Wizard Count

Chapter 505

There was nothing unusual on the street. The strong young man who got off the carriage first took out a key from his pocket and opened the big iron of the Cassano Manor. The door, then gently patted carriage, and then in the next second, another strong young man walked down carrying a large wooden box from the carriage. The two young men carried the large wooden box together and walked into the card. Sano Manor, after two people entered the Cassano Manor, the gate of the Cassano Manor was tightly sealed again.

Looking at this scene in front of your eyes, a sneer appeared at the corners of Connor's mouth hidden in a hidden corner of the street. These two sturdy young men looked like a wizard. Although these two people used spell to hide the cultivation base, but in the face of Connor’s powerful spirit strength, the true cultivation base of these two people is still invisible in Connor’s eyes. Both are primary level wizard apprentices, and the two in the intelligence revealed to him by Margaret are responsible for the execution. The Arbitrator's strength is the same as described.

If this were the case, then, as Connor expected, the big wooden box that the two people had just carried into the Cassano Manor contained the poor worm to be executed?

There was a playful smile at the corner of his mouth. Connor really didn’t expect that he would do the work of the practice ground one day, even though the practice ground is really too small... ···

Squeezing the top hat he was wearing, Connor put a pair of black leather gloves on himself, and then everyone on the street in Connor didn’t pay attention. The black robe on his body was shaken. It was over the walls of Cassano Manor and entered the Cassano Manor.

Although Cassano Manor is called a manor, it is not very large in terms of area. It is not so much a manor, but a larger yard. The entire yard is laid by the church. A soundproof, concealed energy fluctuation Formation, but this Formation is undoubtedly without any difficulty for Connor, who has studied on Formation. Connor entering the manor simply did not touch any restrictions in Formation, nor did it cause this time. Any attention from the two Arbitrators in the manor.

"Maguire, hurry up and open this damn wooden box, and then kill this guy. The grievance here is too heavy. How many people did Heaven knows church kill here? "Among the two Arbitrators, the tall and blonde-haired Arbitrator complained to the other Arbitrator, who was slightly short and brown-haired, and then threw a brass key at it.

This slightly shorter brunette Arbitrator looks more like an honest person, unlike the taller Arbitrator who has so many complaints in his mouth. After catching the brass key thrown by the taller Arbitrator Smiling shrugged, he took out a brass key similar to his tall Arbitrator from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole of the wooden box.

Connor hiding in the dark felt the energy fluctuations released from the wooden box after the brass key was inserted into the keyhole, and a strange color appeared in his eyes. This look The big wooden box, which seemed to be no different from the ordinary wooden box, turned out to be a demonized item that looked pretty good, which was quite unexpected.

The brown-haired Arbitrator opened the wooden box, and Connor finally saw the prisoner in the wooden box.

This prisoner looks like a male. He is wearing a white prison shirt covered with blood. His hair and beard are messy and he can’t see his appearance. He is covered with scars. It may have been too long since he has cleaned up his personal hygiene. As soon as it appeared, there was a faint sour smell in the air. Although he couldn't see his appearance, the person gave Connor the feeling that he was not in his grade.

At this time, the Storm Church prisoner was curled up in the wooden box. He looked very weak and seemed to hang up at any time.

I glanced at the prisoner once, and Connor’s spirit strength was concentrated on the man’s two ankles, two wrists, and neck. Although these three positions were covered by clothes, he was The alchemist can still feel the energy fluctuations faintly emitted by the demon ring from above. The demon ring is a unique demonized item of Storm Church. It is said that after the official wizard, after wearing this thing, the whole body Mana and spirit strength have been imprisoned, reduced to a useless person, let others slaughter!

Picking the prisoner out of the wooden box and throwing it on the ground, the brown-haired Arbitrator and the tall Arbitrator looked at each other. The tall Arbitrator’s eyes were focused on the prisoner’s body, then the brown hair Arbitrator walked to the prisoner's body, rolled up the sleeves of his prison uniform, played a technique, and took off the demon ring from the prisoner's wrist.

Seeing all this in his eyes, there are three more red steel pills in Connor's hand, but Connor specially prepared for today, as long as the brown Arbitrator removes all five demon rings from the prisoner Take it off and Connor will do it.


As the devil ring on the prisoner’s neck made a crisp sound, it fell on the hands of the brunette Arbitrator, and the five devil rings were all It was taken from the prisoner. The tall Arbitrator did not hesitate at all. When he flipped his hand, he took out a large bucket of kerosene from the space ring to pour it on the prisoner who was still curled up on the ground. It was also at this time. Connor's eyes were mimicked, and when his hands were about to eject the red steel pellets in his hands, something happened that neither Connor nor the two Arbitrators had expected.

The weak prisoner who was about to be doused with Fireball on his body and burned to death, unexpectedly did not know when a sharp blade suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he violently stabbed the sharp blade at the tall Arbitrator In the heart of Arbitrator, a tall man holding a barrel of kerosene, although he did not expect the prisoner’s sudden attack, he responded very quickly, directly blocking the prisoner’s sudden knife with the barrel of kerosene with his hand.

Pulling the oil barrel away with a sharp blade in his hand, the prisoner did not care about the entanglement. He immediately opened the door and ran wildly. At this time, the two Arbitrators, one tall and one short, were already reacting. What happened, I hurriedly chased it out.

Looking at this scene completely in his eyes, the surprised Connor touched his nose, and then a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then his body flashed, and when he appeared again, he was already standing. He was struggling to rush behind the prisoner in a remote street, and felt Connor appear behind him. Although the prisoner's eyes revealed a touch of horror, the strange sharp blade appeared in his hand again, and he pierced Connor subconsciously.

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