"It's President Li." Nie Quan, dressed in black, said calmly, looking like he didn't take Li Lie seriously at all.

Li Lie's beard was gray. Although he was not young, his voice was loud and full of energy, and he had a bad temper.

"Nie Quan, do you really want to touch the people in our underground arena?"

"Haha, President Li misunderstood." Nie Quan smiled but didn't smile,"I just want to make friends with Lin Cang, I won't hurt him."

"Bullshit!" Li Lie said angrily:"It's obvious that you have set your eyes on the spiritual liquid in Lin Cang's hand and want to snatch it for yourself. Don't you take me seriously?"

"I tell you the truth, Lin Cang is the successor I have chosen. If you dare to touch him, I will never forgive you!"

"Humph." Nie Quan's face immediately turned cold after hearing this,"Not over yet?"

"Li Lie, you are just a small eighth-level psychic. If I hadn't taken the power behind you into consideration, you would have died long ago if you dared to speak to me like that."

Nie Quan said as a terrifying spiritual energy fluctuation burst out, making all the low-level psychics present tremble.

Although Li Lie's face was solemn, he did not retreat a single step, and also burst out with a powerful momentum, as if he was ready to attack.

Nie Quan's eyes were cold, suppressing the anger in his heart and asked again:"Li Lie, do you really dare to fight me?"

"Why not?" Li Lie raised his eyebrows,"Don't even think about touching Lincang while I'm here!"

"You're looking for death!" Nie Quan had already lost his patience and immediately attacked.



As he raised his right hand, dozens of cylindrical flames with a diameter of three meters flew towards Li Lie at high speed.

At this time, the space around the flames seemed distorted to the major families following Nie Quan on the ground. It was an illusion caused by the high temperature.

Li Lie did not dare to be careless in the face of Nie Quan's attack and responded immediately.

"Water curtain sky brilliance!"

A rectangular silver giant curtain about 20 meters wide and 100 meters long appeared.

This giant curtain is composed of a large amount of water flow, which theoretically can restrain Nie Quan's fire system.

However, as soon as the two came into contact, Li Lie's water curtain was instantly evaporated, forcing him to use three water curtains again to offset Nie Quan's flames.

After doing this, Li Lie gasped for breath, and it was obvious that his spiritual energy was greatly consumed. On the other hand, Nie

Quan opposite him was not red or out of breath, and still looked indifferent.

"Li Lie, you are no match for me, get out of here!"

"Remember, I just don't want to kill you, not that I can't do it."

Nie Quan's cold voice spread through the spiritual energy, so that everyone could hear it. They immediately looked at Li Lie, wanting to know what he would choose.

Li Lie's attitude was very important. Although he was not Nie Quan's opponent, his background was too big.

Everyone knew that Nie Quan was unwilling to push the underground arena too hard, otherwise he would suffer the consequences.

Lei Fa floated to Li Lie's side at this time and said in a deep voice:"Mr. Vice President, I will fight the enemy with you."

"Do you want to die for him?" Nie Quan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"You, a seventh-level psychic, dare to be my enemy? Do you really think I don’t dare to kill people?"

As he spoke, the spiritual energy in his body surged again, and a dark blue flame appeared instantly, hitting Lei Fa and Li Lie before they could launch their defensive magic. Two screams were heard in the sky.

At this time, Wu Wudi, who was observing the situation in secret, saw the situation and his face immediately changed. He whispered:"Fire of the Netherworld? Old man Nie Quan actually mastered it quietly?"

""Father, what is the Netherworld Fire?" Wu Xiaoman asked.

Just before Li Lie and Nie Quan started fighting, she was forcibly taken by Wu Wudi and left the Du family.

Wu Wudi sighed as he watched Li Lie and Lei Fa struggling in the sea of fire.

"The Netherworld Fire is one of the most powerful flames of fire-type supernatural powers. One must develop one's own attributes to the extreme to comprehend it. It is several times more powerful than ordinary flames."

""Father, can you defeat Nie Quan?" Wu Xiaoman asked again.

Wu Wudi shook his head and said,"I don't know until we fight.""

"But girl, I know what you are thinking, but I can't do anything. Lin Cang has too many treasures, which has aroused public anger."

As he sighed, Li Lie and Lei Fa fell from the sea of fire in the sky, and a lot of unextinguished flames stained their bodies.

They were seriously injured at the moment, and felt that all the water in their bodies had evaporated, and they were very weak.

Fortunately, the flames on their bodies disappeared soon after they landed, and they were not burned to death.

Nie Quan's cold eyes swept across the scene. He also knew that there were many people secretly observing here, waiting to see the result.

"This is what happens when you become an enemy of me."

"Li Lie, I have already shown mercy to you if you are not dead today. Don't provoke me again if you know what is good for you."

"I……"Li Lie said weakly:"Old man, you will be liquidated sooner or later for openly trampling on federal laws today."

"Just relying on your branch in Xincheng?" Nie Quan said disdainfully.

"In the past, when there was only my Nie family, I gave you some respect."

"Today, I have the support of so many families, so it will be easy for me to destroy your branch base!"

"Brother Nie, please don't misunderstand me." At this time, an old voice sounded, and an old man in red immediately appeared.

"I have already made it clear to Li Lie that he must not hinder you. What he did just now was completely his personal behavior and has nothing to do with our underground arena."

"It turned out to be President Dong. Nie Quan nodded to the old man in red,"Thank you very much, Brother Dong."

"You're welcome." The old man in red smiled and stood calmly with his hands behind his back.

Having solved a big problem, Nie Quan immediately flashed in front of a young man from the Du family, and the terrifying aura on his body locked onto him.

"Tell me, where is Lincang!"

"I, I don't know."The young man spoke with great difficulty under great pressure. It was Du Fei.

Seeing this, Nie Quan immediately grabbed his neck, making him unable to breathe instantly.

"If you don't tell me, you will die, and your Du family will be destroyed."

"Even if I die... I don't know."Du Fei actually withstood the pressure and didn't bow his head.

This made Nie Quan furious, and he suddenly increased the strength in his hand and was about to strangle Du Fei's neck.


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