"Let's go."

Lin Cang jumped onto the little girl's back and took the lead in launching a sneak attack on the two fifth-level primary psychics hiding outside the hotel.

He wanted to kill them before the fifth-level advanced psychic could come to support him and consume the enemy's manpower.

However, the two psychics outside the hotel were not to be trifled with.

The sneak attack of Lin Cang and Lily was discovered by the two of them, who were immediately shocked and joined forces to resist.

After being exposed, Lily and Lin Cang did not hesitate at all and took action directly.

The little girl split into four thunder clones and exploded with all her strength. She was one step away from the fifth level at this moment. It was easy for her to cross levels to deal with two ordinary psychics.

"The earth is shaking!"

"Fire Dragon!"

Two fifth-level primary psychics wore the same black robes, with a fist-sized word"Nie" engraved on their right chests.

After being surrounded by Lily and her thunder clones, they used all their strength to resist.

One of them was earth-based and the other was fire-based. The power of the advanced psychic arts they used together should not be underestimated. They instantly dispersed Lily's four thunder clones.

However, after the thunder clones exploded, a large amount of thunder paralyzed the two black-robed men, making them unable to move.

Lin Cang and Lily's original body each killed an enemy, and the four enemies in the hotel arrived just after the battle here.

They came to support at high speed as soon as the battle began. Such a big movement could not be concealed at a distance of hundreds of meters.

But it was too late. Nie Wencheng looked at the two dead men in front of him and became alert.

He originally thought that this arrest would be easy, but the strength of Lin Cang and Lily was beyond his imagination.

"Go all out and don't be careless!" Nie Wencheng roared, his spiritual energy instantly rioting, and the fifth-level advanced strength burst out.

His three subordinates did not dare to neglect.

One of them found Lin Cang, and the remaining two helped Nie Wencheng fight Lily.

Lin Cang was also serious in the face of an opponent who was several levels higher than him. The immortal spiritual energy in his body was immediately consumed and summoned the wood dragon.

At the same time, one of the wooden clones disbanded, and a fairy spiral shuriken appeared in his hand, cooperating with the wood dragon to attack.

The man in black felt Lin Cang's two powerful ninjutsu and took a breath of cold air in his heart.

He never thought that one day he would be afraid of a third-level intermediate power user.

"Master Nie!" The black-robed man shouted while dodging the attack.

"This boy is too evil to be left alive. We must kill him today, or there will be endless troubles!"

Nie Wencheng, who was on another battlefield, noticed Lin Cang's extraordinaryness from the corner of his eye without his men reminding him, and thought the same thing in his heart.

However, he was being beaten by Lily at the moment, and although he had two helpers, he could only barely avoid defeat, and had no chance to attack Lin Cang at all.

"Damn it!" Nie Wencheng regretted it very much at this moment,"I was too careless, I should have brought more people with me."

However, it was too late to say anything at this moment.

In order to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, Lin Cang used the method of exchanging injuries for injuries, causing the fairy spiral shuriken to explode at close range, and even he himself was caught in the range of the technique and was seriously injured.

However, his goal was achieved, and the opponent was killed directly.

Lin Cang immediately supported Lily without rest, which instantly brought great pressure to Nie Wencheng and his men, and it was only a matter of time before they were slaughtered.

At this moment, seeing that the situation was hopeless, Nie Wencheng could only cruelly leave the two men who were still struggling and escape alone.

"Lin Cang, wait for me!" Nie Wencheng ran for his life at a very fast speed,"You and this demon fox are dead, our Nie family will not let you go!"

He roared and disappeared into the dense forest.

A minute later, Lin Cang and Lily killed the last two enemies. He looked at the direction where Nie Wencheng disappeared and sneered.

"Nie family? When I master Flying Thunder God, I will go after you first!"


After the battle, he asked Lily to clean up the battlefield, and he rushed to rescue people.

