[Exchange successful, energy points +1700】

【Exchange successful, energy points +700】

【Exchange successful, energy points +500】


The crystal cores of four monsters were exchanged in succession, and the difference was almost the same as Lin Cang expected.

The crystal core of a fifth-level intermediate monster should be 2,000 points. The reason why it was 300 less was because of the cooperation with Lily.

After obtaining the system for so long, Lin Cang has roughly figured out its judgment method.

When hunting monsters, the more effort you put in, the greater the proportion, and vice versa, the less, but there is a 50% guarantee.

In this battle, he and Lily burst out with all their strength, without holding any trump cards, and reaped a lot of rewards.

After the Dark Thunder Elephant was killed, Lin Cang was not interested in staying here, and continued to use the dark web to search for the locations of other fifth-level intermediate monsters. Soon there was a new target.

【A giant silver lizard appeared in the third ring road in the western suburbs of S City. Its strength is the fifth intermediate level. Information time……】

"Three months ago?"Lin Cang compared the date and set off immediately.

For a monster that has entered the fifth level, there will not be a big breakthrough in such a short time. He didn't believe that he was so unlucky.

"It's not far from the new city."Lin Cang touched his chin and thought for a while, and decided to go back to the base city.

He was now in the monster area outside the Tiancheng base city. If he wanted to go to the new city, he had to go through the teleportation array.

Otherwise, it was too dangerous to say what level of monsters he would encounter along the way over a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

If he went back to the new city, he could go home to see Lin Shan, and it would be better for him to move to a safe place. Lin Cang made up his mind instantly when he thought of this.

He rode Xiao Hui back to the base city, and hurried all the way. He used the Sharingan to avoid powerful monsters and did not encounter any danger.

However, when he was still 500 kilometers away from the base city, Lin Cang suddenly found that a supernatural person with huge spiritual energy broke into his field of vision. line.

Seeing the surging spiritual energy in his body, he was at least at the initial level of the seventh order, and he immediately became alert.

He knew that he was being targeted by many people, and the reason was simple: it was a crime to possess a treasure.

Many people knew about his gains in the alien space, and Lin Cang was absolutely sure that he would be targeted or even killed.

He immediately asked Xiao Hui to adjust the direction and pass by this seventh-order psychic with unknown purpose without being discovered.

After avoiding this powerful psychic, Lin Cang did not encounter any danger again and returned to the base city smoothly.

He made a spare piece of clothing into a mask and put it on his face, and asked the two beasts to wait for him to communicate with the spirit in a hidden place outside the base city, and walked into the teleportation array alone.

"Go to the new city." Lin Cang threw a second-level primary crystal core to the staff, who immediately activated the teleportation array.

After a burst of white light, when Lin Cang's vision was restored, he had returned to the new city. This time he was gone for more than a month, and Lin Shan must be worried. He went home first to meet Lin Shan, and after chatting for a while, Lin Cang said directly:"Dad, let's move."

"Hmm?" Lin Shan moved his legs in the wheelchair. Under his empty trouser legs were his slowly growing limbs.

"Why did you suddenly think of this?"

"Nothing." Lin Cang said,"I may have been targeted recently, and I'm worried that they can't do anything to me, so they will turn their attention to you."

""What happened?" Lin Shan asked,"Did you offend some powerful force?"

"That's not the case."Lin Cang responded. Lin Shan just breathed a sigh of relief but was stunned instantly.

"I have provoked all the powerful forces, and I have the treasure they dream of."

"What!"Lin Shan's eyes suddenly widened with disbelief.

In his mind, although his son had made rapid progress, he was only a low-level psychic after all. How could he have the strength to do this?

However, he also knew Lin Cang's character and knew that he was never a joking person. If he said that, it must be true.

"Wait for me." Lin Shan pushed the wheelchair into his bedroom and came out a minute later."Let's go, move.""

"Dad, don't you want your things anymore?" Lin Cang asked as he saw that he took almost nothing.

Lin Shan said seriously,"It's already this time and you're still talking about this? The lives of us father and son are the most important. Don't you want to part with these mundane things?"

"That's not the case." Lin Cang explained,"Of course I hope it's as soon as possible, I'm just afraid that you have feelings for these things."

"Bullshit! Run away quickly." Lin Shan said as he pushed his wheelchair very fast and went downstairs alone...

Lin Cang followed him with a smile. Two hours later, the father and son appeared in the federal government hall.

Lin Cang came to a window and said directly:"I will buy a house inside your house"

"Little brother, are you kidding me?"The waitress inside laughed softly at his young age.

"The cheapest house inside the government building costs 5 billion. It is the safest place on the entire Blue Planet. No one can act recklessly there. Can you afford it?"

""Let's go, stop teasing me here."


As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Cang slammed a glass bottle on the counter. There was a drop of Five Elements Spiritual Liquid in it. The waitress was stunned instantly.

Although she was not a superpower, she worked in the government hall all day and had extraordinary experience. How could she not know the value of the Five Elements Spiritual Liquid?

This is a treasure that is hard to buy with money, and ordinary people can't get it at all.

Lin Cang said calmly:"Is it okay now?"

"Yes, yes, sir.……"

"Stop talking nonsense and help me with the formalities."

"Yes, yes."

The waitress quickly registered a series of formalities, and quickly processed it for him with all her strength.

Since Lin Cang paid with the Five Elements Spiritual Liquid, even the waitress's leader was alarmed.

In the end, not only did he buy a house, but all the furniture was also given away for free, and he also recovered 5 billion federal coins.

With the key and the property certificate, Lin Cang pushed Lin Shan and took a taxi to the center of Xincheng Base City.

After walking for less than half an hour, an extremely luxurious community appeared in front of them.

The community is called Xincheng Community, named after the base city.

Lin Cang pushed Lin Shan all the way in and met almost all the people with superpowers, and most of them were high-level.

This is a place protected by the federal government.

Although it is expensive, it is extremely safe. It is the first choice for many powerful people to arrange their families. Since it was built, no malicious incidents have ever occurred.

Lin Cang bought a house on the top floor of a building in the deepest part of the community. He did not register his own name and Lin Shan's name, and chose to keep it secret.

Taking the elevator to the 130th floor, he pushed Lin Shan into a room of more than 300 square meters.

The room was fully equipped with everything, and he could move in directly with his bag.

Looking at the house in front of him, Lin Shan could not help but sigh

"My son, you really opened my eyes. You bought such an expensive house without even frowning. You are more promising than your father."

"Haha." Lin Cang laughed loudly,"Dad, just wait and see. Our good days have just begun. I will become stronger and stronger until I stand at the top of the world."

""Alas, such great ambitions. I was so far behind you when I was young." Lin Shan sighed heavily.

It was not until today that he realized that he was old and could not see through Lin Cang at all.

After having dinner with his father in the evening, Lin Cang went out under the cover of night and took the white mask he bought on the way in the afternoon to the monster area.

He was confident that he could survive any dangerous situation, but Lin Shan could not, and he had to be settled.


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