The first school.

In the dormitory of the Xizhou Ocean University team, seven young and beautiful girls sat around a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman was their principal, and she was giving a speech.

Today was the day to decide the qualifying places in the group stage. If Ocean University won, it would enter the semi-finals.

Originally, the principal of Ocean University was not worried about Gongsun Meng leading the team to qualify for the third group. She had absolute confidence in her students.

But since Lin Cang's sea of trees was exposed three days ago, she lost this confidence and became a little worried.

"Mengmeng." asked the president of Ocean University

"That Lin Cang is a control-type psychic like you. Are you sure your tsunami can deal with his sea of trees?"

"Sea of trees?" Gongsun Meng has short blue hair and delicate features, and looks very beautiful."I am sure the principal"

"Lin Cang is only a first-level advanced psychic. His total spiritual energy is much less than mine. Even if his sea of trees is exquisite, it can't break the gap in hard power between us."The middle-aged woman nodded slightly after hearing this.

"That's good. I've seen it. As long as you can defeat or neutralize Lin Cang, Luoshui University will definitely lose."

"All seven of you are level 2 psychics, but Luoshui University doesn't have any. Only Lin Cang is the unstable factor."

"You are right, Principal." Gongsun Meng's mind flashed with Lin Cang's appearance, and he smiled.

"It's a pity that his strength is a little weak. Even if it's a second-level primary psychic, this game would be more interesting."

Gongsun Meng still hopes to defeat Lin Cang fairly.

She is very interested in Lin Cang's wood system and wants to fight him at the same level.

But she also knows that this wish is impossible to realize.

After today's game, Luoshui University will be eliminated and go home. She doesn't know when she will meet Lin Cang again. After all, Dongzhou and Xizhou are separated by an ocean. The monsters in the sea are more powerful and have always been a place that people cannot set foot in. Maybe the two will never have the opportunity to meet again in the future.

But Gongsun Meng didn't know at this moment that Lin Cang was taking a big step towards her desired goal.

Luoshui University Villa.

At this moment, Du Fei and the other six people and Murong Weiwei were ready to set off, waiting for Lin Cang.

However, they waited and waited but he didn't come out of his room, which made Murong Weiwei frown.

"It's getting late. What's going on with Lincang? Du Fei, go and have a look."

"Yes, Principal."

Du Fei immediately walked to the door of Lin Cang's room. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he felt a huge spiritual energy fluctuation burst out from inside, which made his hand unable to fall.

"This is……"Du Fei was the closest and felt it most clearly. The spiritual energy fluctuations inside were at least three times more than his. He was immediately overjoyed.

""Damn it, Brother Lin has made a breakthrough!"

Du Fei shouted excitedly, and everyone came running over immediately.

Lin Cang's breakthrough meant that they also had a second-level genius leading the team, and the gap was no longer as big as before.

Lin Cang opened the door, and everyone was already waiting at the door.

At this moment, he looked a little sloppy, and there was still dust on his face, which made Wu Xiaoman think of something instantly, and asked

"Lin Cang, you haven’t washed your face these days, have you?"

"That's true." Lin Cang said calmly:"I didn't pay attention to it in order to break through as soon as possible. Fortunately, I caught up with"

"Everybody wait for me for two more minutes, I will wash my face and leave."

After he finished speaking, he turned and went back to the room. The sound of running water soon came, making everyone at the door look at each other in surprise.

Tong Xiaotong:"The captain is really working so hard, I am convinced."

Du Fei:"Yeah, it seems that behind Brother Lin's glamorous appearance, he has also made unimaginable efforts."

Wu Xiaoman:"He was obviously not as fast as me before, but now he has surpassed me. His perseverance is what I learn from."

Lin Cang's involution stimulated everyone, making them silently swear in their hearts to keep up with his pace.

Not to say that they have to work harder than Lin Cang, but at least they have to be on par, right?

Otherwise, the gap between everyone will get bigger and bigger in the future, and they may not even be friends.

On the way to the competition arena, Murong Weiwei and Lin Cang walked in the front

"Lin Cang, your opponent today is Xizhou Ocean University"

"You also know Gongsun Meng's strength. She and the No. 1 Academy team led by Sikong Yong are the two favorites to win the championship. Are you sure you can win the game?"

