Wizard Count

Chapter 504

"Use demonic beast to test the medicine?" After hearing Connor's answer, Margaret looked surprised, as if he was very surprised by Connor's answer.

Connor heavily nodded, indicating that Margaret heard it right, that he really wanted to use demonic beast to test the medicine.

After digesting the shock that Connor brought to himself, Margaret thought for a while, and continued to ask Connor to prove: "Connor, your medicine for testing, is it for people to use? Or is it for demonic beasts? Used?"

"For human use! An ancient Byzantine potion, because it is too long ago, although it is configured according to the pharmacy, we are not sure whether that potion is still useful for us. So I want to test the drug!" In order to let Margaret better help himself to solve the problem, Connor thought about it and decided to disclose more information to Margaret.

Hearing the word "we" in Connor's mouth undoubtedly attracted Margaret's attention. For Connor, as an alchemist, he never lacked medicine. Margaret I have always been curious, and in several joint battles with Connor, Connor has sent a few bottles of potions. After knowing the quality of the potions in Connor's hands, Margaret has always suspected that Connor has a very good Potion by his side. Master, provide him with potions. Now Connor’s slip of the word "we" has deepened Margaret’s confidence in his own guesses.

The woman’s instinct told Margaret that the Potion Master next to Connor is very likely to be A woman, and still a very beautiful woman, and the relationship between this very beautiful woman and Connor must be unusual. Thinking of this, Margaret's heart can't help but taste very much

"You Stupid! Why do you use demonic beast to test the medicine for people?" Although there is no taste in his heart, Margaret pretended to be the same as usual in order to prevent Connor from discovering his mental activities. :

"I also know that the demonic beast is not a good way to test the medicine for people, but this medicine is for the wizard. Where can I find some medicines that are willing to give me a test? The wizard?" Connor, who didn’t pay attention to Margaret’s abnormality, said with a bitter smile:

Hearing Connor’s complaint, Margaret chuckled and did not directly answer Connor’s question, but took it out of the space ring. A very delicate gold ring inlaid with this pale-yellow gem, and a suitcase were handed to Connor and said:

"This ring is my only defensive item, three months later When I come back from the Heart of the Storm, Connor, you must see you fix it, and the contents in the suitcase are alchemy materials that you may need to use, knowing that your habits have increased a lot! "

Receiving the suitcase and Mallorcan ring that Margaret handed over, Connor put it back in his space ring, and said in deadly earnest to Margaret: "Don't worry, yours If I can’t repair a Mallorcan ring for you, I will refining one for you, but of course you have to make the material yourself."

Giving Connor a big roll of eyes, Margaret narrowed the smile on his face, considered the words and said to Connor: "Connor, you should have heard the rumors of the Faticaro church? "

Hearing Margaret mentioned the rumors of the Faticaro church, Connor froze for a moment, and then as if he understood something, he pointed at Margaret nodded.

"The rumors are not wrong. Where is the Faticaro church? There is a secret prison where the black wizard is held, where the primary level wizard apprentices arrested by the church are held. Because the space in the secret prison is limited, the church will execute several people every once in a while, and tomorrow will be the church executing one. The time and place of the prisoner's execution was at 10 o'clock in the morning at the Cassano Manor in the southern district of Ruen. The two primary level wizard apprentices, Arbitrator, were responsible for the execution. "Margaret introduced in a low voice:

"Margaret, you mean let me rob the field? "Thinking about the information Margaret said, Connor frowned asked Margaret:

"Connor, one thing you may not know is that there are two secret prisons in the Ruen church. One is Faticaro who is responsible for detention. The black wizard of the primary level wizard apprentices, while the intermediate and high level wizard apprentices are imprisoned in the dungeon under the storm cathedral. For the church, Faticaro’s imprisonment is just a little bit. There is some value, they have already been killed. "

"In the Cassano Manor, they will be tortured by fire. After the fire is over, their remaining G ash will be transported to the nearest garbage station, as long as you do it, Connor It’s not too much of a problem if it’s pretty and doesn’t reveal too much strength, nor did the two guys responsible for the execution of it, there is no big problem. Now Ruen church has its own internal power, Edel and Langley are fighting together. No one has a leisurely mind and cares about the life and death of a small person! "Margaret said indifferently:

"I told you what I should tell you. As for whether you want to go, it's up to you to see Connor! "Margaret said with a faint smile, after she finished talking about her beautiful eyes like limpid autumn water, she took a deep look at Connor, and then to Connor's surprise, Margaret suddenly came over, and the warm fragrance C was in Connor's mouth C A light stamp was printed on it, and before Connor could react, Margaret had already left a sentence, "Goodbye, goodbye in three months!" "Then chuckled lightly, left the warehouse, and disappeared into the dark night of Ruen.

In the warehouse, under the bright moonlight, Connor, who was still standing in the same place, felt what Margaret had left behind. Anxiang lightly touched the mouth that had just been printed by Margaret's cherry lips, and then shook the head with a wry smile, and then disappeared into the warehouse as soon as she flashed.

····· ··········


At 9:58 the next day, Ruen South In the hidden corner of the streets of the Cassano Manor, Connor, wearing a top hat, secretly looked at him, in front of the Cassano Manor, two hundred meters away from him, exactly the same as Margaret said. A black carriage stopped in front of the Cassano Manor. A strong young man walked off the carriage and began to observe.

Whether it’s the security or the residents of the southern Ruen district The economic situation, there is no doubt that there is a significant gap between the other three districts, but near the Cassano Manor, it may be the reason why the only one storm church in the southern Ruen district stands nearby, so this area is still good. Therefore, the street in front of the Casano Manor is still very quiet.

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