Working Prophet

Chapter 190 Burning Teacup Castle

The huge black dragon swooped down from the sky, and headed straight for the stone fortress under his feet!

The tall and solid wall outside the stone castle has helped the Arias family resist attacks from powerful enemies several times. However, this time it was of no use against an opponent that could drop from the sky.

The black dragon jumped over the city wall easily.

Although the soldiers in charge of the night watch found it as soon as it approached, and dutifully rang the iron bell for warning.

However, since it was already late at night, most people in the castle had already fallen asleep. Even if they woke up from their dreams at this moment, it would be difficult to hide in the cellar immediately.

Especially the elderly and children with weak legs and feet.

As the black dragon breathed out its first breath, the entire first floor of the stone castle instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the tables, chairs, and flags hanging on the walls all burned.

Of course, the most terrible thing is the rush grass on the ground.

These rushes are generally used as carpets in castles, and rushes are an important raw material for making rush lamps. They are very easy to ignite, thus further exacerbating the fire.

At this time, it is almost impossible for the people living above to step over the raging flames and hide underground.

And the black dragon had already moved its head to the second floor of the stone castle, preparing for its next breath.

Except for Ilea, who has already led people to Rock Snow City, almost all important members of the Arias family live in this castle. Together with servants and guards, there are hundreds of people.

Pity the hundreds of people, most of them have just gotten out of bed, and they will all be buried in the sea of ​​fire.

But when the black dragon set the second floor of the stone castle on fire, he finally noticed something abnormal.

Because until now, no one has seen it in the castle.

There were no familiar wails and screams from the flames.

It was unusually quiet.

Immediately afterwards, something flew from the darkness behind it! Cut through the night.

The speed of that thing was very fast, and there was a faint sound of piercing through the air, which caused a warning sign in the heart of the black dragon!

But by the time it heard the sound of breaking through the sky, it was already too late.

In just a blink of an eye, the thing flew in front of it, and finally flew out while grazing its back.

Hit the stone castle nearby!

It was an iron crossbow arrow that was about as thick as an arm and more than two meters long. It hit the inner wall of the stone castle and made a deafening roar, directly destroying half of the wall!

And the black dragon was obviously frightened by the terrifying destructive power of this arrow.

This was the most threatening blow it had encountered since leaving the swamp, even more than the one that had injured it before.

If the angle when the crossbow arrow was shot had been slightly lower, it would have been hit by now.

Although most of its body is protected by hard scales and is not afraid of ordinary crossbows, the giant crossbow arrows just now are obviously not among them.

Even if you don't die if you are hit by something like that, you will still be seriously injured.

After a brief moment of fear, the anger in the black dragon's heart was ignited by this arrow!

And the moment it turned back, it saw another iron crossbow arrow shooting towards it. The height of this arrow was no problem, but this time the dragon was on guard, and ducked quickly to avoid it. .

Seeing two arrows miss in succession, Ilea let out a sigh of regret.

It's a pity, it's obviously just a little bit away, just a little bit away from being able to seriously injure or even kill the evil dragon, and win the battle right from the beginning.

However, this time the god of luck seemed not to favor Lu Ye anymore.

But even so, Miss Rabbit was shocked by the power of the Sea King Halberd. Did the Weiting family rely on this giant crossbow to travel across the sea? Even the stone castle could be destroyed. Wouldn't it be a threat to other ships? Wear the right one?

Not to mention that it is now equipped with a holy aiming weapon specially prepared by Shuangxiujiao for this kind of giant crossbow.

That little red dot can actually simulate and locate the flight trajectory of the crossbow in advance, replacing the crossbowman's estimation based on experience, greatly improving the shooting accuracy.

Although the two arrows just failed to hit the target, they were just a hair's breadth away. The distance between the two sides was now more than 400 steps.

There was no other way. Li Yu originally wanted to place the two Sea King Halberds closer to each other, but the Sea King Halberds were too big to be easily disguised. Moreover, with the vigilance of the dragon, it would be easy to get caught if they were too close. It gives advance notice.

Therefore, we can only swing it a little further, but at this distance, even if there is a laser sight to assist positioning, the influence of factors such as gravity and wind speed must be considered, and the final landing point will definitely be different from the position of the red dot. .

Moreover, the lizard crossbowmen he found were all rushed. They had only been trained for a few months, and they were all self-taught. To be honest, the accuracy of these two arrows had exceeded his expectations.

If the dragon's reaction was a little slower, the second arrow would have hurt it, and the next battle would be much easier.

However, the first wave of sneak attacks failed, and Li Yu did not panic. He just let the crossbowmen of the first giant crossbow continue to load arrows as planned, while the crossbowmen of the second giant crossbow began to withdraw.

He used a wireless walkie-talkie to communicate throughout the entire process. The advantage of this is that he can modify orders in time according to changes in the situation on the field, and every order issued can be clearly transmitted to the ears of the executor.

Coupled with the superior execution ability of the lizard people, Li Yu can also be commanded by Li Yu to complete a series of micro operations on the vast battlefield.

Yes, you read that right.

Neither Ilea nor Li Yu are in Yanxuecheng now. The so-called coalition of 700 people and the secret dragon-slaying weapon were just bait from the beginning.

After delivering an impassioned dragon-slaying proclamation, Miss Rabbit encases herself in dwarven armor sent by the Emanuel family.

This pair of thick armor can wrap her whole body, and if you put down the mask, you can't tell who is inside. In addition, the girl is riding in a carriage, and there is the cooperation of Alfred and others.

She made an excuse to relieve herself halfway, and after finishing changing clothes with the maid waiting there, she left the brigade and slipped back to the green field again.

As for Li Yu, it's even simpler. The black suit and leather shoes have become his trademark, but for people outside the green field, not many people have actually seen him. Li Yu only needs to put himself If you lend your outfit to a lizardman, you can have that lizardman pretend to be him.

Anyway, the fake Ilea, Alfred and others have no objections, and of course others will not doubt his identity.

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