Wizard Count

Chapter 754

"Of course! How did Professor Secret Society's prestigious name come from?"

It's not because Reyes used the soul yoke to kill three of them. Established by a wizard of the same level, the battle between our Secret Society and the Tower of Darkness, Reyes and the second-level wizard Degea of ​​the Tower of Darkness, I was on the scene and I saw it with my own eyes. De Gea, who divided the victory and defeat, after Reyes used the soul yoke, Reyes bound the soul on the spot, and could no longer cast any spell. Finally, Reyes used an Evil Spirit spear to penetrate his heart and died! "Adolf said solemnly

Speaking of this, Adolf paused, glanced at Isabella who was not in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and continued: "The reason why the adults have been sitting and watching Reyes and Conte each other for so many years. Collusion, dominance in the organization, and violation of the orders of adults are also the reason for fear of Reyes' soul yoke this move! "

When I heard Adolf say this, Isabella couldn’t help but browse tightly knit and fell silent. A few seconds later, she continued to ask Adolf: "Adolf teacher, putting it that way, if the soul yoke is If it's so strong, Connor Ferguson, this damn guy, don't I really have nothing to do with him? "

"Miss Isabella, don't worry about this. Although the soul yoke is strong, it is not invincible. As far as I know, the soul yoke consumes a lot of mana. At the beginning, I personally Seeing that after Reyes killed De Gea, his whole face was deathly pale, and his mana fluctuations were extremely unstable. He didn't dare to stay one minute on the battlefield, and he immediately left the battlefield and returned to recover his mana! "

" And a spell as big as the formidable power of the soul yoke was not designed for Level 1 wizard. Level 1 wizard casts it, but it is forced to cast it with the side effects after casting the spell, so As far as Connor Ferguson is concerned, the side effects of using the soul yoke are very great. If it is not for the critical moment, I would not dare to use it easily! "Adolf comforted Isabella and said:

Isabella's face looked better after hearing Adolf's comfort, and she chatted with gray robed old man Adolf again, Isabella Bella just left this secret room and came to a wood house in the center of the Corresia Manor. Looking at the calm and tranquil small wood house close at hand, she seemed to have noticed something, and there was a flash in her eyes. He was disgusted by death, but he pushed open the door of the small wood house and walked in.

"Mr. Robelli, no one told you that, without consent, you can just break in. Is it a bad habit to enter a woman's room? "Looking at Zhengyi sitting comfortably on the sofa in her room, the chubby old man with black framed eyes, Isabella coldly said:

If Connor is here at this time, look at The fat old man sitting in Isabella’s residence in front of him will be very surprised to recognize that this person is the optical shop manager Robelli who is connected to Arshavin’s eyes!

Questioned by Isabella, Robelli pushed his black-rimmed glasses and said innocently, "Miss Isabella, isn't it? I originally obtained a very important piece of information and wanted to hand it over to you, but it seems that I did something wrong. I will leave now and disturb Miss Isabella! "

After finishing talking, Robery stood up, posing as he wanted to walk outside the small wood house, but he had just walked three steps, and Isabella behind him said: "What important information? "

Hearing Isabella’s opening, the fat old man Robelli turned his back to Isabella, a smug smile appeared on his fat face, but he still looked a little bit Randomly said: "Nothing, just some news about the professor's placement in Frosynone city. I think Miss Isabella, you are busy with your business, and you should not be interested in my information. I will leave and not disturb. Miss Isabella, you! "

After finishing speaking, Robelli speeded up again, thinking about the direction of the door of the little wood house, and took two steps. At this time, Isabella turned her body completely, looking towards After Robbery, his eyes were cold and without a trace of emotion and said: "Roberry, do you know what you are doing? "

Hearing the threat that Isabella’s words did not conceal, there was also a sharp light flashing in Robelli’s small eyes. He didn’t say anything, just from the top I took out a pack of crumpled Frosynone’s very popular Rehagel’s cigarettes in my pocket, then skilfully took out a cigarette, held it on my mouth, and lit a brilliant orange flame on my big fingers. , I lit the cigarette that Robbe held in his mouth, and took a deep breath of the cigarette with great enjoyment.

Feeling the wonderful feeling that the cigarette brought to him, Robery also turned to face Isabel. Pull, faintly said; "Of course I know what I'm doing, and I have the ability to be responsible for everything I do! But what I want to remind Miss Isabella is, do you know what you are doing? Are you capable of being responsible for what you are doing now? "

Speaking of this, Robelli looked towards Isabella with a scornful smile on his chubby face and continued: "And most importantly, Miss Isabella, although I don’t know what your identity is. By then I think you should understand that this is Frosynone, not the Imperial Capital Bernabéu, and I am not a member of your Secret Society, I am just an intelligence dealer, taking the benefits from your Secret Society and accepting you It’s just for hire, I don’t have to be so polite to you like that guy Adolf! "

Although the words were very hard, Robelli was still dishonest. After the words fell, he took out a kraft paper bag from the space ring he was wearing and threw it on the ground. , And then turned around again and walked away from Isabella’s small wood house.

Looking at the huge back of Robelli leaving, disappearing into her own vision, Isabella A flash of undisguised killing intent flashed in his beautiful eyes. If it weren’t for this intelligence dealer, the northern borders of the Odin Empire, including the city of Frosynone, would have very deep personal connections, which could bring extraordinary connections to the Secret Society. Great help, otherwise Isabella will let Adolf kill him now based on the few words he just said.

In the heart, I read "The overall situation is the most important" Isabella twice. Only then barely suppressed the anger in her heart. With a wave of her hand, she picked up the kraft paper bag that Robelli was still on the ground, and pulled out the information inside. Looking at the content displayed on the information, Isabella's eyes appeared A clear look of shock········

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