Wizard Count

Chapter 965

Although he can understand Martinez Chief Steward, this idea of ​​everything for the family, but Connor has no way to tell Martinez Chief Steward now that Valga’s true identity, so Connor I can only tell Martinez Chief Steward very solemnly that Valga has become his wife and has many advantages and no disadvantages to the Ferguson family, and then forcibly ends this topic and prohibits Martinez Chief Steward from discussing this topic. .

Despite doing this, Martinez Chief Steward may have some complaints, but if the little vinegar jar of Valga knows these things, Connor can guarantee that she will do something extraordinary, so for For the future of the Ferguson family, and for the safety of Martinez Chief Steward's life, Connor could only make such a helpless decision.

patted Valga is massaging his small temple hands, Connor whispered: "I know what to do. I won't disturb the church and the ninth game. I will slowly kill them. Make them regret everything they did!"

Connor tone barely fell, when Valga was about to say something, Connor's body suddenly appeared a trace of energy fluctuations, although these energy fluctuations are very weak, but It was still caught by Valga, who was standing next to Connor. Valga seemed to know what the energy fluctuations meant. He glanced at Connor with an awkward face, then turned and left, leaving Connor alone.

When Valga left, Connor found the sound transmission jade ring that Margaret gave him from the space ring, and then the spirit strength sensed the information inside, and a few seconds later he sensed the information inside. Connor, there was a gleam in his eyes, and then Connor didn't hesitate, put on his clothes and walked out of the house, heading in the direction of Frosynone city.




In the downtown area of ​​Frosynone, a luxurious private room on the second floor of the Smith Hotel.

In the brightly lit room, Margaret, who was already beautiful and beautiful, was even more glamorous against the candle fire. She lifted the glass with a faint smile and toasted to Connor: "Connor, your Ferguson family member The official letter has been reported to the empire. It won’t take long for Connor to inherit your father’s title and become Count Ferguson. Congratulations!"

"Of course Connor also congratulates the one in your room A Potion Master, she will soon become the noble imperial count lady!"

Feeling Margaret’s mystifying, Connor showed a bitter smile on his face, but he still raised his glass and touched Margaret. , And then whispered: "many thanks!"

After the two drank a glass of champagne, Margaret stopped talking, just looked at Connor with a smile.

Seeing Margaret like this, Connor touched his nose and proactively said: "Margaret, does the church think about me becoming Count Ferguson?"

An hour ago, Margaret Through sound transmission Yuhuan, he told Connor that he had become Count Ferguson and Storm Church was going to send someone to meet him. Although Margaret did not include in the message, he told Connor the people sent by the church that he planned to talk to him, but he knew what was happening. Connor, who was big, didn't dare to delay, and immediately came here from the Ferguson Manor in the outskirts to meet Margaret.

Hearing Connor’s question, the smile on Margaret's face slowly disappeared. She sighed, and then said with a bit of resentment: "Connor, you are really real. You haven't dated me for more than a month. As soon as I met, I immediately inquired about the news of the church from me, and I didn’t care about how I’ve been recently..."

The attitude of Margaret made Connor also a little surprised. Looking at the grudge in Margaret's expression, Connor gradually realized that although he and Margaret had reached an agreement on marrying Valga, at this moment, the impact of this incident on Margaret was still not small. Realized that here, Connor The guilt for Margaret couldn't help but come to mind again.

"According to the regulations, if an official wizard-level black wizard appears in the jurisdiction of each Storm Church, and the official wizard will be resident in the jurisdiction, then the church in the jurisdiction will be Hall The Master’s teaching rules will evaluate the danger of this black wizard and submit the evaluation report in written form to the church headquarters."

"This evaluation report will determine a lot of Thing, if the local bishop determines that the official black wizard in his jurisdiction is very dangerous and poses a threat to Mortal World, then the church headquarters will send an expert to deal with it, and if the result of this assessment report is positive, then This black wizard will be very lucky. As long as he does not do excessive things, the church will default to his existence."

"Connor, you are the second lucky situation, Frosynone's current Storm Church bishop Del Pizarro is not a guy who likes to make trouble. He acquiesced in your existence, but because Connor you are not hidden like other dark wizards. You have to stand up and walk to the front of the stage and inherit your father. The title became the hereditary ·1Count Ferguson of the Empire, so it made things very complicated. Storm Church’s policy on the general dark wizard does not apply to Connor you!"

"The same is because of you Del Pizarro did not dare to call the shots without authorization, so he gave the church headquarters an ambiguous and vague assessment report, and kicked the ball to the church headquarters. After the church headquarters received this assessment report It is also very important. After intense discussions, several senior executives have reached an agreement. They will come to talk to Connor with you in order to be more sure about your method to Connor." When Connor feels guilty , Margaret told Connor what she knew.

Although the amount of information in Margaret's remarks is not very large, but Connor has spent a whole minute thinking about it before digesting the information.

Lifts the head again, Connor looked at Margaret and continued to ask: "Margaret, do you know who Storm Church will come to meet with me?"

For Connor’s question, Margaret didn't answer immediately, but took a sip of the champagne in the glass, and then she said lightly, "Know!" under Connor's gaze.

" After the words "know", Margaret did not continue to speak, but continued to drink slowly. It seemed that Margaret was deliberately squeezing Connor...

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