The playground of the First Academy was packed with people.

Today is the annual finals of the Global Freshman Competition, which is unprecedented and many major forces are paying attention.

These students who have won the ranking will graduate one day, and where they will go after graduation depends on their own operations.

These major forces include the federal government, private families, underground arenas, multi-party alliances, etc., all of which have sent people to the competition site.

When Lin Cang took Shi Qiu, Du Fei, Huang Ming, and Wu Xiaoman to the stage, Si Kongyong also led the team to the ring.

In this game, Lin Cang did not let Tong Xiaotong and Li Xin play, he did not need his teammates to control and defend.

These tasks will be better done by Wood Release, teammates only need to attack, endless attacks.

The teammates led by Si Kongyong are all second-level beginners, and he himself is a second-level intermediate strength, so he has a great chance of winning, at least most of the audience think so.

And Lin Cang's Luoshui team only has him and Wu Xiaoman at the second-level beginner level, and the others are all first-level advanced, so they are naturally at a disadvantage.

At this time, the game has not started yet, and a boy in blue clothes walked out of the First Academy team, looking very arrogant

"Remember my name, Li Jing, I will be your nightmare in a while."

Li Jing is of medium height, about 1.7 meters, and his tone is very confident.

Du Fei will definitely not sit still when he sees someone provoking him. These are the things he likes to do the most.

"Li Jing, right? You are crazy, Sikong Yong didn't say anything, so who do you think you are?"

"Du Fei, I will beat you until your mouth is full of blood."Li Jing responded tit for tat, looking like a dandy.

Before the game started, the teammates of the two teams started to talk nonsense, which made the audience more excited.

At this time, Wu Wudi stood up from the main seat and used his spiritual energy to spread his voice throughout the audience.

"Dear audience, dear students, and two other participating teams, hello everyone, I am Wu Wudi"

"Today is the day when the global freshman competition comes to an end and the champion is decided. I believe everyone here is looking forward to the final result."

"What I want to say is that no matter which team wins in the end, all the participating students are the best."

"Because this is a team competition, individual factors have little impact on the game, and heroes are not judged by success or failure."

"So I hope that both teams can adjust their mentality, play to their normal strength, and pave a bright road for their future."

"So, come on, play well in this last match." After

Wu Wudi finished speaking, the referee immediately came on the court and looked at Lin Cang and Sikong Yong.

"Are you both ready?"

""We are ready."

They both spoke at the same time, both looking confident.

"Well, let the game begin!"

The referee announced loudly, and Lin Cang and Sikong Yong immediately took action.

Sikong Yong threw out 180 thunder balls with a diameter of about 20 centimeters in one breath to surround the Luoshui team. It was so dense that it was scary.

Feng Shaoxuan, the dean of the first school on the stage, smiled immediately when he saw this, and his tone was a little proud.

"Haha, Lincang is in danger"

"This is one of Sikong Yong's strongest methods, 'Explosive Thunder Ball', a B-level special technique. So far, no one in the same level can stop it."

"It's really amazing." Geng Chi nodded.

"I didn't expect that Sikong Yong could use the power of thunder so skillfully at such a young age. His future is limitless."

Two powerful eighth-level psychics commented and were very satisfied with Sikong Yong.

Wu Wudi didn't say anything, but looked at the arena seriously, wanting to see how Lin Cang would resolve Sikong Yong's attack.

"Huh?" After just a few seconds, he made a puzzled sound,"What a strong ability to capture motion. His eyes……"

At this moment, an unexpected scene happened on the ring. Lin Cang blocked Sikong Yong's explosive thunder ball without any damage.

Everyone saw that Lin Cang used the sea of trees to turn the ring into his home court, and then controlled those giant trees to accurately face each thunder ball that flew at high speed.

He used as many giant trees as there were thunder balls to defend, not one more, not one less, just right.

At this moment, the pupils in Lin Cang's eyes turned blood red, and the two pairs of magatama moved quickly left and right, recording the position of each thunder ball and predicting the next trajectory of action. It was extremely exquisite.

This magical scene made the audience unable to sit still, and they all shouted that it was wonderful.

"This kid Lin Cang is so awesome!"

"I, a fifth-level psychic, can't even keep up with the movement of so many thunder balls. How did he do it?"

"Look at his eyes, they are so strange, their pupils are blood red, could it be because of this?"

"It is possible, it is an ability that has never been seen before. It is said that our psychics can also awaken the superpowers of other parts of the body?"

"Who knows, it's normal to have some mutant abilities in such a big world."

The first appearance of the Sharingan shocked the world, which was within Lin Cang's expectations.

The Sharingan certainly can't be hidden, and since it will be exposed sooner or later, it's more meaningful to expose it, and it's better to win the game and complete the task.

At this moment, Lin Cang not only perfectly defended Sikong Yong's explosive thunder ball, but also blocked his teammates' attacks one by one, freeing up Du Fei and the other four.

After Wu Xiaoman broke through the second level, the power of her magic was greatly improved. Similarly, she used the fire storm to change the faces of the four teammates of the First Academy Team except Sikong Yong.

Li Jing shouted to a boy in black:"You defend, we cover the captain's attack!"


The boy immediately propped up a wall of earth to block the flames outside.

At this moment, most of Lin Cang's sea of trees disappeared. After all, he was under great pressure to block the attacks of five people from the First Academy alone.

Wu Xiaoman adjusted her position immediately after her flames were blocked.

The five people from Luoshui University scattered, and they all had one thing in common, that is, there were a lot of trees around them.

This was the tactic formulated by Lin Cang before the game.

His teammates only had to attack while he was responsible for defense, dividing the original team battle into five small individual battlefields, making Sikong Yong exhausted and unable to support his teammates in the first time.

When this tactic was first established, Du Fei and the other four did not believe that Lin Cang could do it.

They thought it was too difficult to do five things at the same time, and even if the brain could keep up with the eyes, it might not be able to see it.

However, when it was actually used at this moment... everyone realized that they had underestimated Lin Cang.

Not only did he take care of each battlefield in an orderly manner, but he also took care of the entire battlefield in an orderly manner. , and he even had the energy to help his teammates win. After

Lin Cang clapped his hands and used the"Tree Realm Wall" to defend against Sikong Yong's thunder-related supernatural power again, he immediately separated four wooden clones to support the other four battlefields at the same time.

At this time, a strange scene happened on the ring. The students of Luoshui University were actually two against one...

Du Fei, Shi Qiu, and Huang Ming were originally first-level advanced strength. It was very difficult for them to fight against a second-level junior opponent alone. It seemed that defeat was a matter of time.

However, when the wooden clone joined in, they immediately turned the disadvantage around and fought on equal terms with their opponents.

Wu Xiaoman didn't feel any pressure at first. After all, she was also a second-level junior supernatural power user. She was not afraid of opponents in the same level battle.

At this moment, there was another wooden clone to help her... The opponent of the first academy was none other than Li Jing.

Li Jing was beaten up and down by Wu Xiaoman and the wooden clone, and he was embarrassed and couldn't help but spit out foul words.

"Damn! Lin Cang, you are such a scoundrel!"

"How can you fight like this? If you have the guts, let me fight Wu Xiaoman one-on-one!"


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