Wizard Count

Chapter 753

So in this case, if Isabella does nothing when she comes up and is polite to herself, Connor might feel uneasy and think that Wang Jue is right? There is an unknown conspiracy against him.

In fact, Connor never thought about his request for equal cooperation, and he could successfully cooperate with Wang Jue in one meeting.

For a while, Connor’s eyes flashed suspiciously. Isabella’s practice in the bar private room today seems to be no problem, but what makes him feel strange is that Isha Although Bella, as she said, with Wang Jue as her backer, she has no fear of facing herself, but after all, she is only a high level wizard apprentice, knowing that she is a Level 1 wizard, and she is still there between them. Is it too arrogant when I am alone in a room... Isn't it a bit too much?

According to the news that Valga got inside the Secret Society, Isabella is Wang Jue’s right-hand man, Level 1 wizard Vermalan’s mistress, a mistress with such courage, in a private room Provoking yourself so much? She is really not afraid, she loses control of her emotions, flies into a rage to shoot her? Thinking of Connor here, I have a little doubt in my heart about Isabella’s true generation. I don’t know why Connor always feels that Isabella, this woman, does not seem to be like the rumors that Valga heard in the Secret Society. Secret Society Wang Jue Right-hand man Level 1 wizard Wismaren’s mistress is so simple...



Just when Connor was in the Agudro Hotel room, when he was puzzled , In a huge estate called Coresia outside the western suburbs of Frosynone, Isabella, who just met Connor in the private room of the Westconnor Bar, was meeting with a gray robe. The clean-faced old man is sitting opposite each other in a hidden secret room. At this time, Isabella has removed the disguise of a middle-aged beard man when she met Connor, revealing a stunningly beautiful face

"Miss Isabella, you were too risky just now. Although Connor Ferguson didn't have many days since breakthrough became a Level 1 wizard, he is still a real Level 1 wizard now, and he is still The same guy as the professor is a spiritual wizard. If he really shoots at you, I’m so far away from you, it’s hard for me to stop me. When the time comes, how can I explain to the adults?” Looking at Isha Bella, I can’t see the gray robed old man. Some helplessly said:

"Adolf teacher, don’t worry, father has asked me to carry that baby with me, as long as it’s not mine A professor Uncle is here, let alone Connor Ferguson, it’s Bispin’s dog thing, and I’m not afraid!” Facing gray robed old man Adolf’s complaints, Isabella lightly saying:

Although Isabella did not make it clear what she meant by "that baby", gray robed old man Adolf clearly understood what Isabella meant by "that baby", and he It also seems to be very confident in the formidable power of "that baby", and the whole person is relieved, and said to Isabella nodded: "No wonder Miss Isabella, you dare to provoke Connor · Ferguson so much. There is that baby body protection, so I can rest assured! "

"Adolf teacher, you are wrong! I dare to provoke Connor · Ferguson, not because of the protection of the treasure, but I know from the investigation of Connor · Ferguson, Connor · Ferguson is very deep in the city, he is very cautious in his actions, I expected him now He asks us, so even if he is irritated by me, he will restrain the emotions in his heart, and he will definitely not attack me in anger! "Isabella started to preach, although her voice was flat, but her tone was very certain.

When I heard that gray robed old man Adolf, she didn’t say anything. For him, his task is to protect Isabella’s safety and dispose of any person or thing that poses a threat to Isabella’s safety. As for other things, it doesn’t matter to him.

After thinking for a while Isabella suddenly asked Adolf: "Adolf teacher, how strong do you think Connor Ferguson is now? "

After hearing Isabella’s question, gray robed old man Adolf did not answer her question immediately, but he groaned and asked Isabella back;'Miss Isabella , Can you be sure that Connor · Ferguson only recently breakthrough became a Level 1 wizard?'

"That's right! I can be sure that Connor Ferguson’s breakthrough became a Level 1 wizard within a month. The last time I saw Connor Ferguson on the train from Ruen to Tunguska, he was still a high level wizard apprentice. His probability is Before half a month, the breakthrough was successful in Tunguska! "A glint flashed in her eyes, Isabella said firmly:

After listening to Isabella’s story, gray robed old man Adolf slightly nodded, then she said: "Although spiritual wizards are rare, But my old fogey has been walking in the wizard world for so many years, and I have been in contact with the spirit wizard. Even as a spirit wizard, the spirit strength of Connor Ferguson is very terrifying. "

"If I hadn't happened to have a demonized item on my body that could restrain the detection of spirit strength, I was afraid that he would have discovered it if I just entered the Westcore Bar! So I'm sure that the Old Guy from Reyes taught the "Abyss Secret Technique" that he had cultivated to Connor Ferguson! "

"If Connor Ferguson is really like Miss Isabella, and if the breakthrough you said has become a Level 1 wizard for less than a month, then he should be the The level 1 wizard is the strongest, and he has now become a Level 1 wizard. The innate talent spell should have evolved into a soul yoke, and with this soul yoke body protection, I can say that I win Connor Ferguson, but But it is also possible that Connor Ferguson was dragging perish together under the shackles of his soul. "At the end of the gray robed old man Adolf's voice was flat, but his tone was a bit helpless.

After listening to Adolf's description, Isabella, who knows how strong the gray robed old man is, also frowned secretly, and after a while, she continued to ask gray robed old man Adolf. : "Adolf teacher, Abyss Secret Technique's innate talent spell, is the soul yoke really as strong as the rumors? "

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