"There is another way." Jiang Qi suddenly said at this time, and Murong Weiwei and Wu Xiaoman immediately looked at her.

"any solution?"

"It's you." Jiang Qi and Murong Weiwei looked at each other.

"Weiwei, if you really want to help Lin Cang get through this hardship, you can only rely on your family."

"If they show up, no force on Blue Star will dare to ignore them."

"My Family……"Murong Weiwei was stunned after hearing this, then nodded

"Yes, our Murong family is a big family even among the ancient families, and they do have this strength."


"You just don't want to do this?" Jiang Qi smiled.

"Weiwei, I know what you are hesitating about. Once you return to the family, you will never be able to leave, right?"

""Yeah." Murong Weiwei sighed,"I ran away because I didn't want to be a tool for the family's marriage alliance. If I go back, I will never see you all again."

"But now this is the only way to help Lin Cang, you like him, don't you?"Jiang Qi smiled, she had long seen her good sister's thoughts.

Murong Weiwei blushed after hearing this and nodded slowly

"The feeling he gives me is different from other men. I don't know if this counts as love."

"But sister Qiqi, you are right. Now I am the only one who can help him."

After she said that, she made a decision and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

Two hours later, more than a dozen psychics wearing sky blue retro robes flew to Luoshui University and took Murong Weiwei away in the astonished eyes of many students.

The weakest of these people was at the eighth level, and the young man in his twenties who led the group was even more difficult to figure out. For a time, the Xincheng Base City was shaken.

It was not until now that all the major forces knew that Murong Weiwei was from the Murong family, the top clan among the ancient clans.

Lin Cang, who was thousands of miles away in the Nine-tailed Sky Fox Clan, also learned the news.

But it was too late. It was Wu Xiaoman who informed him.

"This stupid woman!" Lin Cang roared into the phone

"Do I, a man, need her to protect me in this way? Why didn't Murong Weiwei discuss it with me before making a decision?"

"Lin Cang, Sister Weiwei is doing this for your own good."Wu Xiaoman on the other end of the phone said calmly.

"Don't you know your current situation?"

"It's been more than a month. How long can you hide in the monster area with Lily without any trouble? Don't you want to go back to the base city for the rest of your life?"

Lin Cang's face turned pale when he heard these words. He hung up the phone directly. Murong Weiwei's exquisite face appeared in his mind.

Although she didn't know his means and was really good for him, Lin Cang was still angry that she acted on her own.

"Weiwei, you wait." Lin Cang said to himself with a cold face,"It won't be long before you understand how stupid your decision today is."

At this moment, he made a decision that sooner or later he would go to Murong's other world and snatch Murong Weiwei out.

And he believed that this day would not be too far away, three years would be enough.

Thinking of this, Lin Cang couldn't help but sigh.

In any case, Murong Weiwei's sacrifice touched him, although he didn't need it.

"It's time to go back and settle accounts with those people."


He sighed and disappeared in an instant.

This was not because Lin Cang moved too fast and his eyes couldn't keep up, which gave people the illusion of teleportation, but real teleportation.

After more than a month of hard hunting, he finally saved up 200,000 energy points to exchange for the Flying Thunder God.

From today on, no matter how strong the enemy is, at least he can't be stopped.

Even if Lin Cang can't win, wanting to retreat calmly is as easy as eating and drinking water. No one can pose a fatal threat to him.


Outside a villa complex in the downtown area of Xincheng Base City, thirty or forty powerful psychics stood at the door with indifferent expressions.

The youngest of them was in their forties, and the elderly accounted for more than half.

They were all powerful and were the backbone of their respective families.

"Everyone."The old man in black at the head spoke

"My Nie family and everyone else are here to force Lin Cang to show up. Once we catch him and get the treasure, everyone present will have a share."

"But you also have to work hard to fight against the pressure of the underground arena with me."

"After all, Lin Cang is their man, and I, the Nie family alone, probably won’t force them to leave."

"Senior Nie Quan, please rest assured." A middle-aged woman said with a smile:"My Wang family will definitely follow your lead and obey your orders!"

"My Liu family is the same!" An old man also echoed.

Seeing this, others quickly expressed their support for Nie Quan.

They had discussed it before coming, and now it was just a formality to let outsiders see their determination.

These people have their own intelligence system. As far as they know, Lin Cang has obtained at least 300 drops of spiritual liquid in the alien space. This terrifying harvest made these big families jealous instantly!

This is not just one or two drops of spiritual liquid. Even the ancient clan has to take such a huge amount into consideration.

The cultivation resources of Blue Star are already scarce, and there is a huge difference with the ancient clan, especially spiritual liquid and spiritual herbs.

These things are slowly nurtured by the spiritual energy between heaven and earth over many years. It is not like the cabbage on the roadside that can be planted in autumn and ripened in winter.

Now even The geniuses of the ancient clan who are well-informed and have practiced with spiritual liquid since childhood are jealous of the treasures in Lin Cang's hands.

Not to mention the supernatural powers on Blue Star, they can't hide their greed.

In their opinion, Lin Cang has no background and no strength. How can a small third-level supernatural power be worthy of so many treasures that they can never have in their lifetime?

Isn't this a waste of heaven's gifts?

If they don't snatch them away, they will really be sorry for the opportunity given by God.

Nie Quan is the younger brother of the head of the Nie family, and he is a ninth-level intermediate.

He has a great influence in Tongcheng, and even the federal government has to give him three points.

Now he has gathered so many medium-sized families to make trouble together, which makes the top leaders of the underground arena embarrassed. They are considering whether to offend so many people for Lin Cang.


In a room in the underground arena, three old men with white beards watched the video on the wall in silence for a long time.

After a while, an old man in red spoke up with a helpless tone.

"Forget it, let's take a step back. The Nie family is not easy to mess with."

"No!" As soon as he finished speaking, a rough voice sounded,"We must not give up Lincang!"

"Brother Li, do you want to make our Xincheng underground arena a target of public criticism?" The old man in red asked Li Lie,"Don't you know the consequences of doing this?"

Li Lie raised his eyebrows and said in a loud voice,"What's there to be afraid of? At worst, we can just have a fight!"

"Even if the war breaks out and destroys the entire Xincheng Base City, I can't watch that little guy Lin Cang being captured by them."

"No." The last old man tried to persuade him,"Li Lie, you have a bad temper. You will drag us all into the abyss."

"I think the president is right. Now we can only give up Lincang."


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