""I will definitely win." Lin Cang blurted out without thinking.

His strong confidence infected Murong Weiwei and made her stop.

"If we can really defeat Ocean University……"Murong Weiwei's delicate body trembled a little, and she murmured

"Then the runner-up position is a sure thing, right?"

"I, Luoshui University, was able to win the second place in the freshman competition in its first year?……"

Murong Weiwei was too excited.

Although the match with Ocean University was only a group stage, it seemed not as important as the upcoming semi-finals.

But everyone knew that Ocean University was the strongest team, not inferior to the First Academy.

It would not be a problem to win their semi-final opponents, who were not as strong as Ocean University.

The places for the semi-finals had been determined long ago, with Group One against Group Two and Group Three against Group Four.

The First Academy was in Group One, so Luoshui University would only meet them in the finals.

As long as they could win today's match, it would be equivalent to determining the places for the champion and runner-up.

With excitement, all the members of Luoshui University rushed to the competition site. Except for Lin Cang, who was very calm, everyone had a smile on their face.

This was the confidence and ambition that Lin Cang brought to them, and they believed in Lin Cang.

And Lin Cang's confidence came from the timely breakthrough in the morning.

Only after becoming a second-level psychic did he feel that he was much stronger than before.

Now the total amount of spiritual energy in his body has more than doubled, and the power of Wood Release Ninjutsu will naturally be greatly enhanced.

And Lin Cang has a feeling that the more spiritual energy there is, the more Wood Release will be.���Strong until a qualitative leap occurs

"This may be because my Yang attribute has improved after the breakthrough."

He didn't know if there was a Yang attribute in the world.

But Yang attribute can also be seen as an improvement in physical fitness, which is perfectly consistent with the transformation of the body by spiritual energy after the breakthrough.


There were more spectators watching the game today. After all, the first round three days ago had already been screened once, and the remaining teams were all strong teams.

The First Academy was the first to appear as usual.

Sikong Yong glanced at Lin Cang lightly before going on stage, with a curious look in his eyes, as if he was looking forward to fighting with him.

Also paying attention to Lin Cang was a blood-colored tiger near the main seat of the stands, the young patriarch of the blood-winged tiger clan, Xuezhan.

Xuezhan opened his mouth wide to reveal his sharp teeth, and chewed at Lin Cang twice, as if he regarded him as his food.

Lin Cang turned a blind eye to Xuezhan's provocation and ignored him, his eyes always fixed on Sikong Yong on the ring.

After the breakthrough, he was confident that he could deal with Xizhou Ocean University.

But Sikong Yong had never revealed his true strength, and it was still unknown who would win or lose between him and the First Academy team he led.

It just so happened that the opponent of the First Academy today was not weak either. It was a strong team with all second-level superpowers, and the last game was very impressive.

Lin Cang thought that they would definitely force Sikong Yong to reveal more of his strength.

However, the result disappointed him.

After the game started, Sikong Yong did not show off by attacking alone, but took the initiative with his four teammates.

Boom boom boom!

The First Academy team opened fire at full power, which was very scary, and the other teams changed their faces.

Their opponents were eliminated before they could even survive a round of attacks, and it took only ten seconds.

"The first school wins!"The referee came on stage and shouted loudly

"The first place in the semi-finals has been decided. The First Academy team led by Sikong Yong has successfully advanced. Everyone welcomed them with warm applause."


The whole audience immediately burst into thunderous applause, dedicated to Sikong Yong who was so graceful on the stage.

Sikong Yong waved his hand to signal the team to leave the stage.

He paused for a moment when he passed the Luoshui University team, looked at Lin Cang and said

"I have the courage to refuse the invitation to a bloody battle, but I don't know how strong you are. I am looking forward to fighting with you, and I hope you won't let me down."

"I won't let you wait in vain."Lin Cang and Si Kongyong looked at each other calmly.

The latter smiled and left without talking to Lin Cang and the others at the Ocean University not far away, which made Gongsun Meng very dissatisfied.

"Sikong Yong...Do you think I am not as good as Lin Cang?"

"Humph, even if he breaks through to the second level, so what? The gap between the primary and intermediate levels is still huge!"


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