Three days later, in the monster area.

Lin Cang, Lily and Xiao Hui were already more than 2,000 kilometers away from the base city, and stopped in a small village before the end of the world.

According to the information provided by the dark web, this place was occupied by a fifth-level intermediate dark thunder elephant, leading a group of subordinates to dominate.

And Lin Cang's target was this dark thunder elephant, which was almost the limit of what he and Lily could deal with together.

Now as his strength increased, low-level monsters could no longer provide energy points, and he could only be forced to hunt high-level monsters.

After Lily advanced to a full beast, she had the strength of a fourth-level intermediate.

Lin Cang and Xiao Hui were both third-level intermediates, and the abilities mastered by one person and two beasts were not comparable to ordinary people, so it was easy to cross the level of the enemy.

The crystal core of a fifth-level intermediate monster can be exchanged for about 2,000 energy points, but it was hard to find.

Lin Cang used a satellite phone to check the map, analyzed the intelligence he had obtained around him one by one, and finally preliminarily determined that there was no second fifth-level monster within a radius of 100 miles.

Of course, he did not dare to be careless and blindly confident in the dark web.

After all, intelligence is provided by people, and people always make mistakes, so we must also add the information we get on the ground to make judgments.

He took Lily riding on the back of the little gray, using the Sharingan to look for a suitable target, and soon found a fourth-level primary monster.

"Lily, catch it."

""Ahhh." The little girl immediately jumped off Xiao Hui's back and ran towards the target in the distance.

It was a pig monster, and Lily captured it alive by just half-transforming into a beast.

When the pig monster was brought in front of Lin Cang, before he could say anything, the latter immediately bent his front legs and knelt down with a"thump", trembling with fear.

"Strong human, spare my life!"

"Tell me where the Dark Thunder Elephant is and I will let you go." Lin Cang said calmly.

Lord Dark Thunder?

The pig demon hurriedly said after hearing this:"It is in an abandoned reservoir 20 miles to the southeast. That is our lair."

"How many subordinates does Dark Thunder Elephant have and what are their strengths?"

"My Lord, Lord An Ting has seven subordinates, three of them are intermediate level 4 and four are advanced level 4."

"Very good, thank you for the information."Lin Cang said, and Lily immediately cut its neck with one claw. The pig demon died with his eyes wide open, as if he didn't expect Lin Cang to be so decisive and treacherous.

Xiao Hui didn't have a high IQ and couldn't figure it out, so he said,"Master, didn't you promise to let him go? Why?……"

"It will tell Dark Thunder Elephant about us." Lin Cang immediately jumped onto its back and said in a deep voice

"Xiao Hui, you must remember to make sure you don't suffer any loss before you fulfill your promise to the enemy. Otherwise, it's better to kill him."

"Oh, I understand."Xiao Hui immediately carried him and Lily and ran towards the southeast. Soon, the outline of a huge reservoir appeared in Lin Cang's eyes.

Lin Cang observed through the Sharingan and found that it was indeed as the pig demon said. There were a total of eight monsters including the Dark Thunder Elephant.

Lin Cang separated four wooden clones and sat cross-legged on the ground with them. Five minutes later, his main body entered the Sage Mode, while the clones continued to maintain the current state.

After Lin Cang stood up, he said to Xiao Hui:"You stay here to protect my clones. They can't move now, otherwise the natural energy in their bodies will disappear."

"Yes, I will definitely protect your clone." Xiao Hui knew that he was too weak to help in the battle, so he immediately made assurances.

Lin Cang nodded and said to the little Loli:"Lili, you hold back the Dark Thunder Elephant for a while, and I will deal with the seven fourth-level monsters."

"Master, can you do it?" Lily asked,"There are so many monsters that are one level higher than you."

"It shouldn't be a big problem."Lin Cang said,"Only after we deal with them can we concentrate on dealing with the Dark Thunder Elephant." Although practicing the Sage Mode and absorbing Originium to strengthen his body these days did not change his surface realm, he was still at the Intermediate Level 3.

