Wizard Count

Chapter 966

Seeing Margaret’s attitude, Connor, who feels guilty about Margaret, didn’t feel any irritation. He smiled and said softly at Margaret, “No matter what you ask for, as long as I If Connor ·Ferguson can do it, I won't refuse!"


When Connor said this, Margaret, who was pretending to be a posture, instantly lit up. Asked Connor:

I don’t know why when seeing Margaret look like this, Connor suddenly felt like he was fooled, but as a man, he had already spoken to his beloved woman. , Then there is absolutely no possibility of taking it back, Connor can only brace oneself, nodded towards Margaret.

Seeing Connor nodded, Margaret showed a sly smile on his face, and then asked Connor: "Connor, you should have forged a fake identity for that Potion Master, so what do you plan to do? Time to have a wedding with that Potion Master?"

Although it is not clear why Margaret asked this, Connor still said without omission and in detail: "It should be a while, even if the fake identity is still obtained. , It’s okay to spend some money, but a perfect fake identity can’t be so easy to get, and it’s easy to be dismantled if you just make one. Of course, if it doesn’t work, I’m going to let Valga use her real identity. Valga has been waiting for a long time, I should give her a result..."

Hearing Connor's words, the light in Margaret's eyes dimmed slightly, but soon she After returning to normal, he stretched out a white finger to Connor and said: "Connor, you will soon become Count Ferguson, I think you need a personal consultant!"

"Private consultant?"

Connor asked Margaret suspiciously:

For Connor's rhetorical question, Margaret calm's nodded explained: "Yes, private consultant! Connor, your family Although there is not much money in the industry, but the number is still a lot, and I think you can actually allow the group of people within your family to launch an armed rebellion to use this as an excuse to clean up them, then you must be extremely concerned about your Ferguson family. Disappointed, you now need someone who can help you manage your property!"

"And a private consultant is the best helper for a hereditary aristocrat like Connor in managing family affairs, a hereditary like you Nobles, the family group is very exclusive within the family group, so for private consultants, Connor, you don’t have to worry about them and your family assholes, because they are hired by you. Without your existence, they cannot do anything in the Ferguson family."

"The other important thing is that private consultants are people who have some network resources. Although these network resources can’t help Connor you play a decisive role, they can also help. Connor, you have done a lot of things more smoothly..."

Margaret talked so much about the benefits of his Amway personal advisor. Connor became more confused as he listened. See Margaret Going further, Connor interrupted her quickly and asked Margaret in disbelief: "Margaret, as a hereditary nobleman, I certainly understand the role of a private consultant, but you are planning to recommend a private person to me. Consultant? "

"That's right! "Margaret nodded, and found a copy from the space ring. The document she had prepared a long time ago was handed to Connor.

Connor was a little curious and took the document from Margaret. After reading it carefully, he found that this document was actually a resume, and the owner of this resume was an old fogey named Lorenzo Pellegrini.

From the resume From the point of view, Lorenzo Pellegrini, 57 years old this year, is a little nobleman with the title of hereditary knight. The rank of Colonel in the Army has retired."

"After retiring, Mr. Lorenzo Pellegrini returned to Frosynone’s hometown. After inheritance from the inheritance family, he was a small company with only 500 acres of land. Outside the manor, he also opened a small processing factory to process some train parts and other things. He has always had a good life. With his status as a nobleman and the resume of the Imperial Army, he was successfully elected as a member of the House of Lords of Frosynone. !"

After carefully checking the profile of Lorenzo Pellegrini, Connor did not find any problems, so he was a little puzzled, so he could not help asking Margaret directly: "Margaret, judging from his resume, this Lorenzo Pellegrini has both noble status, military background, and political experience. There is no doubt that he is a good choice for a private consultant, but I want to know Margaret you Why recommend him to me?"

"The reason is simple, Lorenzo Pellegrini needs a job now, and I will be his assistant soon!" Margaret spread his hands , Said to Connor, and at the end she blinked at Connor.

Hearing Margaret say this, Connor instantly understood Margaret's thoughts. It turned out that private consultants are just a cover. Margaret's real purpose is to get close to himself and participate in the affairs of the Ferguson family. , And this Lorenzo Pellegrini should be just a cover.

"Lorenzo Pellegrini is under your control?" After a while, Connor asked Margaret;

"No, Lorenzo Pellet Greeney and I have some connections. For some reasons, because of commercial competition, his factory has not provided him with any income in recent months, and even caused him to lose two thousand golden pound, which is already on the verge of He is on the verge of bankruptcy, so he is in a very bad situation now. There is a danger of sitting and eating. I want to help him!"

"Connor, you can rest assured of Lorenzo Pellegrini's Ability, there is absolutely no problem!"

"Which of his train parts processing plants has been operating very well before and has continued to make profits. It is not because of Lorenzo’s problem that it will go bankrupt now. But because his opponent Bartomeu consortium is too powerful."

"Bartomeu consortium rich and imposing, in order to drive these small processing plants out to dominate the market, they are extremely Selling parts at low prices makes the train parts produced by Lorenzo’s factory become uninterested. Some regular customers who have worked with them for many years don’t care about business anymore!” Margaret explained to Connor helplessly. Road:

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