At this time, a tall young man came quickly from a distance. When he got closer, everyone noticed him and was surprised when they saw his face.

A sixth-level psychic who followed Nie Quan to attack shouted,"Senior Nie, Lin Cang is here!!"

Nie Quan turned around immediately, and when he saw Lin Cang, he let go of Du Fei and smiled.

"Haha, you are so brave, you dare to show up on your own initiative."

Lin Cang also smiled,"I know you are looking for me, but I didn't expect that a ninth-level supernatural being would bully a second-level junior. It's really eye-opening."

"It is understandable that one will do whatever it takes to achieve the goal."Nie Quan did not attack Lin Cang immediately, but explained to him calmly like a friend.

Everyone was not surprised. Since Lin Cang had come, he was doomed to die. The duck was already in his mouth and he was about to eat it.

"That's true." Lin Cang said casually, looking at Lei Fa and Li Lie who were lying on the ground, their bodies charred."Vice President, Senior Brother, thank you for your protection."

"Alas." Li Lie shook his head,"You are too impulsive, you shouldn't have come."

"Don't worry." Lin Cang smiled, walked forward and helped the two of them to the open space on the side.

"Since I can come and leave safely, these people have not yet left me"

"Oh?" Nie Quan became interested after hearing his words and asked,"How can you, a mere third-level psychic, have the courage to say these things?"

"You will know in a moment." Lin Cang said calmly, while sweeping his eyes over everyone.

"It seems that there are quite a few people who want me dead, but I don't know which family you are from."

"I am from the Wang family of Xincheng!" An old man who looked to be in his sixties sneered,"You'd better remember this, kid, don't go down there and you don't know who will kill you."

"What about you?"Lin Cang casually asked a middle-aged man who followed Nie Quan, and the latter answered him confidently.

When Lin Cang asked almost everyone and looked at the old man in red, the latter took the initiative to speak

"Lin Cang, I am your guild leader, but I can't protect you either. I hope you can understand."

"I understand." Lin Cang said calmly:"It is human nature to seek good fortune and avoid danger. Now I am withdrawing from the underground arena and will have nothing to do with you from now on."

"Lin Cang, no!" Li Lie was anxious, but Lin Cang was firm,"Senior Li, there is no need to persuade me anymore."

He turned his gaze to the old man in red again,"Now I am no longer a member of the underground arena, can this senior take your people back?"

"No need for that." The old man in red said,"They won't interfere in your affairs anymore, and I'm sure Brother Nie won't give me face and continue to embarrass them."

"Of course." Nie Quan was in a very good mood at the moment,"If Li Lieqiang hadn't come forward, I wouldn't have wanted to quarrel with you. I am very satisfied with the current result."

As he said this, he slowly walked towards Lincang with a smile on his face.

"Boy, I have already given you time to arrange your affairs. Killing you now is the most righteous act, right?"

""It's a pity that you can't kill me." Lin Cang also smiled."

"Not only can I not kill you, but you will also beg me to stop in a while."

"Wishful thinking!"Nie Quan snorted coldly and disappeared in an instant, at an extremely fast speed. When he appeared again, he was only one step away from Lin Cang.

He raised his right hand and wanted to grab Lin Cang, but at this moment, a scene that shocked the whole audience happened. Lin Cang disappeared out of thin air.


Lin Cang suddenly appeared on an inconspicuous street five kilometers away from the Du family.

On the trunk of a giant tree next to him, there was a mysterious black pattern of about ten centimeters, which was the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God he left before going to the Du family.

As long as there were such coordinates, he could reach the place instantly, which was very close to real teleportation.

"Want to kill me?" Lin Cang sneered and created four wooden clones."Go check out those families and make them regret it later.""


The four wooden clones immediately took action separately. Lin Cang's mind moved.

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"


He disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he returned to the Du family.

At this moment, everyone was confused and had not figured out the situation. When

Nie Quan saw Lin Cang again, his expression was very complicated, both excited and solemn.

"Is it really a spatial ability? It's a pity that you, a lucky ant, accidentally mastered it.……"

Now that Lin Cang's Flying Thunder God has been exposed, Nie Quan knows that it will be difficult to catch him.

But the more this happens, the more he looks forward to the effect of this ability, and he is eager to see it.

Lin Cang looked at Nie Quan calmly,"Ant? I hope you can always think so."

"Oh? What do you want to say?"Nie Quan asked with interest.

Lin Cang:"Nothing, you will know soon."

After he finished speaking, the atmosphere became quiet in an instant, and everyone couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Now they realized that Lin Cang was not easy to catch, so they didn't take action for a while, and a few minutes passed quickly.

Just when everyone was still thinking about how to deal with Lin Cang, his body shook slightly, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes and then disappeared.

"It's time to collect some interest."

All the wooden clones have returned, and they have left the Flying Thunder God mark outside the major families.


"This kid ran away?" An old man on the ruins of the Du family said unwillingly:"Such a practical space skill really makes people love and hate it."

"Yes." Another person sighed,"It's so slippery that I don't know where to start. What a pity."

The old man Nie Quan looked uncertain at the place where Lin Cang disappeared, as if he was thinking.

After about a minute, his face suddenly changed, as if he thought of something, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, looking very anxious.

"Hurry up and have someone look after the family!"

With his shout, everyone immediately realized what Lin Cang wanted to do, and their faces changed drastically.

""Not good!" A woman in her forties said anxiously,"Lin Cang can't do anything to us, so he must be going to take revenge on our clansmen. This is a big trouble!"

The woman pointed out Lin Cang's plan.

All the families targeting Lin Cang were extremely nervous and hurried to notify their clansmen.

However, they were still too late. Before they finished the call, Lin Cang appeared again.

Unlike the calm last time, he was murderous this time, covered in blood, holding four heads in each hand.

"My son!"An old man fainted on the spot after seeing the appearance of one of them.

That was his only son, who was a fourth-level primary strength.

Lin Cang threw the eight heads in front of Nie Quan and a group of families, his voice was extremely cold.

"Do you feel the pain now? It's too late"

"This is just the beginning. I will kill all your people one by one."

"No!" A middle-aged man collapsed. Three of the eight heads were from his family.

"Please show mercy, Mr. Lincang. It was all my fault. I am willing to compensate you!"

"Me too, I will never dare to be your enemy again!"

Everyone hurried to apologize, but Lin Cang was indifferent and disappeared again.

Nie Quan's face turned green. He wanted to kill Lin Cang but he didn't have the ability to do it.

Time passed slowly in the regretful mood of the major families. Two hours later, the ruins of the Du family were filled with human heads, at least hundreds of them, all of whom were psychics below the fourth level.

Nie Quan was so angry that he kept yelling, and the terrifying spiritual energy in his body burst out everywhere, destroying all the buildings within a kilometer around him.

While he was venting his anger, more than a dozen law enforcers in federal uniforms had been observing carefully, and the leader, a ninth-level psychic, kept shouting

"Nie Quan, watch your behavior and don't force me to deal with you personally."

""Get lost!" Nie Quan was almost mad at this moment. Lin Cang had killed eight of his clansmen.

However, he had no way to stop it. He had no chance to threaten Lin Cang with the Du family.

After all, his Nie family was not omnipotent, and they had to give the federal government a way out.

Du Fei gloated over the furious Nie Quan, knowing that his family was safe.

Once Lin Cang appeared, Nie Quan would no longer dare to threaten himself or his family with the risk of the world's disgrace.

"Hehe, Brother Lin is awesome. He can actually make a top-level psychic lose his mind."


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