When he arrived at the lobby on the second floor of the hotel, Lin Cang saw all the members of the Tiger Squad at a glance and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they were all only injured and not in danger of life, otherwise he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"Lin Cang?!"At this moment, except for the unconscious Liu Meng, all the Tiger Team members were shocked.

They had just sensed the battle a few hundred meters away, but they did not dare to confirm that it was him.

Because in everyone's mind, Lin Cang was still a rookie who had just started out a few months ago. How could he be the opponent of Nie Wencheng, a fifth-level advanced superpower?

However, they had to believe it at this moment. Nie Wencheng did not come back, but Lin Cang came.

Lin Cang quickly untied them, and then carried Liu Meng on his back.

"Let's go, this is not the place to talk. It will be troublesome if Nie Wencheng finds help and rushes back."

"All right." All the members of the Tiger Team immediately followed him.

After leaving the hotel, Lin Cang led them to jump on Lily's back, and the little Loli immediately ran all the way to her tribe's land.


Three days later, they arrived at the outskirts of the Nine-tailed Fox clan.

Lin Cang asked the Tiger Squad to stay here for a while and did not bring them into the territory.

The Nine-tailed Fox did not like humans and did not want to cause trouble.

"Uncle Liu, Uncle Wang." Lin Cang looked at Liu Meng and Wang Gang and said,"You all stay here for the time being. It won't be long before I can let you return to the base city."

"Thank you very much."Liu Meng said gratefully. His injury had been healed by Lin Cang on the way.

"But we also know that we can't go back to Base City, otherwise the Nie family will use us to force you to show up."

"That may not be the case."After hearing this, Lin Cang's eyes flashed with coldness. The Nie family was already on his must-kill list. Seeing this, Liu Meng hurriedly said,"The Nie family is a big family in Tongcheng. I heard that the strongest person in the family has the ninth-level strength. Lin Cang, don't provoke this behemoth for us!""

"Uncle Liu, don't worry."Lin Cang said confidently:"In two months at most, you will be able to swagger back to the base city, and no one will dare to target you in the future."

He did not intend to tell the Tiger Squad about the Flying Thunder God. Lin Cang already had a countermeasure for the days when he was targeted.

By then, those big forces would definitely beg him not to cause trouble for them. Now he only had to wait until he had enough 200,000 energy points to exchange for the Flying Thunder God Technique before he could implement this plan.

After settling Liu Meng and the others, Lin Cang did not waste time and immediately went to find a suitable monster to brush energy points.

This time, the Nie family's incident sounded the alarm for him. He must get the Flying Thunder God as soon as possible, otherwise such situations will only become more and more frequent in the future.

As time went by, Lin Cang never showed up again, which made those big forces looking for him impatient.

However, the only person who could force him to risk his life and expose himself was Lin Shan, but he had already settled him. Others such as Du Fei, Shi Qiu, and Wu Xiaoman all have their own families, and those big forces are not crazy enough to touch them.

This also led to these big forces wanting to capture Lin Cang as soon as possible.

They even posted a reward on the dark web and no longer concealed his information.

For a time, there was a huge uproar in the dark web.

All the superpowers in the three major base cities knew that Lin Cang had a monster partner with spatial abilities, and more and more people were attracted to him.

At this moment, except for the other three continents hundreds of thousands of miles overseas where information is not smooth, Lin Cang is completely famous.

Luoshui University.

In the principal's office, Murong Weiwei paced back and forth anxiously.

At this moment, Wu Xiaoman and Jiang Qi were also in the room, and they were also very worried.

"What should I do?"Murong Weiwei panicked,"Xiaoman, can your father save Lin Cang?"

"It's too late."Wu Xiaoman shook her head.

"A month ago, I persuaded Lin Cang to join our Wu family. At that time, my father could still give him some advice."

"But now all the families and big powers know the inside story. My father alone doesn't have such a big influence."

"Even your father can't do anything about it." Murong Weiwei's delicate face showed bitterness.

"Can we just watch Lin Cang walk step by step towards the abyss without any way to stop him?"


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