Working Prophet

Chapter 166 Death of Russ

(Correction, Ilea didn’t know that Ona was the mastermind behind the election at this time, the previous chapter has been revised)

"Aren't you talking about that dragon again?" Ilea was shocked when she heard this, "But is there anything more terrifying than that dragon?"

The old man did not answer her question immediately, but added, "Do you know why I prefer Blanco to becoming the head of the Arias family instead of you?"

"What are you talking about? Didn't you vote for me?" the girl frowned.

"But I asked Torres to change his vote to Blanco." Ona said, "And your uncle Antonio, I also asked him to vote for your brother. What, you still want to Shall I advise you?"

"So you arranged all this by yourself?" Ilea said in shock, "Then my stepmother later sent assassins to hunt me down. Do you also know that?"

The old man nodded first, then shook his head, "Your stepmother did not want to take your life. She came to me after the election to discuss how to remedy the situation. She planned to let those mercenaries kidnap you for a period of time. .

"After Blanco takes control of Teacup Castle and becomes the new master of Green Field, I will release you and force you to 'actively' renounce your position as the head of the Arias family."

"And you agreed to her despicable behavior?" Ilea couldn't believe it. "If I don't want to give in, you will kill me then, right?"

"No, you are my great-granddaughter. My bottom line is that there are no casualties in the Arias family. We will find someone to secretly send you away from the Bratis continent." Ona said.

"That's really kind!" The girl sneered.

"That's why I didn't want to choose you at that time." Ona sighed.

"Because I don't want to be your puppet?"

"Because you are too kind and upright. If you were the one who lost the election, no matter how sad you were, you would not do such a thing to your brother and stepmother."

" the reason why I can't become the new head of the Arias family is that I am too kind and upright? And you don't want to leave the family in the hands of a kind and upright person?"

The girl's chest heaved violently, and she had to close her eyes. It took a while for her heartbeat to slow down a little, and then she opened her eyes again and said, "How ironic! Since when did kindness and integrity become A derogatory term?”

"For ordinary people, kindness and integrity are of course good qualities, but for lords it may not be so." Ona said.

"Really, but my father Russ is a kind and upright lord. His subjects and subjects love him, and Marquis Cullen also praises him well."

"Then he died."

"Death in an accident does not prove that kindness and integrity are harmful."

"How do you know it was an accident?" the old man asked back.

"As we all know, Sir Carloman is a good friend of my father. Both of them drank too much that day. It was my father who proposed to have a discussion with Sir Carloman. Sir Carloman agreed, and then they came to the empty space outside the castle. on the ground.

"The posture was set up, but the attendant of the Weir family mistakenly handed a bladed half-hand sword to Sir Carloman as a practice sword, which ultimately led to the unfortunate accident.

"In addition to my father and Sir Carloman, there were about a dozen guests present. They witnessed the whole thing. Unless they all lied together, this is the truth of the matter. A reckless contest, a careless The careless servants together caused this tragedy that should have been avoided."

"If you can live to my age, you will know that even if you see it with your own eyes, it may not necessarily be the truth of the matter." Ona said.

"Then what is the truth of the matter?"

"I don't know," the old man said, "but I do know some things that others don't know. For example, your father had a very personal meeting with Hulls, the second son of Marquis Cullen, a few days before his death. They Chatted for a long time.

"There was also a very fierce quarrel during the period, and your father left the meeting angrily in the end."

"Are you implying that the people in the Marquis's mansion have something to do with my father's death?"

"In addition to being a good friend of your father, Sir Carloman is also a close friend of Hells. In fact, the two of them hang out together much longer than Sir Carloman and your father have been together. Ruth Gang and Hers There was a conflict with Else and he was accidentally killed by Carloman when he turned around. Do you really think this is just a coincidence?"

The girl was stunned, and after a moment she said excitedly, "Why didn't you say something about such an important thing earlier?!"

"Because the things involved behind this are too dangerous."

"Dangerous? How dangerous can it be?"

"David, the eldest son of the Marquis of Cullen, has always been regarded by the outside world as the next successor of the Figuerra family. However, the Marquis's second son, Hers, is obviously not a lonely person. When he found your father, he was probably plotting to become the The thing about the new Lord of the West.

"And Hells is not just representing himself. He should also know that he is inferior to his brother in all aspects. If both parties compete fairly, he has little chance of winning, so he turned to a third party for help."

"A third-party force? Are there any forces in the Western Territory who dare to interfere in the internal affairs of the Figueirola family? Could it be those guys from the Emanuel family?" the girl wondered.

"No, they are from the royal capital."

"People from the Royal Capital, wait... are you talking about Prince Timothy's third son, Sir Leo? Recently, he is the only big shot in the Royal Capital who has been to the Western Region." Ilea couldn't help but gasp. With a breath of cold air, "The backer behind Hells is actually the royal family?

"But, Leo obviously has a better relationship with David. They came to Greenfield to attend my dinner together before, and they talked and laughed during the dinner."

"As I said, even if you see it with your own eyes, it may not be the truth." Ona said, "Especially those nobles from the royal capital, they are very good at pretending."

"Fortunately, I thought Sir Leo was a good person before and he spoke uprightly for me in the Marquis' Mansion, but it turned out that he was also related to my father's death!"

The more Ilea thought about it, the angrier she became, "No, I want to ask Sir Carloman for clarification!"

"He won't tell you the truth."

"Then I will lead troops to surround his Acorn Fort and force him to tell the truth."

"This is the reason why I have been reluctant to tell you these things before. Our army is not much stronger than the Weir family's army. You can't take down Acorn Castle. To say the least, even if you can take it, do you think it's impressive? Will Elise sit back and let this happen?

"Not to mention that now we are still begging the Figuerola family. We need them to send people to help us deal with the dragon in the swamp." The old man reminded.

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