Wizard Count

Chapter 713

Connor shook the head, who thought for a while and still didn’t come up with anything. Now he only knows the name "Anduin Genoa", and he doesn’t know anything else. It’s too difficult to figure out what Martina has to say, but anyway, I have already planned to return to the Ferguson family of Frosynone. The Navas Forest is only a hundred miles away from the city of Frosynone. After I return to Frosynone, You can go and find out at any time, where to find new clues.

Thinking of this, Connor came back to his senses, turned his head and looked at Margaret again and said, "Apart from this, did Martina tell you anything?"

"No, Margaret told me so many things, and I also signed the oath of the Eye of Arbitration with her, so after she finished speaking, I watched her find a fisherman in Alaves fishing village, taking advantage of the night I set off to sea and headed towards Hoy's new continent!" Margaret shook the head said:

Seeing this, Connor thought about it, slightly nodded, and then looked towards Margaret and asked: " Margaret, do you remember that you told me about Stefano Ferguson a few years ago?"

"Remember, what's the matter?" Hearing Connor suddenly mentioned this one from several years ago Matter, Margaret nodded replied under Connor’s gaze:

"You once told me that Stefano Ferguson is the ancestor of our Ferguson family, and from the perspective of generation, it is still my great aunt. And also showed me Bolitano was taken away by Victor from the church secret cell in Kaiserslauternberg and the first half of Bolitano’s interrogation by the church..." Speaking of this, Connor stopped talking and looked towards Margaret very solemnly, and then under Margaret's surprised gaze, he said solemnly one word at a time: "Margaret, can you show me the second half of Bolitano's church interrogation now?" "

"Connor, why did you suddenly ask about this?" In front of Connor, Margaret didn't hide her doubts about Connor's sudden raising of this question, and asked Connor unexpectedly:

Holding Margaret's slightly cold jade hand, Connor said very solemnly: "Margaret, this matter is very important to me, very important! If possible, I hope you can tell you about this matter. Tell me everything about it!"

When Connor said that, under Connor’s gaze, Margaret had a look that looked embarrassing on her beautiful face. She hesitated, then Wei Wei sighed, as if made up some kind of determination, and then she started from Take out a picture bead from the space ring.

Margaret hit the technique to the Shadow Bead, and the Shadow Bead immediately released a light curtain, and above the light curtain, a look of wilt appeared, riddled with scars all over his arms and legs. After the chains, he looked like a thin old man who was being interrogated.

Seeing this picture on the light curtain that Margaret showed him a few years ago, Connor’s eyes immediately squinted. If Reyes is really Stefano Ferguson, she was pregnant before she was married. The illegal child who came down, then the relationship between him and Bolitano is his uncle and nephew. From this point of view, it seems that the old Victor broke into the Storm Church in Kaiserslautenberg to rescue Bolitano and rescued Bolitano, which seems to be explainable. NS!

But in the fight with old Victor that day, old Victor told Reyes to be Stefano Ferguson’s illegal child, snort disdainfully, thinking that it was a total lie. Old Victor still Said that he knows about Reyes' life experience. As long as Connor defeats him, he can tell Connor what the truth is, but it is embarrassing that Connor has not had time to kill the old Victor. The old Victor died in Margaret. Hand...

In short, Connor couldn’t believe Martina’s statement and Victor’s denial, so he now needs Margaret’s video to provide him with answers.

"Connor, all of the video is here, watch it for yourself!" Pointing to the light curtain released by the photo-bead, Margaret still looked a little embarrassed and said:

Because all the attention was focused on Bolitano's interrogation on the light curtain, Connor did not notice the embarrassment on Margaret's pretty face, but only slightly nodded to signal that he heard it.

Under the start of Margaret, Bolitano on the light curtain began to speak of which:

"My name is Bolitano, and I have been cultivating the Meditation Method for three years. The source of the Meditation Method is I found it from a classic in the dowry brought by my grandmother Stefano Ferguson from the Ferguson family..."

The old Bolitano in the light curtain His voice spoke slowly, but to Connor’s surprise, Bolitano in the light curtain repeated not shortly in the following time. The content he just described above did not change the slightest. Seeing this sudden, The emergence of an unbelievable event made the prepared Connor stunned. A few seconds later, he frowned and cast doubtful eyes on Margaret, who was standing on the side with an awkward look.

Feeling Connor’s puzzled gaze, Margaret whispered apologetically: "Sorry, Connor I deceived you that time. The old Victor led someone into the church in Kaiserslauternberg that day. After being in the prison, while rescuing Bolitano from the prison, all the videos of Bolitano's interrogation were destroyed, and the two church Arbitrators who were in charge of interrogating Bolitano were all killed!"

"Connor, the video you see now is the only clip saved by the alchemist of the church through technical means. As for the remaining interrogation video, it has been completely destroyed and impossible to restore!"

"At the time, Connor, my goal of showing you this video was not simple. At the time, I knew that you were a member of Secret Society. Although I didn’t know that your mentor was a professor of Secret Society, I guessed your identity in Secret Society. It’s not normal, so I showed you this video because I wanted to cheat you to get news from the Secret Society! I’m very sorry!” After saying that, Margaret stood aside like a little girl who did something wrong. Looked at Connor.

For Margaret’s apology, Connor smiled bitterly and shook the head, then waved his hand to Margaret and said, “It’s okay! This video is only a reference for me in the end, it’s not true. You don’t need to blame yourself so much!"

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