Wizard Count

Chapter 714

After speaking, Connor stood there, pondered for a while and said to Margaret: "Although old Victor is dead, I am almost certain that Edel bishop from Ruen Church is the Secret Society. I’m an undercover agent, so I plan to leave Ruen in a few days. My destination should be to return to Frosynone, where my family is. Margaret. Do you have any plans? Do you want to go with me?"

Hear Connor When asked if he wanted to go with him, a warm current flowed through Margaret's heart, but even so, Margaret shook the head without thinking, and then said softly, "No, although I want to leave Ruen and leave the church, I still have some things to do. "

Although Margaret didn't say what she was going to do, but since she said she had something to do, Connor was not trying to force her, and then said with a smile on her face: "In that case, Margaret, you After doing things, you must remember to come to the Ferguson family in Frosynone to find me!"

"Of course, there is an agreement between you and me. If you can’t do it, don’t blame me for treating you. You're welcome!" Margaret threatened Connor pretendingly and fiercely:

"If Connor can't do it, you don't need Margaret to do it, Connor Ferguson will apologize!" Connor said with a faint smile, The smile is full of confidence.

Seeing Connor so confident, Margaret once again gave Connor a big glance, but the next second she was pulled into her arms by Connor, and she stayed in her arms for a while. Connor seemed to have thought of something. I took out a space ring from the space ring and handed it to Margaret.

"What is this?" Margaret blinked beautiful eyes and looked curiously towards the space ring that Connor handed over.

"Ten thousand magic stones!" Connor shrugged said. Since Margaret won't go with him, it's time for the separation. Connor has nothing to give to Margaret, so he has to leave him alone. All of the magic stones in the world have been given to Margaret.

Faced with the "gift" Margaret handed over by Connor, Margaret seemed a little reluctant. Sakura lips lightly prepared to reject Connor's kindness. Seeing this, Margaret didn't wait for Margaret to refuse. Connor said again: "Have you forgotten our magic stone mine in Tunguska? Where do I go to harvest it next? Margaret, you will be the magic stone, it is divided into you in advance!"

When Connor said so, Margaret finally took it. The space ring that Connor handed over was placed in his pocket. When Margaret took his magic stone, Connor’s face appeared. A smile, before returning to the Ferguson family in Frosilone, he is indeed going to the magic stone mine in Tunguska...

But, Connor He still has reservations about Margaret's words. In addition to what he said to Margaret to search for the magic stone mine before leaving, Connor still has to do one thing, that is, the one near the magic stone mine. In the cave where he became the apprentice of the high level wizard last time through breakthrough, he tried to become an official wizard through breakthrough.

Connor, he has decided that he will try to break through and become an official wizard within a week. The signs of breakthrough on his body have become more and more obvious. It won’t be long before he can’t wait for him to return. The city of Frosynone is trying a breakthrough. In that case, the cave on the outskirts of Tunguska where he was the apprentice of the breakthrough high level wizard last time is undoubtedly the best place for Connor to try a breakthrough. It is hidden and safe, except for Connor himself. No second person knows.

And not far from the cave is the magic stone mine that Connor and Margaret discovered. Connor can take out the magic stone ore from the magic stone mine and use it directly in the within cave after refining it. The whole process only takes about a day to complete.

After handing over the magic stone to Margaret, Connor said a few words to Margaret, and then he was about to leave Margaret’s room, but just as Connor walked to the door, When the door was about to open, Margaret seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Connor ·······"

Hearing Margaret's question, Connor turned around and looked at Valga, facing Connor's gaze, Margaret flashed bright light glittering twice, seeming to want to say something, but in the end Margaret still did not speak, and directed Connor shook the head, indicating that he had nothing to say.

Seeing Margaret repeating this way, Connor didn’t doubt that he had him. Margaret thought it was a parting soon. Margaret couldn’t help but a smile appeared on his face. He walked to Margaret again and scratched Margaret slightly. Cocked the bridge of his nose, he said: "Margaret, you will finish your work soon, come to Frosynone to find me early. At that time, I think I will give you a big surprise!"

"en!" In front of Connor, Margaret concealed the different color in his eyes and gently complied:

Gently kissed Margaret's clean forehead, and Connor left Margaret's room with confidence.

But what Connor absolutely didn't expect was that after realizing that he had gone far, Margaret didn't suppress his look. A pair of beautiful eyes clearly flashed a hint of doubt.

Margaret is certain that it was the first time she saw Valga daoist in front of Connor’s room, the Secret Society drug genius behind Connor, she had only seen it from Martina before. , Valga's portrait, but I don’t know why. I just saw Valga at the door of Connor’s room, but it gave Margaret a very strong feeling of deja vu. This feeling is as if she had had an intense relationship with Valga a long time ago. Conflict...

After Valga's provocation, Margaret returned to the house. While angry with Connor, Margaret was also thinking about this secretly, trying to figure it out , Where did her deja vu feeling for Valga come from, and just one minute before Connor came to the room, Margaret finally figured out the source of this feeling, and at the same time, a hand-held short blade monster appeared in her mind. The item, a silhouette wearing a bronze-mask ·······

A few years ago, when Margaret was an apprentice to the intermediate wizard. She once found clues to the Secret Society by tracing the wraith incident in the northern suburbs of Ruen. Margaret followed this search and left it with Red-Clothed Archbishop Elena to her inside the Ruen Metropolitan Police Department, and discovered that Doctor Gulsey Private Hospital may be Secret Society is a secret stronghold in Ruen.

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