Working Prophet

Chapter 189 Night Attack

In fact, when Li Yu proposed to let Ilea compete for the new commander of the coalition forces, the girl herself was taken aback.

She just thought of a way to drive Hulse from the position of commander before, but she never thought that she could replace him.

Firstly, she didn't have that kind of ambition, and secondly, she didn't think she would have this opportunity.

Even if that spot is getting a little hot on the butt now.

But Li Yu told her that it was not a big problem, as long as she was willing to run for the election, being selected was almost a certainty.

In Li Yu's view, the election of the new commander-in-chief is nothing more than a bidding event. As long as the bidding document is beautiful enough and the cost is low enough, no one can refuse it.

And it is true.

As soon as Ilea's 700-man dragon-slaying plan came out, she was immediately invincible and killed all her competitors. After that, she successfully became the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

And this time, the actions of the major families were also very fast. It took less than half a month to send all the selected warriors to the green field.

These people are almost all half-orc warriors, who look tall and well-equipped.

The Emmanuel family next door also sponsor a large collection of dwarf armor and weapons.

There are almost two hundred sets. This is a truly good thing. A single pair sells for nearly a hundred gold coins in the market, and the total value is a full 20,000 gold lions.

After getting it, Miss Rabbit repaired a set for herself first. Although the Arias family also has a set of dwarven armor, it is already an antique.

The pair she was wearing now was brand new, with no scratches on it, and it was shining brightly in the sun. The girl reached out and knocked on her chest, and the thump-dong-dong sound that came back was particularly reassuring.

The only problem is that this thing is too heavy. Even if Miss Rabbit chooses the smallest pair, it still affects her movement. After wearing it, her movement speed is only half of her usual speed.

It’s okay if you win the battle, but if you lose the battle, you won’t be able to run away.

And these things are not given away for free. The Emmanuel family temporarily lent these armors and weapons to the Arias family in order to avenge the three members of the family head Theodosius. They will still have to return them after they are used up.

But in war, there will inevitably be wear and tear. The girl plans to deduct fifty sets of armor, no, one hundred sets of armor, and say that it was destroyed by the black dragon.

In addition to weapons and equipment, the major families also sent food and many military supplies.

In short, there are people who give people, and those who have money give money.

Every day, a lot of supplies were continuously transported into the green field. Miss Rabbit was dazzled by the sight and said that she had never fought such a rich war in her life.

After having money and food, Ilea did not hesitate and soon started training the army.

However, Merlin's secret weapon was still kept secret. Outsiders could only see a huge wooden box that was three people high, mounted on a carriage, and it took eight horses to pull it.

The Arias family sent four teams of guards to cooperate with the twelve lizardmen found by Li Yu, guarding the carriage day and night, not allowing anyone to approach.

The reason they gave was also very simple. The dragon had been traveling around the Western Region some time ago, attacking important figures from major families. There was reason to suspect that spies might have been mixed into each family.

The Arias family was worried that the carefully prepared dragon-slaying weapons would be exposed in advance, which would put the dragon on guard.

No one can refute this reason. In fact, all major families have also suspected that there is something wrong internally during this period, and they are actively investigating. The more cautious the Arias family and Shuangxiujiao are, the more they can explain the weapon. It can really have an effect on that evil dragon.

It's always good to be careful at times like this.

And almost half a month later, the black dragon seemed to have healed its wounds last time, and finally appeared again. This time it chose to attack Yanxue City!

It was clear that it was going towards the Figuerola family, and it seemed that it wanted to avenge its previous revenge. After all, the only injury on its body was caused by the people led by Hells. This move was also in line with its characteristics of holding a grudge.

However, as the overlords of the Western Territory, the Figuerola family is not a vegetarian, and after such a long time, it is impossible for David to be unprepared.

During this time, he has been asking people to build ballistae and trebuchets. Although the power and range of these ballistae and trebuchets are far inferior to those of the Sea King Halberd, they cannot hold up in large numbers. Almost all the craftsmen in Yanxue City have been recruited by the Figuerola family. .

As they worked day and night, the city walls of Yanxue City were soon filled with weapons. The dragon tried several times, but only destroyed two crossbows and one trebuchet. , but was almost hit in the eye by a crossbow arrow.

It was not willing to fight, and soon flew away after seeing that it could not succeed.

But everyone, including David, knew it would not give up so easily.

After the news came back to Luye, Ilea immediately took the seven hundred elites and the big box and rushed to Yanxue City with Li Yu without saying a word.

Prepare to find the black dragon for a decisive battle.

However, since the new commander-in-chief of the coalition could not ride a horse, he could only ride in a carriage. Miss Rabbit, who was wearing full dwarf armor, gave an impassioned speech in front of everyone and then got into the carriage with the foreigner in black clothes. went.

He left the matter of leading the troops to his guardian knight, Alfred.

Although this move seemed a little unreliable to many people, fortunately, the army moved very fast under the command of the old knight, and it only took two days to reach Yanxue City.

Afterwards, the Patriarch of the Arias family did not enter the city, so he just set up camp outside the city, put on a posture, and waited for her opponent.

She even declined the reinforcements sent by David to help out, saying that only seven hundred people would be needed, and she would follow her words.

While everyone in the city held their breath and waited for this unprecedented battle, no one expected that the other side of the battle had quietly returned to the green field.

It is like a black god of death, hovering over the Teacup Castle, and the pair of blue pupils are full of cunning.

It was ready to leave an unforgettable memory for the new commander-in-chief.

"Burn it!"

An equally cold voice came from its ears, but the person did not speak any known language on the continent of Bratis. His pitch was high and his words were short, speaking like Birdsong is general.

After saying this, the man jumped off the dragon's back and fell straight down.

His behavior was no different from committing suicide. Under the influence of gravity, he fell faster and faster, and he was about to turn into meat. But the next moment, a pair of white wings suddenly spread out from behind him. .

The pair of wings flapped gently, bringing him back into the sky.

Bathed in the silver moonlight, it is like an angel who has fallen into the world.

Full of holiness and beauty.

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