However, the storage capacity and physical strength improvement of the Sage Mode also really improved his strength.

Lin Cang now also wanted to use a very stressful battle to see how strong he was.

"Oh, all right, master, you have to be careful." Lily nodded.

After arranging the tactics, Lin Cang swaggered to the edge of the reservoir with the little girl. He looked at the dry bottom of the pool with a calm face, which made the Dark Thunder Elephant and its men a little confused. The

Dark Thunder Elephant was huge, fifty meters tall, and its whole body was black.

It looked up at Lin Cang, and said in a deep voice with deep doubts:"Two humans with third-level strength?"

"Are you fools? You didn't run away when you saw me?"

If it were any other time, the Dark Thunder Elephant would have killed the teams of superpowers that accidentally broke into its territory without any nonsense.

But Lin Cang and Lily's behavior was too strange for it to understand.

At this time, a fourth-level primary leopard monster volunteered to fight,"My lord, I will go and kill these two ignorant humans."

"Go ahead." The Dark Thunder Elephant didn't take it seriously and continued to lie down and rest.

However, the next second, the leopard monster just jumped to the edge of the reservoir, which was a hundred meters high, and Lily suddenly turned into a beast. With one claw, she cut off its head and rolled in front of the Dark Thunder Elephant and its men.

"Hiss! Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"

Dark Thunder Elephant instantly became cautious and roared,"Follow me, we've been fooled!"

"Yes, sir."

It immediately attacked Lily with the remaining six monsters.

Lily's figure distanced herself from them in an instant, and only the Dark Thunder Elephant could keep up.

Lin Cang blocked the six monsters' men, with a calm face.

"Let me play with you."

"Arrogant human!" A bull demon raised its two strong front hooves and stomped hard on his head.

The other monsters wanted to catch up with Lily and the Dark Thunder Elephant and join their battle.

However, at this time, Lin Cang clapped his hands and the immortal spirit energy in his body was consumed instantly. Countless giant trees with majestic vitality immediately appeared within a radius of one kilometer.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Tree Realm Arrives!"


The six demon beasts were immediately trapped in the tree realm and were all shocked.

They had never encountered such a strong third-level human. They no longer cared about supporting the Dark Thunder Elephant and all stared at Lin Cang.

The six demon beasts either spewed fire and thunder from their mouths or attacked with their bodies, instantly destroying a large number of tree realms. Some attacks hit Lin Cang, causing him to spit out blood.

After all, he was also fighting against an enemy of a higher level, and it was still one against a group. It was already amazing for others to hold back a demon beast that was one level higher than themselves.

Lin Cang ignored the injuries on his body. The sealless healing was quickly restoring his body at this moment.

He successively disbanded two wooden clones and burst out with all his strength.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"

"Immortal Technique·Wind Style·Rain Shuriken!""

Whoosh whoosh!"

An ultra-high-speed rotating disc with a huge wind blade confronted the six monsters before the wooden dragon, and a terrible explosion occurred instantly.

The wooden dragon followed closely behind and reaped the monsters when they were injured. Soon three monsters were killed, and the remaining three were immediately frightened and ran away. The wooden dragon wanted to chase Lin Cang, so he directly controlled it to carry himself to the battlefield between Lily and the Dark Thunder Elephant.

Those three little shrimps ran away, but the Dark Thunder Elephant was his target.

After catching up with the Dark Thunder Elephant, Lin Cang immediately repeated the same trick and disbanded the remaining two wooden clones, instantly gaining a large amount of spiritual energy and natural energy.

He used the Immortal Technique Tree Realm to control the Dark Thunder Elephant, creating an opportunity for the little loli, and then used the Immortal Technique Spiral Shuriken to cooperate with Lily to severely injure it.

""Roar! Damn human, I regret that I misjudged you."

The Dark Thunder Elephant roared unwillingly, but it was too late. It was seriously injured and was quickly killed by Lily.


PS: Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. Xiao Wang wishes all of you a happy new year and good health.

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