Li Jing was not the first person to be out of breath by the pressure of two against one.

At this moment, except for Sikong Yong who could guarantee his undefeated status when facing Lin Cang alone, the other four people from the First Academy were all shaky. Although Lin Cang's wooden clone only had half of his spiritual energy, it was about the same as Shi Qiu and other first-level advanced psychics.

But the wooden clone knew all the ninjutsu that Lin Cang knew, and used it better than he did!

This is not to say that the wooden clone was more proficient in ninjutsu than Lin Cang.

It was that the wooden clone was not afraid of death, and they dared to use their lives in exchange for the opportunity to attack.

Lin Cang felt inferior to him.

After all, he only had one life, and he was not a wooden clone that could be summoned again after"dying".

At the battlefield where Shi Qiu was, the wooden clone helped him to stand in front and entangle his opponent fearlessly, so that he could safely output his fire ability to the fullest in the back.

However, his opponent was obviously very powerful, but was made timid and extremely frustrated by the wooden clone.

This kind of battle where the opponent was uncomfortable and he was happy made Shi Qiu laugh at the wooden clone.

"Haha, Lincang, your tactics are awesome. This game is so exciting!"

Wooden clone grinned when he heard the compliment and said something in a relaxed tone that frightened his opponent.

"Shi Qiu, you will use all your strength to perform a large-scale magic. I will hold that guy back. You must kill us both at the same time. Don't hold back."

"Good, you are ruthless, you are worthy of being Lin Cang!"

Shi Qiu gave a thumbs up.

The first school member felt his eyes go dark after hearing Lin Cang's inhuman words.

The fear in his heart reminded him of an extremely gentle woman, who murmured

""Mom, I don't want to fight anymore. They are too scary. I want to go home!"

I have to say that what Mu Fen Shen said was really scary.

Imagine that your opponent is always thinking about dying with you... How can you play this game?

This is not a life-and-death battle, it's just a game. Is it necessary to be like this?

The player from the first school collapsed. He didn't dare to fight anymore.


Shi Qiu's small battlefield attracted the attention of others, and Si Kongyong immediately frowned.

"What a cruel plan." He looked at Lin Cang's real body who was fighting with him, and said in a low voice

"You figured out that we are just students and would not dare to fight with a puppet like you. You are just trying to scare us, right?"

"I didn't scare you." Lin Cang spread his hands,"My clones fight like this. As long as I can win, I am willing to die."

"You guy……"

Sikong Yong's face lost its initial superiority and confidence, and became extremely solemn. He was not sure he could win the game.

He could not get rid of Lin Cang's body in a short time to help other team members. This was the key to victory or defeat.

Sikong Yong could never have imagined that a mere second-level primary psychic could hold him back and even have the ability to fight him.

He had almost exhausted all his means at this moment, and used many powerful psychics, but they were still resolved one by one by Lin Cang's wood escape.

"There is no other way."Sikong Yong's eyes changed, and Lin Cang immediately became alert.

"If you keep going like this, you will lose. Let's take a gamble."

"What is he going to do?"As his opponent's aura changed, Lin Cang also became serious.

He saw a large amount of blue and white thunder on Sikong Yong's right hand, surging and sizzling, and he knew at a glance that it was very powerful.

Just as Lin Cang clapped his hands and planned to use the wooden ingot wall for defense, an unexpected scene appeared.

The thunder in Sikong Yong's hand did not attack him, but hit his chest instead. He coughed up blood in an instant, his face was ferocious, and he roared

"Thunderstorm, thunder enters the body!"


Sikong Yong's aura began to surge, causing Lin Cang in the distance to put down his hands.

Judging from the name alone, this thunder-related skill is to stimulate potential, and the duration will definitely not be long.

However, at this moment, Sikong Yong's aura has surged more than twice, directly becoming a second-level advanced ability user, which forced Lin Cang to fight desperately.

""If we defeat him, we win!"

Lin Cang and Si Kongyong thought at the same time.

They both knew that the other was the soul of their respective teams. Whoever defeated the other would win the game.

""Heavenly thunder!" Sikong Yong was furious and planned to win with one move.

He almost used up all his spiritual energy to summon a half-meter-thick thunderbolt in his hand.

The thunderbolt was slowly compressed until it turned into a huge thunderball with a diameter of one meter.

This scene made Lin Cang look strange.

He was also planning to end the battle with the Rasengan, but he didn't expect that his opponent also used a strange technique that looked similar to his own.

"Let's see who is more powerful."

Lin Cang flipped his right hand and released a large amount of spiritual energy from his body, which quickly condensed in the palm of his hand.

In a short while, a half-meter diameter ultra-high-speed irregular rotating sphere was formed - the Rasengan. The Rasengan was transparent light blue in color, and it looked not only not scary but also beautiful, which opened the eyes of the audience.

"What is that?"An old man who thinks he is a scholar has studied supernatural powers for his entire life, but he still can't imagine how the Rasengan is formed.

"Why can this kid Lin Cang gather such violent and irregular spiritual energy steadily in the palm of his hand?"

"This is too difficult, isn’t it?"

"I don't know." One of his old friends also looked solemn at this moment. He was also an old scholar.

"Sikong Yong's method of stimulating potential is not bad. Although it is difficult, a fifth-level or higher lightning ability user can master it."

"But Lin Cang... I have never seen his various strange skills?"

"What the hell, could it be that he created all these practical and magical wood-related magic? Is his talent really that amazing?"

"Maybe it's true." The old scholar nodded calmly. He couldn't think of any other reason.


Grandstand main seat

"The winner is about to be decided."

The dean of the First Academy, Feng Shaoxuan, stared at the two people on the stage with a serious look and spoke silently.

"This is Sikong Yong's strongest method. If he still can't defeat Lin Cang, then my First Academy may not be able to win the championship this year."

"But I believe that Lin Cang is no match for him. Sikong Yong's spiritual energy is much greater than his. The pressure of being two levels lower against the enemy is extraordinary."

"That's true." Geng Chi nodded and agreed with Feng Shaoxuan's words.

"After all, Sikong Yong is also a super genius. He has always been the only one who can defeat his opponents by leaping levels. It is too difficult for others to defeat him."

The two eighth-level masters commented. The ninth-level psychic Wu Wudi did not speak, but stared at the Rasengan in Lin Cang's hand very seriously.

No one knew what Wu Wudi felt at this moment. He was very shocked.

"It is actually possible to compress the spiritual energy to such an extent... This move is too similar to the ultimate move of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan,"Demon Beast Jade""

"However, the move of the demon beast jade has disappeared along with the inheritance stone that was broken in the war of extermination a hundred years ago. The current Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan does not know it at all. Where did Lin Cang get the inspiration to create this strange skill?"

As the only large family among humans that is related to the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan, although Wu Wudi has not personally witnessed the era when they were rampant, there are many related records in the clan.

"This is outrageous. It's really outrageous. Are young people so strong nowadays?"Wu Wudi sighed.

"Lin Cang won, Dean, you should be prepared to fail"

"Oh? Wudi, you are so confident in Lin Cang?"Feng Shaoxuan didn't believe it.

"I think you are too early to make the assertion. Sikong Yong will be the final winner."


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