The competition continued, and soon the second group's qualification was determined.

It was Cangshan University in Beizhou, and the captain was Ye Fei, a second-level primary earth-type supernaturalist.

When the third group came on stage, all the audience's eyes were on Lin Cang, completely ignoring Gongsun Meng.

It was not that the audience thought Lin Cang would definitely win. It was that his wood type was rare, and his wood type was different from the general wood type, which aroused strong curiosity, making the audience eager to fully understand

"Huh? Lin Cang has broken through to the second level? Now it's time to watch something interesting."

"Yes, originally his only shortcoming was his low realm, but now it has been made up for a little bit. I really look forward to his next performance."

"The gap between the second-level primary and the second-level intermediate is no longer a world of difference. Luoshui University may win."

"It's impossible to win. After all, the gap between the other players is still there. If Lin Cang breaks through alone, it may not change anything."

"It is said that apart from him, there is no one else in Luoshui University who is at the second level."

"On the other hand, the players of Ocean University are all second-level juniors. It will be difficult for Lin Cang to lead a weak team to defeat the favorite team to win the championship."

The audience expressed their opinions to each other and their friends.

At this moment, the three referees on the high platform were also paying attention to the game. Wu Wudi laughed when he saw the"new" Lin Cang.

"Haha, this kid is really surprising. I didn't expect him to break through at this time."

"Interesting, interesting, isn’t this the highlight of the game?"

"There is something interesting to watch."The dean of the First Academy, Feng Shaoxuan, nodded slightly.

"It seems that I was a little mistaken. This Lin Cang, without any background, can actually keep up with the super genius. His talent is even stronger than I thought."

"That’s right, I was wrong that day too." Senior federal official Geng Chi also agreed.

"As far as I know, our classmate Lin Cang is not simple. I have checked his information these days. He has obtained the first-level Douhuang medal of the underground arena."

"First-level Dou Huang?"Feng Shaoxuan was even more surprised after hearing this.

"Isn't he afraid of dying there? He is so bold that he is willing to gamble his bright future."

"Maybe he was forced to do so." Wu Wudi sighed,"If he had a choice, I don't think he would do this."

"This little guy reminds me of my father. When he founded the family, he could only rely on himself."

Wu Wudi is very powerful. He is one of the few super strong people in the entire Blue Star. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is above millions of people.

But he knows that in addition to his own talent, his family background also contributed a lot.

If he didn't have the strong family resources as a backing, he wouldn't dare to say that he would have achieved what he has today.

So he admires Lin Cang very much. It is always extremely difficult for those who take the lead.

Geng Chi and Wu Wudi's optimism made Feng Shaoxuan feel regretful, and he couldn't help whispering

"If only he hadn't left our No. 1 school, it would be great. It seems that the school's atmosphere needs to be rectified."

He knew the reasons for Lin Cang's departure.

He didn't take it seriously at first, and gave the relevant personnel a slight punishment before not pursuing the matter.

But as Lin Cang became more and more outstanding, Feng Shaoxuan's thoughts also changed silently.

"Maybe it's time to set up a regulatory department."Feng Shaoxuan thought as he looked at Lin Cang on the stage.

On the stage, both teams were ready.

Gongsun Meng was resentful towards Lin Cang and spoke in an aggressive tone.

"Lin Cang, it seems that your confidence has increased a lot after the breakthrough."

At this time, Lin Cang's face was calm, without any nervousness or anxiety, which made Gongsun Meng even more upset.

"Even without a breakthrough, I can still defeat you." Lin Cang said, his natural tone made the five members of the Ocean University angry.

"Come on then!" A petite girl glared at them,"Just wait and see how we beat you until you cry!"

"You will be the one crying, little sister." Du Fei laughed. He always liked to tease pretty girls.

"You're so cute, I can't do it to you. Just admit defeat."

"Damn it, I'm going to tear your mouth apart!" The petite girl glared at Du Fei fiercely, but the latter looked indifferent.

At this time, the referee saw that both sides were almost ready, and immediately announced loudly,

"Game start!"

""Let's do it!" Lin Cang shouted in a low voice and immediately put his hands together.

Gongsun Meng on the opposite side reacted just as quickly and shouted,"Execute the first tactic!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Gongsun Meng's team members immediately turned their eyes to Lin Cang. Tong Xiaotong saw that things were not going well and quickly stood in front of him.

"Captain, you take action, I will protect you!"

Lin Cang was launching the Sea of Trees at this moment. After breaking through, his sea of trees covered the entire arena, trapping the five people from the Ocean University.

However, Gongsun Meng also launched a tsunami, which affected the actions of Wu Xiaoman and others.

However, the impact was not great. After all, Lin Cang's sea of trees blocked the strongest first wave of the tsunami and greatly weakened its power.

At this time, the four members of the Ocean Team gave up Wu Xiaoman and others and pointed their spearheads at Lin Cang, using their strongest means.

They ignored the threat of attack from Wu Xiaoman and others, and seemed to be willing to get rid of Lin Cang first even if they were injured.

This was Gongsun Meng's tactic, to pay a certain price and replace Lin Cang, a key figure at Luoshui University, as quickly as possible.

"Earth wall!"Faced with the fierce attack, Tong Xiaotong stood up without hesitation and blocked Lin Cang.

He knew that he could not withstand the attacks of four opponents who were far superior to him, but there was no fear on his face and his eyes were determined.


The earth wall shattered, and Tong Xiaotong behind him was also knocked away. He crashed into several giant trees before stopping, and vomited blood and fainted.

His efforts were very meaningful. He delayed the attack of the Marine Team and gave Lin Cang time to perform defensive ninjutsu.

"Wooden ingot wall!"


The aftermath of the Ocean Team's attack was blocked by Lin Cang.

At this time, Wu Xiaoman and the others also succeeded, severely injuring a lightning-type mutant from the other side.


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