you interested in coming back and continuing to preach?"

The former priest hesitated, "I... I'm not ready yet, can you let me do something else first, anything else is fine."

Although she stepped forward not long ago, she exposed the hypocrisy of the Silver Moon Church.

But unlike Anton, she didn't have that much hatred for Silvermoon Church, and was more convinced by the beautiful vision Li Yu described.

Adele stayed in Shuangxiujiao's territory for several months, and saw with her own eyes the tremendous changes that had taken place here, and her heart that had been dead began to beat again.

Rather than saying that she stood up to stab her old club, it might be better to say that she wanted to help Shuangxiu through the crisis.

As for how to face Silver Moon Church in the future, and face the teachers and friends she admires there, she really hasn't figured it out yet.

Li Yu didn't urge, but just said, "Then tell me when you want to come back."

The former priest nodded upon hearing this.

Next, a dozen more people took the stage to preach, but there were no very impressive players.

Teemo finally advanced to the second round with a ranking of tenth.

This result made him feel a little embarrassed. After the end, he took the initiative to find Li Yu, intending to withdraw from the competition and give up his position to a better performer.

Li Yu encouraged him and told him not to think so much and to prepare well for the second round two days later when he returned. After that, he walked straight up the hillside.

When Quintus saw Li Yu walking into the believers, he quickly lowered his head and put on his hood to cover his face.

However, Li Yu was still walking this way.

At the beginning, Quintus still held a trace of luck in his heart, wondering if it was just a coincidence, until the crowd parted in front of him, and the black figure stopped about four or five steps away in front of him. steps.

"Priest Quintus?"

When Quintus heard his name being called, he had to raise his head with a solemn expression. He didn't know how he was exposed, but it was meaningless to think about it now.

The priests of the Silver Moon Church did not try to deny or muddle through. That would be undignified and would bring shame to the church, so he puffed out his chest and admitted it generously.

"It's me. I didn't expect that the famous Prophet Merlin also knew about me."

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