Working Prophet

Chapter 167 Prove yourself (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~)

"So this is the end of my father's matter?" Miss Rabbit said with red eyes.

"This may be unfair to Ruth, but doing nothing may be a better choice for the Arias family." Ona said.

"Really? Then why did you suddenly change your mind and tell me this matter?"

"I admit that I was a bit misjudged about you before, or I was misjudged about the people around you...but these are not important. What is important is that you won, not only won the election, but also defeated you. The stepmother and brother became the owners of this territory.

"I have seen everything you have done during this period. I think I must take back my previous evaluations of you. Although you still seem a bit immature in some things, you are already a qualified person, no... Excellent lord.

"I tell you about your father not so that you can avenge him, but because I hope you can distinguish between enemies and friends, be more vigilant, and not repeat his responsibilities." The old man said slowly.

"I would rather listen to you because I am your great-granddaughter and you are worried about me, so you told me this secret. But I guess you don't care about your own descendants. We are all just pawns in your hands." It's just for you to manipulate at will to achieve your goals." The girl said coldly.

"Of course I care about you, otherwise why would I want to control the previous election? Anyway, whether it is you or Blanco, the blood of the Arias family flows in your bodies. Whoever becomes the head of the family is very important to me. There is no difference." Ona shook her head.

"That's the problem. You always talk about the family, saying that the family's interests are above all else. From the beginning to the end, what you love is just some kind of grand concept that can't be seen or touched, and is put together instead of Living people under this collection.”

"If you can live to my age..."

The girl interrupted her great-grandmother, "I don't have to live to your age to always remember that I am my father's daughter and your great-granddaughter. If I have a child in the future, I will also be his mother, no matter what happens in the future. No matter what other identity I have, I will still never forget this.

"So I will never choose to remain silent when my grandson is murdered. No matter how surprising the identity of the main messenger is, I will continue to investigate, thoroughly investigate the matter, and make the real murderer pay the due price."

The old man was silent after hearing this, and then spoke again after a moment, "You are the current head of the Arias family. It is your right to deal with the affairs left by the previous head of the family. I only learned from my past life experiences and what I heard. Some rumors have concluded that the danger behind this matter may be far greater than all of us imagined.

"The Arias family may still be considered a force in the Western Region, but compared with the real big families in the capital, we are no better than a nest of ants.

"It's not just us. Didn't you take in some refugees from the East some time ago? The Weiting family was once one of the twelve major families in the empire and the top noble family on the continent of Bratis. However, in Game of Thrones After the defeat, less than 10% of the entire family survived.

"Nowadays, these people have been sent to the West and have become the lowest level of civilians. They can only rely on hard work to obtain food. If you insist on tracing the death of Russ, please be careful. Before you have enough power and evidence, Don’t act rashly, otherwise the Wettin family’s today will be the Arias family’s tomorrow.”

Ona paused, then continued, "But what I'm most worried about is the prophet named Merlin and his Shuangxiu Cult. I still can't see his intentions..."

"Merlin? Merlin's intention is very simple. He wants the entire Bratis continent to believe in Saturday. This is what he told me personally." Ilea said.

The old man seemed to want to say something more when he heard this, but in the end he just sighed, "Oh... divine power."

"Is there any problem with divine authority? The Silver Moon Church has existed in the Western Territory for thousands of years. Most of the people here, including our Arias family, are their followers. Aren't we all used to it?" the girl said disapprovingly. .

"The Shuangxiu Church and the Silver Moon Church are not the same thing," the old man said. "If Merlin wants to continue the Silver Moon Church's way of survival in the Western Region, it won't be a big deal even if the Shuangxiu Church really replaces the Silver Moon Church. Yes, the big guy just wants to pray to another god, but I think he is not satisfied with this."

"Are you afraid that there are too many believers on double holidays in the territory, which will affect the family's tax revenue? In fact, there is no need to worry about this. Merlin promised me that the harvest in the fields next year will only be more than this year, otherwise he will make up for the shortfall. I will make up for it with my own money.”

Ilea said, "Merlin always means what he says, and he will definitely do whatever he promises."

Ona glanced at her great-granddaughter again, and a rare smile appeared on her old face, "That's good. In fact, I'm going to move out of Teacup Castle in a few days."

"Moving out of Teacup Castle...what does that mean?"

"Like I said, I'm too old, and you are now old enough to take on the responsibility of the Arias family's future, and you don't need me to tell you what to do anymore.

"We have different ways of doing things, and continuing to stay together will only deepen the conflicts between us."

"Then you don't have to leave the castle."

"With my prestige in the Arias family, as long as I don't leave Teacup Castle for a day, you won't be able to truly control all the power of the family and make them all willing to use it for you." The old man said.

"So you can think of this as my compensation for the manipulation of elections before. In addition, you are indeed right in what you said. I am the kind of person who will always put the interests of the family before personal interests. This Of course that includes my own interests.”

"Is there no other way?"

Ona shook her head, "I have made up my mind. Once the trouble in the swamp is resolved, I will leave for Rock Snow City."

"Yan Xuecheng, you don't even want to stay in Luye anymore?"

"Of course not. Don't you want to investigate your father's death? I happen to have some friends in the Western Region, and I can also help you in Yanxue City."

The girl was moved when she heard this, and after a moment she said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have questioned your feelings for us juniors before."

"You don't need to apologize. I still disapprove of your act of avenging your father. But since you have decided to do this, as a member of the family, of course I will do my best to help you. As for repaying... I hope that one day I can see the Arias family rising under your leadership.

"If you want to completely convince me that the path you have chosen is the right one, this is the best way."

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